Moral Theory and Principles of Ethics Flashcards
what is consequentialism?
it promotes best consequences
what is deontology?
it is in accord with moral rule or principle
what is virtue ethics?
it is what virtuous agents would do in the circumstances
what is utilitarianism?
the greatest good for the greatest number of people (consequentialism)
what is a weakness of consequentialism?
sometimes actions that lead to the best consequences may be wrong in themselves and people may be treated unjustly
what is a weakness of deontology?
consequences matter and how do you decide duties of hierarchy?
what is a weakness of virtual ethics?
how do you decide on virtues? they may be culturally specific
what are the 4 principles?
beneficence, respect for autonomy, non-maleficence, justice
what is the doctrine of double effect?
good must outweigh the bad, the bad must not be a means to the good, the action must be good independent of its consequences
what is justice?
everyone gets equal access to the NHS, time and treatment-share limited resources, fairness