Mood disorders Flashcards
1) Neuropsych diseases account for ___ causes of world wide disability
2) depression affects ___ people worldwide
3) depression and mood disorders = ___% of all disability
4) what is #1 and #2 most common psych illness
1) more than half
2) affects 120 million people
3) 25% of all disability
4) #1 = anxiety disorder #2 = mood disorder
diagnosis of depression requires
5+ symptoms of depression for 2+ weeks
change from previosu function
AND sad mood or anhedonia
symptoms of depression
1) sleep (insomnia/hypersomnia)
2) interest decr
3) guilt excessive
4) energy decr
5) appetite decr
6) concentration decr
7) anhedonia
8) psychomotoric changes (incr or decr activity)
9) suicidal ideation- plan or intent
subcategories of depression
1) atypical
2) psychotic depression
3) melancholic
4) seasonal affective
subcategories of depression
mood reactivity
leaden paralysis
incr appetite, weight gain, hypersomnia
responds to antidepressants better
high incidence with bipolar depression
subcategories of depression
psychotic depression
occur with auditory hallucination = no good, kill self
nihilistic delusion, delusion of poverty
treat = antipsych + antidepressiants
subcategories of depression
mood worse in morning
anorexia, weight loss
psychomotor retard
subcategories of depression
seasonal affective
worse in fall/winter
better spring/summer
bipolar disorder
bipolar 1 vs 2
bipolar 1 = frank mania (3:1 depression: mania)
bipolar 2 = hypomania (shorter mania, less social problem) + major depression (37:1)
bipolar disorder
4 domains
1) manic mood and behavior = euphoria, grandiosity, pressured speech, impusle, incr libido, reckless, decr need for sleep
2) dysphoric mood and behavior = depression, anxiety, hostile, suicide
3) psychosis = delusions, hallucinations
4) cognitive symptoms = racing thoughts, disorganize, inattentive
abnormally and elevate expansive or irritable mood for 1+ week
w/ 3 or more symptoms = euphoric
w/ 4 or more symptom = irritable
mneumonic for symptoms of mania
1) distractability
2) insomnia
3) grandiosity
4) flight of ideas
5) activity (incr energy/activity)
6) speech (pressure/nonstop)
7) thoughtlessness
hypomaniac symptoms
same as mania but not as long and not as significant social impairment
DDx for mood disorder –> depressive diosrder
1) disruptive mood dysregulation disorder = severe recurrent tempers, kids
2) major depressive disorder
3) persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia)
4) substance/med induced depression
5) premnstrual dysphroic disorder
6) other specified
DDx for mood disorder –> bipolar disorder
1) bipolar 1
2) bipolar 2
3) cyclothymic disorder
4) substance/med induced bipolar
5) other specified bipolar
6) unspecified bipolar and related diosrder