monitoring complex labour Flashcards
When to begin cardiotocograph antenatally ?
Mother: MP >120bpm x2 30mins apart
Temp 38> 0r 37.5 x2 1hour apart
2+ pro in urinalysis with hypertension
pain differ from cont
significant mec
Risk Factors
Baby: abnormal presentation
Transverse or oblique lie
high head ?fetal growth restriction ahydramnios polyhydramnios Abnormal FH/Decel Reduced FM
When to begin CTG in labour?
Mother: MP >120bpm x2 30mins apart Temp 38> 0r 37.5 x2 1hour apart Hypertension 2+ pro in urinalysis with hypertension ?chrorioamnionitis or sepsis pain differ from cont significant mec PROM>24 Risk Factors Vaginal bleeding confirmed delay Hypertonus or tachysystole oxytocin
Baby: ?fetal growth restriction ahydramnios polyhydramnios Abnormal FH/Decel Reduced FM
When to document normal CTG?
Hourly - more frequent if any concerns
When to monitor/document contractions?
1/2 hourly
What is the baseline influenced by?
both sympathetic and parasympathetic NS
Raised nerve impulse and catecholamine
reduce acetylcholiine
What is the variability controlled by?
sympathetic and parasympathetic
What can influence variability?
sleep cycling
maternal opiates
Fetal hypoxia
Describe accelerations
Controlled by somatic NS
Occur as a result of fetal activity
increase 15 beat 15sec
What are decels?
Drop in FHR 15 beat for 15sec
Implys hypoxia
Protective function
Describe earlys
start with contraction return to baseline with contraction
look the same but upsidedown
Describe variables
vary in shape timing and form
last <60sec
concerning : last >60sec no shouldering reduced variability within decel fail/slow to return to baseline
What is a reassuring trace?
110-160BPM Variability 5-25bpm Accelerations present Decels: none or early variable no concerning features <90mins
Whats a non-reassuring trace?
100-109bpm Or 161-180
variablity <5bpm/50mins
>25 25mins
Decels: variable no concerning features >90mins
variables with concerning characteristics upto50% for 30mins
Variables with concerning characteristics >50% of cont <30
Late decels 50% cont <30 mins no risk factors
<100 >180 Variable <5bpm/>50mins >25bpm/>25mins sinusodial Variable with concerning features >50%/>30mins Lates decels 30mins acute bracy or prolonged decel >3mins
What is
pathological trace?
Normal - all features are reassuring
abnormal - 1 non-reassuring and 2 reassuring
Pathological- 2 non-reassuring or 1 abnormal
What is the management of a suspicious CTG?
correct underlying cause hypotension hyperstimulation Full Obs conservative measures inform obstetrician document all and plan for obs <1hour
What is the management of a pathological CTG?
Full obs Inform obstetrician/coordinator r/v Exclude acute events correct underlying cause hypotension hyperstimulation conservative measures
If still path- further r/v
fetal scalp stimulation
Consider FBS or expediting birth
Manage an brady or prolonged decel
Urgent help rule out acute event correct underlying causes start conservative measures prep for urgent birth consider expediting birth
Describe gradually evolving hypoxia..
9 steps
normal ctg - decels- loss of acels- catecholamines-raising baseline reduce variability- baseline instability - terminal brady - fetal demise
whats a subacute hypoxia
HR in a decel more than at baseline
indications for FBS
no response to digital stimulus
contraindications for FBS
prolonged brady
prolonged 2nd stage
maternal pyrexia or sepsis
Normal :7.25>
Borderline: 7.21-7.24
Abnormal <7.20
Lacates: For FBS
Normal 4.1mmol/l<
Bordline 4.2-4.8mmol/l
Abnormal 4.9mmol >
PH: cord bloods
Venous 7.35
Base deficit: cord bloods
Arterial 2.3mmo/l
Venous 2.9mmol/l
What is acidaemia?
Low blood PH
What is Acidosis ?
Low blood and tissue PH
What is hypoxemia?
Low 02 in the blood
What is hypoxia ?
Low 02 in the tissue and the blood