Money Heist - paper 2 Flashcards
What are the codes and conventions of the heist genre?
-planning and showing how their plan should go ahead->the audience sees parts of the plan but some isn’t revealed
-protagonist usually goes into the building quietly but then something goes wrong and the police get involved
-the protagonists are the robbers and the antagonists are the police
-binary oppositions
-hybrid->crime, comedy/gangster->Money Heist is more gangster (heist)
-masks, weapons, set in banks, casinos, duffle bags, outfits to blend in
What are the codes and conventions of characters in the heist genre?
-often a mastermind/chief
-computer genius
-the hot head/slipper upper, one who doesn’t think things through
-love aspect (usually causes things to go wrong)
-family connection
What is the usual narrative structure of the heist genre?
-Todorov->something always goes wrong and at the end there is some sort of confrontation in relation to the law vs order
What are the expectations based on the image publicity?
What are the expectations based on the trailer?
What are the first impressions of Tokyo after the initial episode?
-she seems quite cautious
-the episode/series 1 is mainly from her perspective
-she does what she is told and doesn’t add feelings into it
What are the first impressions of Berlin after the initial episode?
-seems like a good mind player
-uses psychology to manipulate people
-plays on people’s emotions to gain control and power over them
What are the first impressions of Moscow after the initial episode?
-doesn’t really think things through
-is good in the missions
What are the first impressions of Denver after the initial episode?
-is quite reckless and doesn’t really think before he does things
-he’s quite hot headed
What is Moscow and Denver’s relationship?
father and son
What are the first impressions of Helsinki and Oslo (Serbs) after the initial episode?
-they are the ‘stereotype’ of Serbian men that would do anything without remorse and just do what they are told
-gun men
What are the first impressions of Nairobi after the initial episode?
-she seems somewhat crazy
-unpredictable but has a caring side when talking to hostages
What are the first impressions of the Professor after the initial episode?
-he is the mastermind/genius behind the plot
-very clever
-every detail is planned out
What are the first impressions of Rio after the initial episode?
-computer genius/hacker
-can stop alarms
-youngest and most caring/naive->could become a flaw and impact his judgement
What are the first impressions of Alison Parker/Little Lamb after the initial episode?
-the most important person out of all of the hostages
-used to the main characters as leverage so that the police and army can’t shoot because of how important she is