Moment 14 Flashcards
Presley: … all I could see was fear.
Cosmo: …You like talking about the past, don’t you?
Presley: It makes me feel … comfy.
Cosmo: Comfy?!
Presley: What’s wrong with that?
Cosmo: ‘What’s wrong with -?’ Listen, Mr Chocolate, there’s only one thing in life that guarantees an authentic comfy feeling. Know what it is?
Presley: What?
Cosmo: That!
Presley: … Money?
Cosmo: Money! … Shall I tell you something? Once I did not have any money. Not a fucking penny. You know what my comfy level was then?
Presley: What?
Cosmo: Zero! Then one day I thought, ‘Cosmo’, I thought, it’s about time you bucked your ideas up. Time you got out there and made yourself some money.’ So that’s what I did,
Presley: … What?
Cosmo: What ‘what’?
Presley: What did you do? To make money.
Cosmo: … Different things.
Presley: What exactly?
Cosmo: You are one nosey human being.
Presley: What did you do -?
Cosmo: It don’t fucking matter! It’s all … ancient history.
Presley: … Well, what’re doing to make money now, then?
Cosmo: Jesus! Why’re you so bother? All you want is enough money for your chocolate. You ain’t interested in anything else?
Presley: I am! I’m interested in you, Cosmo.
Cosmo: … You sure you ain’t homosexual?
Presley: Yes. How many more times?
Cosmo: Yes, you’re sure you are, or yes, yes you’re you ain’t?
Presley: Yes I’m sure … I ain’t.
Cosmo: I don’t know, Mr Chocolate. Some things you say sound a little … suspect.
Presley: Like being interested in you?
Cosmo: That’s right. Now let’s get one thing clear. I do not want friends. Understand? I do not want them and I have not got any.
Presley: What about the one who’s gone to get the car.
Cosmo: He is not my friend. He’s my work associate.
Presley: You looked very close.
Cosmo: What you bloody inferring?
Presley: Nothing. You just looked close.
Cosmo: Just because we’re both sitting in a gutter together don’t mean we’re close.
Presley: What’s his name?
Cosmo: Pitch.
Presley: Pitch?
Cosmo: Pitchfork.
Presley: Pitchfork?!
Cosmo: What’s wrong with that?
Presley: Oh, nothing.
Cosmo: Don’t look like nothing.
Presley: It just… surprised me. You don’t meet many people called Pitchfork. Or are there thousands of those in the phone book too?
Cosmo: No idea. Ain’t looked. Why should I? He’s not my friend.
Slight pause.
Presley: So… what do you do?
Cosmo: To earn money?
Presley: Yeah. Just … objective interest.
Cosmo: Just objective?
Presley: Yes.
Cosmo stares at Presley.
Suddenly Cosmo jumps into action.