Moment 12 Flashcards
Presley: You’re not looking at my photographs.
Cosmo: I am.
Presley: What was that one, then?
Cosmo: What d’you mean?
Presley: What’s this photo of? If you were looking, you should know.
Cosmo: You’re playing games again.
Presley: What’s it of?
Cosmo: All this chocolate can’t be doing your heart any good.
Presley: Don’t change the subject. What’s the photo of?
Cosmo: You?
Presley: No.
Cosmo: Your mummy?
Presley: No.
Cosmo: Your daddy?
Presley: No.
Cosmo: Your sister?
Presley: No.
Cosmo: Who else is there?
Presley: Our dog. Spookie.
Cosmo: A dog called Spookie?!
Presley: What’s wrong with that?
Cosmo: It’s bloody stupid.
Presley: Spookie’s a great name. Dad thought of it.
Cosmo: So where’s this Spookie now?
Presley: Dead.
Cosmo: Looks pretty healthy here.
Presley: That’s an old photo.
Cosmo: How’d it die?
Presley: Run over by a lorry.
Cosmo: You see it happen?
Presley: Yeah.
Cosmo: Was there much blood?
Presley: Lots. It ran in the gutter. People were staring.
Spookie’s tail was wagging.
Cosmo: That’s just nerves.
Presley: I know that. I’m not stupid.
Cosmo: No?
Presley: No.
Slight pause.
Cosmo: So what did Mummy and Daddy do when they found out you killed poor little Spookie?
Presley: I didn’t kill him!
Cosmo: What they do?
Presley: Bought me a bike.
I would rather not use my bike than spoil my perfect puncture outfit.
Cosmo: This your dad?
Presley: Yeah.
Cosmo: He looks big.
Presley: He was. Big and strong. He made cars.
Cosmo: What? All by himself?
Presley: No. With his mates from the factory.
They’re in a drawer over there. Want to see them?
Cosmo: Not particularly.
Presley: There’s one thousand, three hundred and twenty-eight.
Cosmo: You counted them?
Presley: Of course.
Cosmo: Why?
Presley: To see how many there were?
Cosmo: How did it take?
Presley: A whole night.
Cosmo: Why count them at night?
Presley: I usually sleep during the day.
Cosmo: But your sister sleeps at night.
Presley: Oh, she just sleeps.
Cosmo: When does she wake up?
Presley: When she wants something.
Cosmo: Have you always been … like this?
Presley: Course not. Don’t be stupid.
We’d go to bed at midnight.
Cosmo: So when did you start being … like this?
Presley: After Mum and Dad lose us.
Cosmo: Lost us?
Presley: No, left us.
Cosmo: You said ‘lost us’.
Presley: Didn’t.
Cosmo: Did.
Presley: Didn’t.
Cosmo: You said, ‘After Mum and Dad lost us.’
Presley: I couldn’t have said ‘lost us’. That makes no sense. How could they lose us? They died.
Cosmo: Ten years ago.
Presley: That’s right.
Cosmo: And they died in the same year?
Presley: On the same day.
Cosmo: The same day!
Presley: That’s right. One day they went out and never came back. We waited a very long time.
Presley: It must’ve been a car crash!
Presley: It wasn’t. I told you.
Cosmo: Train crash?
Presley: No.
Cosmo: A sheet of glass fell from a tall building and hit them?
Presley: No. Nothing like that.
Cosmo: It wasn’t an accident?
Presley: No.
Cosmo: And they weren’t ill or anything?
Presley: No.
Presley: That’s me and Haley. It’s the only photograph of the two of us together.
Cosmo: How old are you?
Presley: You know that. We’re twenty-eight.
Cosmo: In the photograph, Mr Chocolate.
Presley: Oh, six.
Cosmo: What forest you in?
Presley: It’s not a forest.
Cosmo: Looks like one.
Presley: It’s a reptile house in a zoo.
Cosmo: You look bloody terrified.