Molecules of Life II/Cells Week 3 Flashcards
Which of the following is NOT true of mitochondria?
They divide independent of the nucleus.
They have double membranes.
They function independent of the nucleus.
They have their own genes.
They function independent of the nucleus.
Which of these is NOT a component of the cytoskeleton?
Actin filaments
Intermediate filaments
All eukaryotic cells have the following EXCEPT _____________
Plasma membrane
Cell wall
Cell Wall
Which of these is NOT a characteristic of enantiomers?
They have the same empirical formulas.
They are mirror images of each other.
They form chiral structures.
They have the same arrangements in space.
They have the same arrangements in space.
Which of the following components of the cell theory is in line with the theory of evolution?
Cells are either prokaryotic or eukaryotic.
All living things are made of cells.
Cells are the basic unit of life.
Cells arise from pre-existing cells
Cells arise from pre-existing cells
Which of the following is True of prokaryotic cells?
They have membrane enclosed nucleoid.
They have ribosomes for protein synthesis.
They have functional structures that isolates reactions.
They have extensive endomembrane system
They have ribosomes for protein synthesis.
Which of these statements about bacteria cell wall is FALSE?
All bacteria have cell wall.
All bacteria cell wall are made up of peptidoglycan.
All bacteria cell wall protects the cell.
All bacteria cell wall gives shape to the cell.
All bacteria have cell wall.
The space in eukaryotic cells where the largest cytoskeletal elements are assembled is known as ____________.
Cisternal space
If you want to observe internal structures of a specimen that are 1nm apart, the microscope that will give you the best results is _______________.
Con-focal microscope
Phase contrast microscope
Transmission electron microscope
Scanning electron microscope
Transmission electron microscope
If a cell is secretory in its primary function, which of the following do you expect to be in high numbers in the cell? ___________________
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
Rough Endoplasmic reticulum
Rough Endoplasmic reticulum
9 + 2 arrangements of microtubules is present in _________________.
cilia of prokaryotes and eukaryotes
cell wall of prokaryotes
flagella of eukaryotes
flagella of prokaryotes
flagella of eukaryotes
Which of these is absent in RNA?
Numerous short fingerlike projections on the surface of bacteria cells that are used for movement are likely to be _______________.
Which of these help extra cellular matrix to connect to cytoskeleton?
Cell walls
Which of these is NOT a component of the cytoskeleton?
Actin filaments
Intermediate filaments
Which of the following is NOT true of the cytoskeleton in eukaryotes?
They help with cell movement.
They are stable and static.
They keep organelles fixed in the cell.
They give shape to the cell.
They are stable and static.
One of the largest compartments inside eukaryotic cells is found in the ______________.
Rough ER
Rough ER
According to the endosymbiotic theory the nucleus of eukaryotic cells could have evolved from ________________.
Bacteria cell only
Bacteria or achaean cell
Archaean cell only
Bacteria or achaean cell
The following is true of functional groups EXCEPT_________________.
each group has unique properties.
influencing the behavior of some component of the molecule.
retaining characteristics irrespective of where they are attached.
bonding to carbon-hydrogen backbone.
influencing the behavior of some component of the molecule.
Which of these statements is NOT true?
Prokaryotic cells have DNA.
Prokaryotic cells have no membrane-bound organelles.
Prokaryotic cells have ribosome
Prokaryotic cells have cytoplasm.
Prokaryotic cells have no membrane-bound organelles.
The main difference between bacteria microcompartments and eukaryotic compartments is in _________________
how they function generally.
how they isolate metabolic reactions
how they are structured.
how they store cellular products.
how they are structured.
Which of these is true of the hydrogen bonds between nitrogenous bases of nucleotides?
Cytosine and Adenine form two bonds.
Purines sometimes pair with other purines.
Guanine and Cytosine bonds use the most energy.
Adenine and Thymine form three bonds.
Guanine and Cytosine bonds use the most energy.
Which of the following cells will be most efficient if they all have a spherical shape.
A cell of radius 2 micrometers.
A cell of radius 9 micrometers.
A cell of radius 6 micrometers.
A cell of radius 4 micrometers.
A cell of radius 2 micrometers