Molecular Orbital Theory (ch. 10.8) Flashcards
Define molecular orbital (MO) theory
Molecular orbitals with the lowest energy area the ____ approximations of the actual molecular orbitals
What does LCAO stand for?
Linear combinations of atomic orbitals
The Ō1s orbital is _____ in energy than than either of the the two 1s orbitals from which it was formed
Define bonding orbital
When electrons occupy bond molecular orbitals, the energy of the electrons is lower than it would be if they were occupying _____ _____
Atomic orbitals
Define antibonding orbital
e- in antibonding orbitals have ____ energies than they did in their respective atomic orbitals and therefore it tends to ____ the energy of the system
Higher raise (increase)
In general when two atomic orbitals are added together to form molecular orbitals, one of the resultant molecular orbitals will be _____ in energy (bonding orbital) than the atomic orbitals, and the other will be ____ in energy (antibonding orbital)
Bonding orbitals are the result of _____ interference
Anti bonding orbitals are the result of _____ interference
A bonding orbital has an _____ electron density in the internuclear region
An antibonding orbital has an _____ electron density in the internuclear region
Zero (a node occurs)
Why do bonding orbitals have a lower energy energy compared to orbitals of nonbonded atoms?
Because there is s greater electron density in the internuclear region
Antibonding orbitals generally have higher energies than orbitals of nonbonded atoms because…
Antibonding orbitals have less electron density in the internuclear region