Modules 50-1 Flashcards
Schizophrenia symtptoms
- disorganized thinking, speech, delusions
- disturbed perceptions; hallucinations
- unusual emotions and actions, including flat affect, and cataconia
- subtypes
- onset and course
causes of schizophrenia symptoms
- brain: dopamine overactivity
- abnormal brain anatomy and activity
- maternal virus during pregnancy
- associated genes
- social-psychological influences
the mind is split from reality (split from one’s own thoughts so that they appear as hallucinations)
refers to a mental split from reality and rationality
positive (presence) of problematic behaviors in schizo
- hallucinations, especially auditory
- delusions, especially persecutory and of grandeur
- disorganized thought and nonsensical speech (talking back to hallucinations)
- bizarre behaviors
negative (absence) of healthy behaviors in schizo
- flat affect (no emotion showing in the face)
- reduced social interaction
- anhedonia
- avolition
- alogia
- catatonia
no feeling of enjoyment
less motivation, initiative, focus on tasks
speaking less
moving less
perceptual experiences not shared by others
- often auditory hearing voices
could be visual, olfactory, tactile, or gustatory (taste)
flat affect
facial/body expression is “flat” with no visible emotional content
could also be “blunt” affect with still minimal emotional content
schizophrenia flat affect
odd and socially inappropriate responses like looking bored or amused while hearing of death
– impaired perception of emotions, including not “reading’ others’ intentions and feelings
schizophrenia inappropriate actions/behavior
- repetitive behaviors such as rocking and rubbing
- catatonia : sitting motionless and unresponsive for hours
Onset of schizo (timing when you get it in development)
symptoms appear at end of adolescence and in early adulthood (later for women than for men)
prevalence of schizo
1/100 (slightly more in men)
acute/reactive development of schizo
in reaction to stress, some people develop positive symptoms such as hallucinations
- recovery is likely
- also genetically predispositioned dont’ show until the traumatic event
chronic/process development of schizo
develops slowly with more negative symptoms such as flat affect and social withdrawal
- with treatment and support, there may be periods of normal life, but not a cure
- without treatment, this type often leads to poverty and social problems
subtypes of schizo
paranoid disorganized catatonic undifferentiated residual
paranoid schizo symptoms
plagued by hallucinations, often with negative messages, and delusions, both grandiose and persecutory