Module A: Power Flashcards
Lusting for power is
a driving force of the human condition
These texts emphasises the need
to be conscious of how we use authority and how this ultimately defines us
Richard’s hamartia is his
striving for power at all costs using Machiavellian political intrigue/expediency.
through Richard, S conveys
the corrupting force of power on the individual
the control or command over people and events
Power, the control or command over people and events is a
universal theme that transcends time and remains a key structural feature in society
As time progresses, the way authority has been expressed
has been significantly altered.
Comparing KRIII (1592) and P’s post-modernist meta documentary drama
provides insight into this evolution (of how the way authority has been expressed has been significantly altered.)
From these texts we realise the unchanging
abuse of power that still plagues society.
Both texts unified through the important human truths they convey
that force us to question our own morality and values
Establishing stability in a society can be achieved
to an extent through power
The impact on those in power, however,
is a double edged sword.
through S’s portrayal of R (vice of morality) he conveys
corrupting force of power on the individual
Referencing controversy of ‘The Prince’, S weaves
Machiavellian expediency through R’s actions, emphasising his hamartia as he pursues power at all costs.
In play’s perepetia
“There is no creature loves me. And if I die no soul shall pity me.”
Stream of consciousness
“There is no creature loves me. And if I die no soul shall pity me.”
Effect of stream of consciousness “There is no creature loves me. And if I die no soul shall pity me.”
complete isolation that results from suppressing humanity and lusting for power the individual. He is even isolated from himself.
“Richard loves Richard. That is I am I. Is there a murderer here? No. Yes I am.”
syntactically disjointed speech and dialogia
Effect “Richard loves Richard. That is I am I. Is there a murderer here? No. Yes I am.”
conveys internal confliction that can result when one suppresses their humanity in their pursuit of power.
Such abuse of power in KRIII would have resonated with a modern US audience following the
1970’s Watergate Scandal and the rise of powerful corporations.
Whilst we can appreciate S use of language techniques
to engage with his audience positioned further away, Pacino capitalises on the advantages of film to powerfully reiterate the destructive impact of holding power on the individual.
What is a truth conveyed by S through Hastings?
Earthly power is fleeting and ultimately meaningless.
Hastings reminds the audience that vanity and living only for power means we forget our spirituality and life’s meaning.
Hastings reminds the audience that vanity and living only for power means we forget our spirituality and life’s meaning.
“O momentary grace of mortal men/ Which we more hunt for than the grace of God.”
“O momentary grace of mortal men/ Which we more hunt for than the grace of God.” techniques
didactic lines and dramatic irony
S critiques his own society through his masterful use of language through dramatic irony and didactic lines recognising the challenges of theatre with his audience further away
Hastings “O momentary grace of mortal men/ Which we more hunt for than the grace of God.”
Through The bloody murder scene of Clarence, Pacino effectively affirms
R’s violent abuse of power and how it can distance one from their fellow man and their own conscience.
Chiaroscuro lighting of the
high angle close up shot of Clarence dressed in white, symbolising his innocence.
power still corrupts
individuals and lures them from their humanity
Whilst each composer conveys important truths about authority
through their respective texts, they were unable to do so without their own exercise of authority.
Under ultimate rule of Q E, S had to
affirm Tudor Myth that R was a deformed villain as depicted by Holinshed and Moore.
Despite S’s restrictions (due to censorship of Q E) he uses authority of language to
subtly convey moral maxims to an audience as he critiques Elizabethan society through lens of KRIII’s time. We realise power
Animal imagery of Richard by Richmond
“That bloody and usurping boar… that swills your warm blood like wash”
Effective”That bloody and usurping boar… that swills your warm blood like wash”
symbolism of untameable boar, most dangerous animal hunted in Renaissance period would have resonated with audience.
S extends metaphor of boar throughout play to
critique Q E brutal reign as she persecuted Catholics an maintained a strict social hierarchy, despite being in a time of relative peace.
Such an abuse of power by R and QE would have resonated with a modern US audience
following 1070`s Watergate Scandal and rise of powerful corporations.
Shakespeare skilful discretion of language
translated onto modern medium of film as Pacino portrays authorial power necessary to produce powerful texts.
Pacino portrays authorial power necessary to produce powerful texts. Depicted through his
slightly narcissistic approach to film, his enjoyment of power in ebing able to freely manipulate the film evident.
Through his own portrayal in film, P critiques
vanity of those in power in US and their disregard for society and its lower less privileged classes.
P starts to embody the truths which S conveys
cuts to Pacino and executives dining at expensive restuarants whilst Richmond`s actor judiciously prepares his lines and prepares for battle.
cuts to Pacino and executives dining at expensive restuarants whilst Richmond`s actor judiciously prepares his lines and prepares for battle. provides
insight into arrogance that those in power can gain.
We appreciate the enduring value of S paly in giving insight into influence of power on the works of playwrigths and recognise the immense power of LFR in conveying this to a modern audience
recognise the immense power of LFR in conveying this to a modern audinece
Hand held camera creates cinema verite/realism
“Hope you like turkey” laughing
Jeeering comment as he’s asked to vacate a café by police
“Hope you like turkey” laughing
Hand held camera creates cinema verite/realism
Effect “Hope you like turkey” laughing
Hand held camera creates cinema verite/realism
symbolises Us society’s critique of authority following the 1970’s watergate scandal and rise of powerful corporations in the 1990’s.
Whilst S uses dramatic irony, Pacino hast to achieve such effects
visually. Link to bloody Clarence scene
After R woos Lady Anne
cuts to R laughing like a psychopath surrounded in darkness shows viewers he deceived her. Audience may have missed this due to language barrier and seemingly penitent tone
Shall I be plain? I wish the bastards dead.
truncated sentence when brutally ordering death of young princes. plain language in contrast to irony and wit in other scenes emphasises brutalitly
Shall I be plain? I wish the bastards dead.
abuse of power will only occur when used for personal gain. S emphasises that most vulnerable in society often expereicne the greatest ramifications from such misuse of authority.