Evil/Iniquity Flashcards
Richard personifies evil as the Vice character, taking immense pleasure in his villainy
taking immense pleasure in his villainy
There is an enduring fascination with villains in literature
fascination with villains in literature and film
the fascination of examining what
motivates one to be/commit evil transcends time and contexts
S extends his portrayal of Richard beyond the vice of morality,
imbuing with very human and even heroic traits.
How does the audience gain Patho/empathy for R
through his stigmatising deformity as it provides him with some reason for his evil deeds
Through opening soliloquy “I am determined to prove a villain”, S references the
controversy surrounding ‘The Prince; in Elizabethan Society as secular notions of power began to challenge providential ideologies. Reveals his embodiment of evil and his plants to achieve miscreancy
effect “ I shall despair. There is no creature loves me and if I die no soul shall pity me”
emotive language appeals to pathos revealing R not stereotypical vice of morality plays, but has very human traits. his deformities have stigmatised him, leaving him truly isolated, providing a partial reason for his evil deeds.
Margaret’s acuity towards R’s evil, despite his duplicity revealed through declarative statement in curse
“Hie thee to hell for shame… Thou cacodemon! there thy kingdom is.”
effect “Hie thee to hell for shame… Thouh cacodemon! there thy kingdom is.”
Margaret’s acuity towards R’s evil, despite his duplicity revealed through declarative statement in curse. Conveys the inescapability of the consequences of evil
Shall I be plain? I wish the bastards dead
truncated sentences contrasting against his lyrical wit and irony to reiterate the brutality of his actions.
“I’ll have her but I’ll not keep her long”
frequent asides in dramatic monologue
effect “I’ll have her but I’ll not keep her long”
audience feels like R’s confidants as he commits evil, yet his humour depicts the allure of evil. In developing this relationship with R, S masterfully manipulates his audience’s emotions as whilst being shocked by his evil, they also want him to succeed.
After R woos Lady Anne in the film
cuts to R laughing like a psychopath surrounded in darkness shows viewers he deceived her. Audience may have missed this due to language barrier and seemingly penitent tone.
S uses language and irony to emphasise evil to audience, whilst P
relies on film to more explicitly convey the theme to an audience who may have misunderstood the truths due to the language barrier and secular context
unscripted dialogue in LFR
Kimble “But he has let the pursuit of power totally corrupt him. he is alienated from his own body and his own self”
effect But he has let the pursuit of power totally corrupt him. he is alienated from his own body and his own self” unscripted dialogue in LFR
conveys irony of committing evil for power and personal gain. The voice over reiterates the actor’s fascination of the lengths of evil R strives for.
Chiaroscuro lighting of the
high angle close up shot of Clarence dressed in white, symbolising his innocence.
Through The bloody murder scene of Clarence, Pacino
stresses evil of R’s actions, as emphasised through C’s apparent innocence and vulnerability ( he simplifies the plot with omissions of C’s evil past thus emphasising R’s evil)
Because of his egalitarian, more socially astute society, P focuses less
on R’s deformity which places more focus on his iniquitous actions.
Disccusions by other actors help to
stress theme of iniquity as they’re amazed at how many lines R crosses for power, conveying allure of evil.
P’s portrayal and exploration of R’s character represents a
liberal, humanist reading
Connections in portrayal of evil
both emphasise evil and its allure through exploring craftsmanship of performance and power of language.
theme of evil most evident in play when
R orders death of young princes and shows no remorse/guilt, emphasising limitlessness of evil actions that humans are capable of.