Module 9: Intelligence Tests Flashcards
Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale 5th Ed. (SB-5) [ C ]
originally created to identify mentally disabled children in Paris; first test to introduce the concept of an alternate item
What is the span of ages allowed to take the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale 5th Ed. (SB-5)?
2-85 years old
Is the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale 5th Ed. (SB-5) group or individually administered?
individually administered
Is the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale 5th Ed. (SB-5) criterion or- norm-referenced?
What are the scale formats for the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale 5th Ed. (SB-5)?
age scale and point-scale format
What did the 1908 scale of the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale 5th Ed. (SB-5) introduce?
1908 Scale introduced Age Scale format and Mental Age
What did the 1916 scale of the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale 5th Ed. (SB-5) apply?
1916 scale significantly applied IQ concept
What are the standard scores of the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale 5th Ed. (SB-5)?
100 (mean), 15 (SD)
What are the scaled scores of the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale 5th Ed. (SB-5)?
10 (mean), 3 (SD)
The Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale 5th Ed. (SB-5) was co-normed with what tests?
co-normed with Bender-Gestalt and Woodcock-Johnson Tests
The Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale 5th Ed. (SB-5) was based on what tests?
based on Cattell-Horn-Carroll Model of General
Intellectual Ability
Does the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale 5th Ed. (SB-5) have accommodation for PWDs?
no accommodations for PWDs
What is the content of the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale 5th Ed. (SB-5)?
+ 2 routing tests (task used to direct or route the examinee to a particular level of questions)
+ w/ teaching items, floor level, and ceiling level
+ provides behavioral observations during administration
What does the first edition of the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale 5th Ed. (SB-5) lack?
First ed lacks representativeness of the
standardization sample
What did the earlier versions of the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale 5th Ed. (SB-5) use?
earlier versions employed Ratio IQ, which was based on the concept of Mental Age
What did the 1960 revision of the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale 5th Ed. (SB-5) consist of and use?
1960 revision had consisted of single form and the use of Deviation IQ
Ratio IQ
testtaker’s mental age divided by chronical age, multiplied by 100
Deviation IQ
reflects a comparison of the performance of the individual with the performance of others of the same age in the standardization sample
What was the difference between the SB-4 and SB-5?
SB-4 had Point Scale, which was the test was organized into subtests by category of item, not by age at which most testtakers are presumed capable of responding in the way that is keyed as correct
What are the scales of the SB-5?
- Verbal
- Non-verbal
- Full Scale IQ (FSIQ)
What are the factors for the SB-5?
- Fluid Reasoning (FR)
- Knowledge (KN)
- Qualitative Reasoning (QR)
- Visual-Spatial Processing (VS)
- Working Memory (WM)
What is the category if a person scores an IQ range of 145-160 for the SB-5?
Very gifted or highly advanced
What is the category if a person scores an IQ range of 130-144 for the SB-5?
Gifted or very advanced
What is the category if a person scores an IQ range of 120-129 for the SB-5?
What is the category if a person scores an IQ range of 110-119 for the SB-5?
High average
What is the category if a person scores an IQ range of 90-109 for the SB-5?
What is the category if a person scores an IQ range of 80-89 for the SB-5?
Low average
What is the category if a person scores an IQ range of 70-79 for the SB-5?
Borderline impaired or delayed
What is the category if a person scores an IQ range of 55-69 for the SB-5?
Mildly impaired or delayed
What is the category if a person scores an IQ range of 40-54 for the SB-5?
Moderately impaired or delayed
What are the different Wechsler Intelligence Scales?
For what span of ages is the WAIS (Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale)?
16-90 years old
For what span of ages is the WPPSI (Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence)?
2-6 years old
For what span of ages is the WISC (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children)?
6-11 years old
Wechsler Intelligence Scales
+ addresses the weakness in Stanford-Binet
+ could also assess functioning in people with brain injury
+ evaluates patterns of brain dysfunction
+ measure abilities that are likely to be lowered by brain damage
+ useful in assessment of Alzheimer’s Disease
Are the Weschler Intelligence Scales individually administered or group administered?
individually administered
When was the WAIS made?
When was the WAIS-R made?
When was the WAIS-III made?
When was the WAIS-IV made?
What are the new updates in the latest edition of the Wechsler Intelligence Scales (especially WAIS)?
+ the latest edition has updated norms, improved floor and ceilings, improved psychometric properties, reduced testing time, and co-normed with Wechsler Individual Achievement Test-II)
+ time-honored verbal versus performance IQ was eliminated (they do not purely measure but typically combine a number of different abilities)
When was the WISC made?
When was the WISC-R made?
When was the WISC-III made?
When was the WISC-IV made?
What are all the versions of WAIS?
What are all the versions of the WISC?
What are the subtests of WAIS-IV?
- Verbal Comprehension
- Perceptual Reasoning
- Working Memory
- Processing Speed
What are the subtests of the WISC-IV?
- Verbal Comprehension
- Visual Spatial
- Fluid Reasoning
- Working Memory
- Processing Speed
What is the classification and the corresponding value-neutral term if the score of an individual falls in an IQ range of 130+ in the WAIS/WISC?
Classification: Very superior
More value-neutral term: Upper extreme
What is the classification and the corresponding value-neutral term if the score of an individual falls in an IQ range of 120-129 in the WAIS/WISC?
Classification: Superior
More value-neutral term: Well above average
What is the classification and the corresponding value-neutral term if the score of an individual falls in an IQ range of 110-119 in the WAIS/WISC?
Classification: High average
More value-neutral term: High average
What is the classification and the corresponding value-neutral term if the score of an individual falls in an IQ range of 90-109 in the WAIS/WISC?
Classification: Average
More value-neutral term: Average
What is the classification and the corresponding value-neutral term if the score of an individual falls in an IQ range of 80-89 in the WAIS/WISC?
Classification: Low average
More value-neutral term: Low average
What is the classification and the corresponding value-neutral term if the score of an individual falls in an IQ range of 70-79 in the WAIS/WISC?
Classification: Borderline
More value-neutral term: Well below average
What is the classification and the corresponding value-neutral term if the score of an individual falls in an IQ range of 69 and below in the WAIS/WISC?
Classification: Extremely low
More value-neutral term: Lower extreme
Successive Five-Level Interpretative Procedures of WAIS/WISC
Level I. Interpret the FSIQ
Level II. Interpret index scores and CHC groupings
Level III. Interpret subtest variability
Level IV. Qualitative/Process Analysis
Level V. Analysis Intrasubtest variability
Raven’s Progressive Matrices (RPM)
+ nonverbal test
+ used to measure general intelligence & abstract reasoning
+ multiple choice of abstract reasoning
+ IRT-Based (Item Response Theory)
For what ages may the Raven’s Progressive Matrices (RPM) be issued to?
4-90 years old
For what ages may the Coloured Progressive Matrices (CPM) be issued to?
5-11 years old
For what ages may the Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM) be issued to?
6-16 years old; and 17 years and older
For what ages may the Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM) be issued to?
12 years and older
Are the Raven Progressive Matrices individually administered or group administered?
group test
What are the different matrices in the Raven Progressive Matrices
- Colored Progressive Matrices
- Standard Progressive Matrices
- Advanced Progressive Matrices
Colored Progressive Matrices
Used to assess the degree to which children and adults can think clearly, or the level to which their intellectual abilities have deteriorated
Standard Progressive Matrices
more difficult that CPM
Advanced Progressive Matrices
geared towards adults and teenagers of advanced intelligence
Culture Fair Intelligence Test (CFIT)
+ Nonverbal instrument to measure your analytical and reasoning ability in the abstract and novel situations
+ Measures individual intelligence in a manner designed to reduced, as much as possible, the influence of culture
Is CFIT distributed individually or by group?
Both. Individual or by group.
What does CFIT aid in?
Aids in the identification of learning problems and helps in making more reliable and informed decisions in relation to the special education needs of children
Who made the Purdue Non-Language Test?
Joseph Tiffin, Alin Grubner & Kay Inaba
What are the ages of the individuals who may take the Purdue Non-Language Test?
13 yrs old and above
Purdue Non-Language Test
+ Designed to measure mental ability, since it consists entirely of geometric forms, assess the fluid intelligence
+ mainly abstract reasoning
+ determine the underlying logic of pattern and devise a solution
+ Culture-fair
+ Self-Administering
How many designs, forms, and items does the Purdue Non-Language Test?
5 designs, two parallel forms, 48 items
Who made Panukat ng Katalinuhang Pilipino (PKP)?
Aurora R. Palacio
How old are the individuals who may take the Panukat ng Katalinuhang Pilipino (PKP)?
16 yrs old and above
Panukat ng Katalinuhang Pilipino (PKP)
measures fluid, crystallized, and generalized intelligence
What is the Panukat ng Katalinuhang Pilipino (PKP) used for?
+ Basis for screening, classifying, and identifying needs that will enhance the learning process
+ In business, it is utilized as predictors of occupational achievement by gauging applicant’s ability and fitness for a particular job
+ Essential for determining one’s capacity to handle the challenges associated with certain degree programs
What are the subtests for the Panukat ng Katalinuhang Pilipino (PKP)?
- Vocabulary
- Analogy
- Numerical Ability
- Nonverbal Ability
Who made the Wonderlic Personnel Test (WPT)?
Eldon Wonderlic
Who can take the Wonderlic Personnel Test (WPT)?
Wonderlic Personnel Test (WPT)
Assessing cognitive ability and problem solving aptitude of prospective employees
What is the format of the Wonderlic Personnel Test (WPT)?
Multiple choice, answered in 12 minutes
Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB)
Multiple-aptitude battery that measures developed abilities and helps predict future academic and occupational success in the military
What is the most widely used aptitude test in US?
Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB)
Who are the ones who made the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children-II (KABC-II)?
Alan & Nadeen Kaufman
What are the ages that may take the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children-II (KABC-II)?
2 1⁄2 yrs to 12 1⁄2 yrs old
Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children-II (KABC-II)
+ for assessing cognitive development in children
+ evaluate preschoolers, minority, and children with learning disabilities
Global Test Scores of the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children-II (KABC-II)
- Sequential Processing Scales
- Simultaneous Processing Scales
- Achievement Scales
- Mental Processing Composite
Who made the Differential Aptitude Scale – Fifth Edition (DAT-V)?
Harold G. Raven, John M. Oldfield, and John C. Raven
What is the span of ages who may take the Differential Aptitude Scale – Fifth Edition (DAT-V)?
14 to 65 years old
Differential Aptitude Scale – Fifth Edition (DAT-V)
+ assess an individual’s aptitudes across various domains, including verbal reasoning, numerical ability, abstract reasoning, mechanical reasoning, space relations, spelling, language usage, and clerical speed and accuracy
+ provide insights into an individual’s relative strengths and weaknesses in these areas to guide educational and career decisions
Is the Differential Aptitude Scale – Fifth Edition (DAT-V) criterion- or norm-referenced?
General Aptitude Test Battery (GATB)
+ U.S. Employment Services
+ measure of wide range of aptitudes and is used in such areas as occupational selection, rehabilitation, and vocational counseling
Aptitude Scores of General Aptitude Test Battery (GATB)
G – General Intelligence
V – Verbal Aptitude
N – Numerical Aptitude
S – Spatial Aptitude
P – Form Perception
Q – Clerical-Perception
K – Motor Coordination
F – Finger Dexterity
M – Manual Dexterity
California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-II)
measures episodic verbal learning and memory and demonstrates sensitivity to a range of clinical conditions
What are the span of ages that can take the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-II)?
16 yrs old – 89 yrs old
Who developed the Otis-Lennon Ability Test (OLSAT)?
Otis, A.S. & Lennon, R.T.
Otis-Lennon Ability Test (OLSAT)
+ designed to assess general mental ability or scholastic aptitude of pupils
+ identify gifted children
Who developed the Philippine Aptitude Classification Test (PACT)?
Ma. Lourdes M. Franco
What are the span of ages who can take the Philippine Aptitude Classification Test (PACT)?
14 yrs to 15 yrs old
Philippine Aptitude Classification Test (PACT)
+ developed to measure student’s abilities and help students decide on the course they will take after high school
+ assumes that aptitudes are required in different combinations and in varying degrees for successful performance in different post-secondary courses
Who developed the Flanagan Industrial Tests?
Flanagan, J.C.
Flanagan Industrial Tests
used for personnel selection programs, based on identified job elements
Job Elements of Flanagan Industrial Tests
- Arithmetic
- Assembly
- Components
- Coordination
- Electronics
- Expression
- Ingenuity
- Inspection
- Judgment and Comprehension
- Mathematics and Reasoning
- Mechanics
- Memory Patterns
- Planning
- Precision
- Scales
- Tables
- Vocabulary
Who developed the Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Test (W-GCTA)?
Goodwin Watson & Edward Glaser
What is the age span of those who can take the Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Test (W-GCTA)?
20 yrs old to 64 yrs old
Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Test (W-GCTA)
+ designed to assess a person’s critical thinking abilities and is widely used across legal practices
+ assesses ability for critical thinking, creating conclusions, analyzing strong and weak arguments, recognizing assumptions, and evaluating arguments
Who developed the Thurstone Test of Mental Alertness (TMA)?
Louis Thurstone
Who can take the Thurstone Test of Mental Alertness (TMA)?
Four Job-Related Tasks assessed by TMA Test
- Adjusting to new situations
- Learning new skills quickly
- Understanding complex or subtle relationships
- Thinking flexibly