Module 7: Test Development Flashcards
Test Development
an umbrella term for all that goes into the process of creating a test
Test Conceptualization
+ brainstorming of ideas about what kind of test a developer wants to publish
+ entail literature reviews and experimentation, creation, revision, and deletion of preliminary items
What kind of information is determined in test conceptualization?
- Construct
- Goal
- User
- Taker
- Administration
- Format
- Response
- Benefits
- Costs
- Interpretation
- Whether the test is norm-referenced or criterion-referenced
- How best to measure a targeted construct
Pilot work/study/research
preliminary reserch surrounding the creation of a prototype of the test
Pilot work/study/research
preliminary reserch surrounding the creation of a prototype of the test
Test Construction
stage in the process that entails writing test items, revisions, formatting, setting scoring rules
What kind of item should not be made?
It is not good to create an item that contains numerous ideas
Item Pool
reservoir or well from which the items will or will not be drawn for the final version of the test
Item Banks
relatively large and easily accessible collection of test questions
Computer Adaptive Testing
+ refers to an interactive, computer administered test-taking process wherein items presented to the testtaker are based in part on the testtaker’s performance on previous item
+ test administered may be different for each testtaker, depending on the test performance on the items presented
What does Computer Adaptive Testing reduce?
Reduces floor and ceiling effects
Floor Effects
occurs when there is some lower limit on a survey or questionnaire and a large percentage of respondents score near this lower limit (testtakers have low scores)
Ceiling Effects
occurs when there is some upper limit on a survey or questionnaire and a large percentage of respondents score near this upper limit (testtakers have high scores)
Item Branching
ability of the computer to tailor the
content and order of presentation of items on the basis of responses to previous items
Item Format
form, plan, structure, arrangement, and layout of individual test items
What are the different kinds of item formats?
- Dichotomous format
- Polychotomous format
- Category format
Dichotomous Format
offers two alternatives for each item
Polychotomous Format
each item has more than two alternatives
Category Format
a format where respondents are asked to rate a construct
subject receives a longlist of adjectives and indicates whether each one if characteristic of himself or herself
Guttman Scale
items are arranged from weaker to
stronger expressions of attitude, belief, or feelings
Selected-Response Format
require testtakers to select
response from a set of alternative responses
What are the three elements of a multiple choice format?
- stem (question),
- a correct option, and
- several incorrect alternatives (distractors or foils)
Multiple Choice Format
Should’ve one correct answer, has grammatically parallel alternatives, similar length, alternatives that fit grammatically with the stem, avoid ridiculous distractors, not excessively long, “all of the above”, “none of the above” (25%)
What are the different kinds of distractors?
- Effective distractors
- Ineffective distractors
- Cute distractors
Effective Distractors
a distractor that was chosen equally by both high and low performing groups that enhances the consistency of test results
Ineffective Distractors
may hurt the reliability of the test because they are time consuming to read and can limit the no. of good items
Cute Distractors
less likely to be chosen, may affect the reliability of the test bec the testtakers may guess from the remaining options
Who are most likely to choose good distractors?
Good distractors has been chosen frequently by low scorers
Matching Item Format
Test taker is presented with two columns: Premises and Responses
Binary Choice Format
Usually takes the form of a sentence that requires the testtaker to indicate whether the statement is or is not a fact (50%)
Constructed-Response Format
requires testtakers to supply or to create the correct answer, not merely selecting it
Complete Item
requires the examinee to provide a word or phrase that completes a sentence
Short-Answer Format
Should be written clearly enough that the testtaker can respond succinctly, with short answer
allows creative integration and expression of the material
process of setting rules for assigning numbers in measurement
Types of Selected-Response Format
- Multiple Choice
- Matching Items
- Binary Choice
Types of Selected-Response Format
- Multiple Choice
- Matching Items
- Binary Choice
Types of Constructed-Response Format
- Completion Item
- Short-Answer
- Essay
What are the primary scales of measurement?
- Nominal
- Ordinal
- Ratio
- Interval
+ involve classification or categorization based on one or more distinguishing characteristics
+ label and categorize observations but do not make any quantitative distinctions between observations
+ rank ordering on some characteristics is also permissible
+ median
+ contains equal intervals, has no absolute zero point (even negative values have interpretation to it)
+ Zero value does not mean it represents none
+ has true zero point (if the score is zero, it means none/null)
+ Easiest to manipulate
What are the comparative scales of measurement?
- Paired Comparison
- Rank Order
- Constant Sum
- Q-Sort Technique
What are the comparative scales of measurement?
- Paired Comparison
- Rank Order
- Constant Sum
- Q-Sort Technique