Module 9: Fetal GI Pathology Flashcards
The ureteric buds become what? 4 (Anatomy)
- Ureters
- Renal Pelvis
- Calyces
- Collecting tubules
The metanephros gives origin to what?
Nephrons and the glomeruli and loop of henle
Fetal urine production begins around what week?
11 LMP
Early on, the primitive kidney (metanephros) is located where?
In the pelvis
The kidneys migrate where later on? What happens if this does not happen? 2
- To their normal paraspinal position
- Ectopic pregnancy
The cloaca is divided into what two parts? 2
- Urinary
- Rectal segments
The caudal end of the cloaca forms what? 2
- The urethra and bladder neck.
- The rest of the bladder is derived from the Allantois which ends at the urachal
The mesonephric ducts (ureters) enters what?
Posterior wall of the bladder, at the trigone
Prior to 8 weeks LMP< the fetal external genitals are in what state?
Ambiguous state
At 8-10 weeks LMP, with the presence of hormones (testosterone) what are formed?
Male genitalia is formed
What happens when male genitalia is formed?
Wolffian ducts grow and Müllerian ducts are inhibited
In females, with no Male hormones, the normal female genes develop due to what?
Maternal estrogen
What happens when female genitalia develop?
Wolffian ducts regress and Müllerian ducts are stimulated
Fetal kidneys are routinely imaged in what view?
If pathology is detected in fetal trans, what happens?
Sag views are included
What is the normal kidney length of the fetus?
Equal to the gestational age
20 weeks = 20mm
Mild fetal renal pelvis dilation can be up to what? 2
- 5mm up to 20 weeks gestation
- 8mm from 20 weeks to term
Bilateral renal agenesis is associated with what other anomalies? 5
- Other GU abnormalities
- GI abnormalities
- Cardiac abnormalities
- Sirenomelia (mermaid syndrome)
- Teratogens (Warfarin, Cocaine, maternal diabetes type 1)
Unilateral renal agenesis may be what? (Asymptomatic or symptomatic)
Asymptomatic and not noticed in utero
What is seen (or not seen) with bilateral renal agenesis? 5
- Absent kidneys
- Absent bladder
- Oligiohydramnios- anhydraminos
- Small abdominal circumference
With bilateral renal agenesis, adrenals assume what kind of shape?
Discoid shape and can be mistaken for kidneys
What position does the adrenal glands look like with agenesis of the kidneys?
Lying down
What should we do with a sonographic assessment with agenesis of the kidneys? 5
- Confirm presence or absence of kidneys
- Look for anechoic renal pelvises
- Look for renal cortex
- Use colour doppler to confirm presence of renal arteries
- Assess amniotic fluid
What does Potter’s syndrome refer to?
Bilateral renal agenesis
Potter’s sequence refers to what? (consequence)
The consequence of severe oligiohydramnios
What is the indicators of potter’s syndrome? 3
- Pulmonary hypoplasia
- Abnormal hand and foot positions
- Facial anomalies
What are abnormal of Potter’s syndrome? 3 (legs and hips)
- Bowed legs
- Clubbed feet
- Hip dislocation
With potter’s syndrome, malformations are caused by what?
Causes of oligiohydramnios are from what? 3
- Renal abnormalities
- Amniotic fluid leakage
- Placental abnormalities
What are some renal abnormalities that cause oligiohydramnios? 3
- Renal agenesis
- Multi cystic dysplastic kidneys
- Genitourinary obstruction
Oligiohydramnios impairs normal development in what? 3
- Extremities
- Facial features
- Lungs (pulmonary hypoplasia)
What are some facial features/ anomalies that appear in Potter’s sequence? 4
- Beaked nose
- Low set ears
- Prominent epicanthic folds
- Hypertelorism
What is hydronephrosis?
Distension of the renal pelvis and calyces with urine due to an obstruction
What percentage of renal abnormalities are hydronephrosis?
What percentage of hydronephrosis is associated with syndromes?
Hydronephrosis is typically bilateral or unilateral?
Typically unilateral
What are causes of hydronephrosis? 3
- Obstruction
- Reflux
- Ureterocele
What are causes of hydronephrosis at 3 possible levels?
- At the level of the renal pelvis (or along the ureter)
- At the level of the ureter insertion in to the bladder
- At the level of the bladder outlet/ urethra
What is reflux in terms of hydronephrosis?
Ureterovesical valves are not working properly
Ureterocole in terms of hydronephrosis is what?
Ectopic placement of the valves
What do we need to do to interrogate hydronephrosis? 4
- Determine if bilateral or unilateral
- Determine degree of hydronephrosis
- Determine level of obstruction
- Evaluate for other abnormalities
What are some things we see when determining level of obstruction in terms of hydronephrosis? 3
- Hydronephrosis only/ Only kidney are dilated
- Dilated ureter with hydronephrosis
- Dilated bladder and keyboard appearance
If we see hydronephrosis only/ only kidneys are dilated where do we see the obstruction?
- Ureteropelvic junction
- UPJ obstruction
If we see dilated ureters with hydronephrosis where do we see the obstructions?
- Ureterovesical junction
If we see dilated bladder and keyhole appearance, where is the obstruction?
- Urethral junction obstruction
- PUV - posterior urethra valve obstruction
What is the most common obstruction?
Where are UPJ obstructions, most common seen??
At the level of the renal pelvis
If a ureteropelvic junction obstruction is unilateral what would we see?
Normal bladder and amniotic fluid
If bilateral what do we see with ureteropelvic junction obstruction? 2
- Oligiohydramnios
- Hydronephrosis of varying degrees
What is seen with severe UPJ obstruction?
Renal parenchyma may be destroyed
What are some pitfalls of determining UPJ obstructions? 3
- Be aware of the extra renal pelvis
- Prominent renal veins
- Reflux
Why should we be aware of the extra renal pelvis? 3
- Renal pelvis outside
- May mimic a small hydronephrosis
- Dilated calyces indicated hydronephrosis over extra renal pelvis
In terms of UPC, What do we do with the prominent renal viens?
Check with colour doppler
What do we see with reflux? 2
- Urine is moveing from the bladder up the ureter into the kidney
- This is transient meaning the kidney dilation
Where do UVJ obstructions insert. What is Ureterovesical obstruction due to?
- At the level of the ureter insertion into bladder
- Usually due to duplicated collection
What is a duplex kidney?
Upper pole ureter inserts Inferiorly in the bladder and will have a ureterocele protrued’
What is a ureterocele?
Cystic dilation of the intravesicular portion of the ureter