Extra Pelvic Pathology Flashcards
What is the hymen?
A septum that remains in the lumen of the vagina between urogenital sinus and upper vagina
Imperforate hymen occurs if what? What does it cause?
If the hymen does not rupture causing hydrocolpos or hematocolpos
Vaginal septum, congenital or acquired obstructive lesions can also cause what? 2
- Hydrocolpos
- Hematocolpos
What is hydrocolpos? 2
- Fluid in the vagina
- Retention of vaginal secretions
What is hydrometrocolpos?
Secretions in uterus and vagina
When can hydrocolpos and hydrometropcolpos take place?
Before menarche or after menopause
What is hematocolpos?
Blood trapped in the vagina
Hematometra is what?
Retention of blood in uterus
What is hematometrocolpos?
Blood in uterus and vagina
When does hematocolpos, hematometra, hematometrocolps occur?
After menarche, or before menopause
How do we spot hematocolpos sonographically? 3
- identify the level of obstruction
- Evaluate the echogenicity
- Look for fluid fluid levels
What are gartner’s duct cysts?
Cysts along the vagina
What is the gartner’s duct cysts a remnant of?
Mesonephric duct
How many gartner’s duct cysts can someone have?
Single or multiple
Gartner’s duct cysts are usually in which walls?
Lateral or anterolateral walls
How are gartner’s duct cysts found?
Are gartner’s ducts asymptomatic or symptomatic?
Are vaginal carcinomas used for diagnosis?
What is sonography used for in terms of vaginal carcinoma? 2
- Used to help stage
- Used to assess pelvic spread or distal metastasis
What are nabothian cysts in the cervix? 2
- Retention cysts
- Entrapped cervical secretions
How common is nabothian cysts?
How many nabothian cysts do we have at one time?
How do we diagnose carcinoma in the cervix?
PAP smear
Carcinoma of the cervix may cause what?
What are cervical cancer risk factors? 8
- Infection by HPV
- Early sexual activity
- Multiple sexual partners
- Low socioeconomic status
- Smoking
- Use of Oral contraceptives
- Weakened immune system
- DES in utero
What are sonographic findings of cervical cancer? 8
- Hematometra from cervical stenosis
- Multiple cystic areas within a solid cervical mass
- Bulky cervix
- Irregular cervical boarders
- Mass extending from cervix to pelvic sidewall
- Tumor invasion of the bladder
- Hydronephrosis
- Liver Mets and para- aortic nodes
Incompetent cervix may cause what?
Preterm labor or delivery
In terms of incompetent cervix, cervical effacement happens when?
2nd or early 3rd trimester
What are causes of incompetent cervix? 3
- Trauma
- DES - t shaped uterus
- Idiopathic
What is the best way to assess incompetent cervix?
Translabial or transvaginal
What are some examples of Adenexal pathology? 2
- Endometriosis
- Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) both acute and chronic
What is endometriosis?
Growth of endometrial tissue outside uterine cavity
What are the two types of endometriosis?
- Internal (Adenomyosis)
- External (Endometriosis)
Where does endometriosis occur? 4 (organs and locations)
- Ovaries
- Fallopian tubes
- Broad ligament
- Pouch of Douglas
Endometriosis only occurs in which age group?
What kind of transmission does endometriosis have?
Retrograde tubal transmission
Endometriosis can cause what?
Endometriosis are usually only diagnosed by what?