Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasia Flashcards
What are two types of Gestational trophoblastic neoplasia’s?
- Complete mole
- Partial Mole
What are two types of Complete moles?
- 0 eggs, 1 Haploid sperm that duplicates
- 0 Eggs, 2 Haploid sperm
What are two examples of Partial moles?
- 1 egg, 2 sperm
- 2 egg, 1 sperm (NOT GTN No molar placenta)
What is the main function of the trophoblast?
To gain access to maternal circulation
Besides gaining access to maternal circulation, trophoblasts can also do what? 3
- infiltrate into maternal tissues
- Invade vessels
- Can be transported to the lungs (embolism)
What does a Hydatidiform mole refer to?
The cystic degeneration of chorionic villi in molar pregnancy
(Molar pregnancy with many cysts)
What does hydatidiform mole encompasses? 2
- Complete molar pregnancy
- Partial molar pregnancy
What is a molar pregnancy?
Abnormal proliferation of pregnancy- related trophoblast with progressive malignant potential
When an non viable fertilized egg implants into the uterus
What are four types of molar pregnancies?
- Complete molar pregnancy
- Partial molar pregnancy
- Invasive mole
- Choriocarcinoma
How often is molar pregnancies?
1/1000 pregnancies
What are three risk factors of molar pregnancies?
- Advanced maternal age
- Prior molar pregnancies
- Asian ancestry
What is the most common form of GTN?
Complete molar pregnancy
What happens to a complete molar pregnancy if treated early?
Benign (if treated early)
What is the karyotype for a complete mole?
46xx or 46yy- occurs 80% of the time
What are the chromosomal origin like for complete Moles? (maternal or paternal)
exclusively paternal in origin
Why is the chromosomes of complete moles paternal?2
- Ovum with absent or inactive maternal chromosomes is fertilized by a normal haploid sperm
- The Paternal chromosomes duplicate to produce the diploid karyotype of 46xx or 46yy
For a complete mole how often can a 46xy happen?
20% of the time
What is the origin for a 46xy complete mole? (maternal or paternal)
Exclusively paternal in origin
How can a complete mole be 46xy?
Occasionally an empty ovum can be fertilized by 2 haploid sperm (dyspermy)
What is the sonography appearance of a complete molar pregnancy?3
- No fetus
- No normal placenta
- Placenta is replaced by abnormal hydropic chorionic villi with excessive trophoblastic proliferation
What are s/s for complete molar pregnancies? 7
- Large for dates uterus
- Vaginal bleeding (90%)
- Passage of hydropic villi (80%)
- ++hCG serum >100,000 miu/ml
- Hyperemesis gravidarum
- Toxemia or pre-eclampsia before 24 weeks
- Respiratory failure
What is normal hCG serum levels?
<60,000 miu/ml
What does a complete mole appear like sonographically during the 1st trimester?
incomplete abortion
What does a complete mole appear like during the 2nd trimester sonographically?
Echogenic tissue that expands the endometrial canal with multiple cystic spaces that range in size up to 2cm giving a grape like appearance
In complete moles what might occur bilaterally up to 46% of the time? Why? (what kind of cysts we see)
- Ovarian theca lutein cysts
- Due to elevated hCG
What is the karyotype for partial molar pregnancies?
Triploid karyotype
What are examples of triploid karyotype?
69xxx, 69xxy, 69xyy
How does a partial molar pregnancy form? 2
- Fertilization of a diploid (46 chromosome)
- 1 Normal Ovum fertilized by 2 haploid sperm
With a partial molar pregnancy, what can be said about the fertilization of a diploid egg? 2 (origin, GTN)
- Maternal or digyny triploidy origin
- No GTN
In terms of a partial mole, what can be said about 1 normal ovum fertilizied by 2 haploid sperm?2 (Maternal or paternal origin, what kind of disease is it)
- Parternal or diandric tripoidy
What is a diandric triploidy? What kind of origin does it have?
- Abnormal fetus with triploid karytype
- Paternal origin
What abnormalities can be seen with children with diandric triploidy?4
- Hypertelorism
- Hydrocephalus
- Holoprosencephaly
- Syndactly
What is seen with Diandric triploidy?2 (s/s)
- Symmetric IUGR
- Large and hydropic placental tissue (partial mole)
What is the origin of digyny triploidy?
Maternal origin
What is a digyny triploidy?
Abnormal fetus with triploidy syndrome
What can be said about the placenta size of digyny tripoidy?
Placenta is small in size therefore, No GTN
When would we see digyny triploidy?
2nd and 3rd trimester
What would we see with digyny triploidy with the fetus?
Severe asymmetric IUGR fetus
What might the mother develop with digyny triploidy? (s/s)
Early pre-eclampsia