module 9 Flashcards
the immutability of a species
the idea that each individual species on the planet is specially created by God and could never fundamentally change.
the theory that natural selection can, over time, take an organism and transform it into a more specialized species of that organism.
the hypothesis that processes similar to microevolution can, over eons of time, transform an organism into a completely different kind of organism.
distinct layers of rock
preserved remains of once-living organisms
the study of fossils
structural homology
the study of similar structures in different species.
where did darwin do most of the work which led to his hypothesis of evolution.
he did most of his research while aboard the HMS Beagle. he made most of the observations on the galapigos archipeligo but he did most the work on the HMS Beagle.
Did Darwin ever recant his evolution beliefs?
no, stories like this are False.
what was the main idea that Thomas Malthus work gave to Darwin?
Malthus believed in a constant struggle for survival. Without this idea of a constant struggle, Darwin would have never come up with the concept of natural selection.
what was the main idea that sir Charles Lyell’s work gave Darwin?
Lyll came up with the idea that “ The present is the Key to the past”. He thought that the entire Geological column could be explained by referring to the same processes that we see happening today.
What age-old concept was Darwin able to dispel with his research.
Darwin dispelled the idea of the immutability of a species. by showing evidence for micro-evolution, he was “able” to show that species do change
a herd of horses were living in an are where food near the ground is scarce but there is plenty in the trees. after several generations horses give rise to giraffes. is this micro-evolution or macro-evolution?
to go from a horse to a giraffe, there would need to be a lot of data added to the genetic code. thus this is an example of micro-evolution.
a fish population is trying to survive in extreme cold water. the fish then develop thick layers of fat under their skin to keep them warmer. is this micro-evolution or macro-evolution?
the fish remain fish, they have just varied their phenotype. thus, this is variation within the genetic code, which is an example of micro-evolution.
from a genetic point of view, what is the difference between micro-evolution and macro-evolution?
- ) micro-evolution: the same genetic code exists throughout the change. the changes that occur are simply the result of variation within the genetic code.
- ) macro-evolution: information is added to the genetic code, essentially creating a new genetic code?
the geological column
this data is inconclusive as far as macro-evolution is concerned. If you believe that the geological column was formed according to the speculations of lyell, it is evidence for macroevolution because it shows that life forms early in earths history were simple and gradually got more complex. if you believe that the geological column was formed by natural catastrophe, then it is evidence against macroevolution.since geologists have seen rock strata formed each way, it is impossible to tell which belief is scientifically correct.
the fossil record
this data is strong evidence against macroevolution. there are no clear intermediate links in the fossil record. the very few that macroevolutionists can produce are so similar to one of two species they supposedly link, it is more scientifically sound to consider them a part of that species.
structural homology
this is strong evidence against macroevolution. the similar structures are not a result of inheritance from a common ancestor, because the similar structures are determined by quite different genes.
molecular biology
this data is strong evidence against macroevolution. the vast majority of the data show no evolutionary patterns in the sequences of amino acids of common proteins.
name two creatures that macroevolutionists claim are intermediate links and why they are not really intermediate links.
AUstralopithecus afarensis is supposed to be an intermediate link between man and ape. However every bone that was found of this creature indicates it was ape. Archeopteryx is supposed to be a link between birds and reptiles, but once again the fossils tell us it is just a bird.
what is the Cambrian explosion? why is it a problem for macroevolution?
the cambrian explosion refers to the fact that every major animal phylum in creation can be found in Cambrian rock.(a) there is no way that macroevolutionist can understand how macroevolution proceeded so quickly during those times. (b) there are no intermediate links in the Cambrian explosion.
what are four ways a bacterium can become resistant to an antibiotic?
it can become resistant by conjugation, transformation, transduction, or mutation.
if a bacterium has a mutation that makes it resistant to an antibiotic, does information get added to its genetic code?
no information is added. in fact, in those cases studied, information is destroyed, leading to nonworking or less efficient systems that just happen to make the bacterium resistant.
consider the following amino acid sequences that make up a small portion of a protein.
A.) Gly-Ile-Gly-Gly-Arg-His-Gly-Gly-Glu(NH^2)-Glu-Glu-(NH^2)-Lys-Lys-Lys.
B.) Gly-Leu-Phe-Gly-Arg-Lys-Ser-Gly-Glu(NH^2)-Gly-Glu(NH^2)-Ala-Arg-Lys
C.) Leu-Ile-Gly-Gly-Arg-His-Ser-Gly-Glu(NH^2)-Ala-Glu(NH^2)-Arg-Arg-Arg
So wich A,B or C would you expect to be the most similar to a protien with the following subset of amino acids?
The protien in (c) is most similar so, the answer is c.
based on macroevolution assumptions, which organism’s cytochrome c should most resemble that of a yeast a kangaroo or a bacterium?
a bacteriums cytochrom c should resemble a yeast more than a kangaroo does, because, according to evolution, the yeast evolved rather early after the bacterium, then the kangaroo came way later. however the yeast’s cytocrome C is much more similar to a kangaroos cytocrome C than bacterium’s.
what main problem with Darwin’ hypothesis did neo-Darwinism hope to solve?
neo-Darwinism hoped to provide a mechanism by which information could be added to the genetic code of an organism. this was something Darwin’ original hypothesis could not do.
what problem with Darwin’s hypothesis did punctuated equilibrium attempt to solve?
punctuated equilibrium attempts to explain away the fact that the fossil record is devoid of any real intermediate links.
how would an adherent to punctuated equilibrium explain the lack of intermediate links in the fossil record?
they would say that since the transition from species to species takes such a short amount of time, there is virtually no chance of an intermediate link being fossilized.
what problems mentioned in this module still exist for those who believe in punctuated equilibrium?
structural homology and molecular biology still say that macroevolution (even by punctuated equilibrium) could not have happened.