Module 11 Flashcards
Animals that lack a backbone
Vertebrates – Animals that possess a backbone
Spherical symmetry
An organism possesses spherical symmetry if it can be cut into two identical halves by any cut that runs through the organism’s center.
Radial symmetry
An organism possesses radial symmetry if it can be cut into two identical halves by any longitudinal cut through its center.
Bilateral symmetry
An organism possesses bilateral symmetry if it can only be cut into two identical halves by a single longitudinal cut along its center which divides it into right and left halves.
An outer layer of cells designed to provide protection
The jellylike substance that separates the epidermis from the inner cells in a sponge
Collar cells
Flagellated cells that push water through a sponge
Cells that move using pseudopods and perform different functions in different animals
A cluster of cells encased in a hard, spicule-reinforced shell
The sessile, tubular form of a cnidarian with a mouth and tentacles at one end and a basal disk at the other
A free-swimming cnidarian with a bell-shaped body and tentacles
Animal tissue consisting of one or more layers of cells that have only one free surface, because the other surface adheres to a membrane or other substance.
The jellylike substance that separates the epithelial cells in a cnidarian
Small capsules that contain a toxin which is injected into prey or predators.
how do sponges get thier prey?
as water flows into the sponges so does its prey.
if a sponge is soft does it contain spicules or spongin? what purpose do these both serve in a sponge?
if a sponge is soft it contains spongin. They weave throughout the mesenchyme, providing a framework that supports the sponge.
The sessile, tubular form of a cnidarian with a mouth and tentacles at one end and a basal disk at the other
A free-swimming cnidarian with a bell-shaped body and tentacles
Animal tissue consisting of one or more layers of cells that have only one free surface, because the other surface adheres to a membrane or other substance.
The jellylike substance that separates the epithelial cells in a cnidarian
Small capsules that contain a toxin which is injected into prey or predators.
how do sponges get thier prey?
as water flows into the sponges so does its prey.
if a sponge is soft does it contain spicules or spongin? what purpose do these both serve in a sponge?
if a sponge is soft it contains spongin. hey weave throughout the mesenchyme, providing a framework that supports the sponge.
what is the predominant mode of asexual reproduction in a sponge?
Budding is the predominant mode of asexual reproduction in a sponge.
what roles do amoebocytes play in the anatomy of a sponge?
they are used for digestion, transportation of waste products, exchange gases, produce lime/silica to form spicules.
when does a sponge produce gemmules?
During inclement temperatures.
what is the difference between the nematocysts of a hydra and those of a sea anemone.
The nematocysts in the sea anemone are triggered chemically. Hydra’s are triggered by pressure.
Why do cnidarians not need respiratory or excretory systems?
Because their epithelial layers are so thin, that gases and water can pass through.
some biology books say that jellyfish live “dual lives.” Why?
Because they spend part of their lives as a polyp and the other as medusa.
If a jellyfish reproduces sexually, what form is it in?
Medusa form
What is another name for a large coral colony?
coral reefs
What benefits do earthworms give the plants in the soil that they inhabit?
They help loosen soil, spred nutrients, and their tunnels allow oxygen to travel to roots of plants.
If you pick up 2 earthworms and he first feels very slimy near the clitellum and the second does not, what can you conclude about the first one?
that it would’ve recently mated but not yet produced a cocoon.
What similarities exist between the hydra’s sexual reproduction and the earthworm?
They’re both hermaphroditic.
What differences exist between the hydra’s sexual reproduction and the earthworm?
The hydra can reproduce with itself. the earthworm cant.
What will happen to an earthworm if its cuticle gets dry?
It will suffocate.
Why don’t planarians need circulatory systems?
Because the intestines are close enough to the cells so that digestion can be done by diffusion.
If a flatworm has no complex nervous or digestive systems, is it most likely free-living or parasitic?
What is the main mode of asexual reproduction in a planarian?
What phyla does the sea anemone belong in?
What phyla does the clam belong to?
What phyla does the sponge belong in?
What phyla does the flatworm belong in?
What phyla does the segmented worm belong in?
anterior end
the end of an animal that contains its head
posterior end
the end of an animal that contains its tail.
circulatory system
a system designed to transport food and other necessary substances.
nervous system
a system of sensitive cells that respond to stimuli such as sound, touch and taste.
masses of nerve cell bodies
possessing both the male and female reproductive organs
the ability to grow a missing part of the body.
a sheath of tissue that encloses the vital organs of a mollusk, secretes its shell, and performs respiration.
a tough multilayered structure secreted by the mantle. generally used for protection, but sometimes for body support.
Visceral hump
a hump that contains a mollusk’s heart, digestive and excretory organs.
a muscular organ that is used for locomotion and takes a variety of forms depending on the animal
a organ that is covered in teeth that mollusks use to scrape food into their mouths.
an organ with a single shell
an organism with two shells.
if you pick up two earth and the first feels verry slimy near the clittellum and the second does not,what can you conclude about the first earthworm.
if the first worm feels slimy near the clitellum, this means that it is covered with a slime coat. thus, the first one must have recently mated but not yet produced a cacoon
What type of symmetry is found in all cnidarians?
bilateral symmetry.