Module 12 Flashcards
A body covering, typically made of chitin, that provides support and protection
To shed an old outer covering so that it can be replaced with a new one.
The body region between the head and the abdomen
The body region posterior to the thorax.
A body region composed of the head and thorax fused together
compound eye
An eye made of many lenses, each with a very limited scope.
simple eye
An eye with only one lens.
open circulatory system
A circulatory system that allows the blood to flow out of the blood vessels and into various body cavities so that the cells are in direct contact with the blood.
The organ of balance in a crustacean
A general term for the organ that produces gametes.
complete metamorphosis
Insect development consisting of four stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult.
incomplete metamorphosis
Insect development consisting of three stages: egg, nymph, and adult.
Name the five common characteristics among the arthropods.
.Exoskeleton, Body Segmentation, Jointed appendages, Open circulatory system, and a ventral nervous systems are all common in arthropods.
Explain the flow of blood in a crayfish, starting from the pericardial sinus.
What purpose does the green gland serve?
It cleans the blood of its impurities.
What structures (besides the gills and gill chamber) are vitally important for respiration in a crayfish?
The swimmerets and maxillae are important, without them oxygen rich water would not reach the gills.
What happens when a crayfish loses a limb?
the injury gets sealed off to prevent bleeding, and then it regenerates.
Where do the fertilized eggs of a crayfish go?
they get attached to swimmerettes.
Why do arthropods molt?
they molt because their exoskeletons are to small for their growing bodies.
What two appendages are responsible for taste and touch in a crayfish?
.the antennae and antennules.
What five characteristics set arachnids apart from the other arthropods?
8 legs, two segments in their body’s, no antennea, book lungs, 8 simple eyes.
What are the three basic types of webs that spiders spin?
sheet webs, tangle webs and orb webs.
Do all spiders use their silk to spin webs?
.no, some spiders spin trap doors and some fire their webs like projectiles.
Why are the spider’s lungs called book lungs?
.the lungs have many layers (pages) that look like a book.
What four characteristics set insects apart from the other arthropods?
three pairs of legs, wings, three segments in the body and 2 antennae.
Why don’t insects have respiratory systems?
..insects do not need a respiratory system because they have a complex system of trachea’s that allow air to pass through the body.
If an insect goes through a pupa stage, does it perform complete metamorphosis or incomplete
.the pupa stage only exists in COMPLETE METAMORPHOSIS.
What four types of wings exist among insects?
.Membrane wings, scaled wings, leather-like wings and horny wings.
Match the orders listed below with the descriptions listed in each letter:
Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, Diptera, Orthoptera
a. Insects with two leather-like wings and two membranous wings
b. Social insects with membranous wings
c. Insects with two membranous wings and two membranous balancers
d. Insects with two horny wings and two membranous wings
e. Insects with scaled wings
A.) Orthoptera. B.) Hymenoptera. C.) Diptera. D.) Coleoptera E.) Lepidoptera.