Module 7.1 Flashcards
Who are duty holders?
- Employers
- Employees
Everyone is responsible for the upkeep of health and safety in the workplace.
What are the two types of FOD?
- External
- Internal
Advice and information regarding Health and Safety are produced in the form of what?
- Industry Guidance INDGs
- Health and Safety Guidance HSGs
Guidance on how to comply with HS regs.
Who creates INDGs and HSGs?
Health and Safety Executive HSE
If a company has 5 or more employees does the HS policy have to be written down?
Yes it does.
What does ACOP stand for?
Approved Codes Of Practice
How do ACOPs differ from INDGs and HSGs?
They have legal status and provide practical advice on how to comply with HS regs.
If someone is prosecuted for a breach of HS procedures and did not follow an ACOPs, what must be done?
The employer must prove they complied to the HS procedures another way or the court will find that person at fault.
What regulation requires employers to put arrangements in place to control HS risks?
HS at work 1999
What provides guidance for leaders, owners, trustees and line managers on how to implement and oversee an organisations HS arrangements?
What are the 4 parts that HSG65 give guidance on?
- Core elements of managing HS
- Deciding if done what needs to be done
- Delivering effective arrangements
4.Useful resources
What INDG outlines the use of PPE at work?
Who must pay for PPE?
The employer
Who is responsible for using PPE?
The employee is responsible for their own.
What is the PPE regulation?
PPE at work regulations 1992
What does the PPE regulation require, in regards to use and storage ?
- Properly assessed before use
- Maintained and stored properly
- Instructions on how to use safely
- Used correctly by employees
What is a piece of PPE marked with if it is in accordance with regs?
All PPE products marked with a CE
What INDG outlines respiratory protection equipment?
What does PUWER 1998 stand for?
Provision and Use Of Work Equipment Regulations 1998
Under HSWA 1974 employees have a responsibility to whom?
Themselves and to each other
Those with responsibilities under the HSWA are called?
Duty holders
The HSWA is regulated by?
Health and Safety Executive (HSE)
How does the HSE provide advice and information?
Using INDGs and HSGs
Through what means does the HSE provide practical advice on how to comply with the law?
Approved Codes of Practices ACOPs
What regulation requires employers to put arrangements in place to control health and safety risks?
The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
Who must have a health and safety policy?
All employers
What leaflet provides guidance on PPE?
INDG 174
The use of barrier creams will minimise the development of what?
What regulation places duties on people and companies who own, operate, or have control over work equipment?
Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER)
Why can employers be prosecuted under PUWER?
As it is supported by an ACOP
What regulations cover aircraft jacks?
What leaflet provides guidance on COSHH?
INDG 136
What does MSDS stand for?
Material Safety Data Sheet