Module 7 - Modern And Contemporary Worldviews: Christianity Flashcards
What is a creed?
formal statement of a group’s beliefs
Christianity is monotheistic
Christians do not believe in an afterlife
Which is a key difference between Judaism and Christianity?
Christianity believes Jesus was the promised Jewish messiah.
Who is the Holy Spirit in the Christian worldview?
breath of god
What are the habits Christians practice to develop a deeper relationship with God?
spiritual discipline
The Christian worldview believes that a human only has a physical body.
The Christian worldview believes God created the universe out of nothing.
Within the Christian worldview, how is basic human nature described?
What does the god of Christianity desire from each person he created?
a personal relationship
The Christian god does not communicate with the people he created.
Divine revelation is God intentionally communicating to humans.
In the Christian worldview, what are two kinds of divine revelation?
general and special
How is truth described within Christianity?
In the Christian worldview, to what should truth correspond?
In the Christian worldview, in what are moral philosophy and ethics rooted?
God’s character
The Ten Commandments are an early example of Christian moral law.
Jesus told his followers they should reflect his character to the rest of the world.
In the Christian worldview, how is moral law described?
In the Christian worldview, the argument from moral law is used as a philosophical argument for…
the existence of god
On what two principles does the Christian worldview base its discussion of authority and religion in government?
human nature and human dignity
Views on the intersection of religion and government have fluctuated throughout the history of the Christian church.
The Christian Bible discusses government exhaustively.
What ended state persecution of Christianity in 313 CE?
the Edict of Milan
Which event do scholars consider the birth of the Protestant Reformation?
Martin Luther’s posting of 95 theses
According to the Christian worldview, who was the first artist?
According to the Christian worldview, artistic beauty is not a gift from God.
According to the Christian worldview, why are humans creative?
They were created in God’s image.
Where was Leonardo da Vinci’s masterpiece The Last Supper painted?
on a dining room wall
Christians have used many art forms to express their worldview: paintings, architecture, literature, and music.
What is monotheism?
belief there is only one god in the universe
What is a condensed formal statement of the key concepts of Christianity called?
Apostles’ Creed
What is the hypostatic union?
Jesus’s two natures of God and man
What is the Christian trinity?
one God in three persons: father, son, and Holy Spirit
Where is the life story of Jesus found in the New Testament part of the Christian scriptures?
in the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
Which philosophical argument for God’s existence discusses that everything that has a beginning must have been caused?
cosmological argument
Which philosophical argument for God’s existence discusses that the universe and its systems show evidence of an intelligence behind their existence?
intelligent design argument
In the Christian worldview, what phrase describes the image of God in each person?
imago dei
In the Christian worldview, what phrase describes how God created the universe out of nothing?
ex nihilo
What is the idea that a human has a physical body and an immaterial soul?
What is the most important source of truth in the Christian worldview?
Christian scriptures
In the Christian worldview, what type of revelation is God’s communication of himself to all people at all times and in all places?
In the Christian worldview, what type of revelation is God’s detailed communication of himself to specific people at specific times?
What sources of truth does Christianity recognize besides divine revelation?
science and human reason
In Christianity, God’s knowledge is __________ and human knowledge is __________.
unfathomable; limited
Which phrase summarizes Christian ethics?
Love God and Love Others
According to Christianity, if Christian ethics are rooted in God’s character, what is his character like?
God is loving, just, and merciful.
When Jesus was asked, “Who is my neighbor,” what parable did he tell in response that illustrated that the “neighbor” was the person who showed kindness?
the good samaritan
The ethics of the Christian worldview believes each is worthy of _________ and has _________.
dignity; value
When the Christian god delivered his people from slavery in Ancient Egypt, why did he give laws to his people?
to teach them who he was and how he interacted with people
In the Christian worldview, civil government is necessary to restrain the tendencies of __________ toward __________.
human nature; evil
In the Christian worldview, human beings have inherent dignity because they are created __________; therefore, laws should administer __________.
in God’s image; justice
When Constantine became the emperor of the Roman empire, what did he do about the authority of religion in government?
Christianity became a state-sponsored religion.
In the Christian view of government, what two realms of authority exist?
religious and civil
What motivated the discussion for the principle of “separation of church and state”?
freedom of religion
According to the Old Testament Christian scriptures, what structure was placed in the center of the community to symbolize God’s presence with his people?
Which is a form of poetry set to music used in the worship of God by Christians?
What are the earliest examples of Christian art?
frescoes in catacombs
Which art form was used during the Middle Ages to teach people about the battle of good versus evil in the Christian worldview?
morality plays
Which is an example of fantasy literature written from a Christian worldview?
The Chronicles of Narnia