Module 7 Flashcards


Assume that one year’s college tuition is $10,000 today, education inflation is 6%, and the rate of return is 8%. Further assume that Mary is three years old and will begin a four-year college program at age 18. Calculate the amount required to provide higher education funds for Mary.


Keystrokes—Step 1 (Inflate):
„ END mode
„ 10,000, +/–, PV
„ 6, I/YR
„ 15, N
„ Solve for FV = 23,965.5819

Keystrokes—Step 2 (Adjust):
„ BEG mode
„ 23,965.5819 +/–, PMT
„ [1.08 ÷ 1.06 – 1] × 100 = 1.8868, I/YR
„ [OR] 1.06, INPUT, 1.08, DOWNSHIFT, % CHG, I/YR
„ 4, N
„ Solve for PV = 93,232.2076

Keystrokes—Step 3 (Invest):
„ END mode
„ 93,232.2076, FV
„ 15, N
„ 8, I/YR
„ Solve for PV = –29,390.6801, or $29,390.68


Step 3 (level payment) HP10bII/HP10bII+
„ END mode
„ 93,232.2076, FV
„ 15, N
„ 8, I/YR
„ Solve for PMT = –3,433.6998, or $3,433.70

Keystrokes converting future dollars into today’s dollars are as follows:

„ END mode
„ 93,232.2076, FV
„ 15, N
„ 6, I/YR
„ Solve for PV = –38,902.5428, or $38,902.54

Next, use the $38,902.54 as the FV because inflation and rate of return will be taken into account as payments are increased each year. After solving for PMT, inflate that amount by whatever the inflation rate is in order to calculate the end-of-first-year payment. Each subsequent year, the payment amount will go up by the inflation rate.

Keystrokes—Step 3 (serial payment):

„ END mode
„ 38,902.5428, FV
„ [1.08 ÷ 1.06 – 1] × 100 = 1.8868, I/YR
„ [OR] 1.06, INPUT, 1.08, DOWNSHIFT, % CHG, I/YR
„ 15, N
„ Solve for PMT = –2,268.0164 × 1.06 = –2,404.0973, or $2,404.10

The $2,268.02 (rounded) PMT amount is adjusted by 6% in order to calculate an end-of-first-year payment of $2,404.10. For the end-of-second-year payment, increase the $2,404.10 by 6% ($2,404.10 × 1.06 = $2,548.35). Each and every year, continue to increase the previous year’s payment amount by the inflation rate. A level payment calculation ($3,433.70 in this example) will start out higher than a serial payment (end-of-first-year payment was $2,404.10 in this case); however, over time, the serial payment will become greater than the level payment.

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When using the inflation-adjusted rate of return formula, make sure to use the:


education inflation rate as the denominator, not the general inflation rate.

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If the goal is to use a level or periodic payment to fund the future need (rather than the lump sum identified previously in Step 3), solve for:


PMT instead of PV.

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Sometimes, clients may not be able to contribute the entire amount needed and would rather have their periodic deposits grow over time. In this case, calculate a:


serial payment (a payment that will increase by the inflation rate each year).

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Remember, when solving for a level payment, the FV should be an inflation-adjusted amount. However, when solving for a serial payment, you will be:


taking inflation into account when you calculate the PMT and adjusting it each year for inflation. When calculating a serial payment, find the desired amount in today’s dollars and enter it as an FV.

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Expected Family Contribution (EFC)


An index number that colleges use to determine the amount of family-paid annual college costs. Ultimately, the EFC is subtracted from the total annual cost of attendance to determine the amount of financial aid that students will receive.

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In determining the EFC for students, four separate calculations are made, the total of which constitutes the EFC. These four calculations are summarized in as follows:

  1. Parental income. This includes taxable and nontaxable income from two years prior to the award year (two-year lookback) and is reduced by a specified income protection allowance. The percentage of parent income included in the EFC ranges from 22% to 47% and depends on the parent’s AGI from two years prior, number of dependents enrolled in college, marital status of the parents, and special family circumstances.
  2. Parental assets. This includes almost everything owned by the parents with the notable exceptions of home equity, cars used for regular transportation, the cash value of a life insurance policy, and the parents’ accrued benefit or account balances in any retirement plans. Most nonretirement assets (e.g., cash, investments, and savings) are assessed from 5% up to a maximum of 5.64% toward the EFC.
  3. Student income. This includes taxable and nontaxable income from the year preceding the award year, reduced by an income protection allowance $7,600 for 2023–2024 and taxes. Student income above the protected amount is included at a rate of 50% in the EFC calculation.
  4. Student assets. This includes the value of everything the student owns or that has been saved on his behalf (e.g., a custodial account such as an UTMA or UGMA). Custodial accounts, trusts, and other student-owned assets are assessed at 20% toward the EFC.
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EFC formula:


([22%–47% parent income + 5%–5.64% parent assets] + [50% student Income + 20% student assets]) = EFC

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Custodial accounts are considered assets of the:



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Parent-owned or dependent child-owned Section 529 plan assets are considered assets of the:



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What assets are included at a rate of 0% for purposes of the EFC calculation when determining financial aid eligibility?


Assets owned by relatives (grandparents, aunts, cousins), on which the student is a beneficiary.

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Distributions for college from relative-owned accounts reduce future financial aid eligibility by:


50% of the distribution amount (two years following distribution). As a result, proper timing of relative-owned account distributions is of the highest importance to optimize financial aid eligibility. Due to the two-year FAFSA lookback for income and assets for financial aid consideration, relative-owned accounts should be distributed later in college (i.e., junior and senior year). This allows the account to remain outside of the EFC calculation, and the distributions will not impact future eligibility in undergraduate studies.

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The U.S. Department of Education offers a variety of federal grants to students attending four-year colleges or universities, community colleges, and career schools. Each requires completion of a FAFSA and fulfilling need-based eligibility criteria. The federal grants include the following:


„ Federal Pell Grants
„ Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOG)
„ Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grants
„ Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grants

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To be eligible to receive federal student aid, a student must meet the following requirements:


„ Be a citizen or eligible noncitizen of the United States
„ Have a valid Social Security number
„ Have a high school diploma or a General Education Development (GED) certificate, or have completed homeschooling
„ Be enrolled in an eligible program as a regular student seeking a degree or certificate
„ Maintain satisfactory academic progress
„ Not owe a refund on a federal student grant or be in default on a federal student loan
„ Register (or already be registered) with the Selective Service System (if the student is a male and not currently on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces)
„ Not have a conviction for the possession or sale of illegal drugs for an offense that occurred while receiving federal student aid (such as grants, work study, or loans)
– Students who have such a conviction must complete the Student Aid Eligibility Worksheet to determine their eligibility for aid.

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Stafford loans (also known as William D. Ford Direct Stafford loans)


A common type of educational loan. Both direct subsidized and direct unsubsidized loans are offered through the Stafford loan program. Only undergraduates qualify for subsidized Stafford loans. If a student qualifies for a loan based on financial need, the loan generally will be subsidized.

NOTE: Subsidizing a loan means that an entity—usually the government, an employer, or a nonprofit—pays part or all of the loan’s interest, reducing the borrower’s financial burden. This allows the borrower to access funding at a lower effective cost or with more favorable terms than would typically be available.

Any student who is enrolled at least half time is eligible to apply for Stafford loans (part-time students are not eligible). There are limits as to how much may be borrowed each year—the cost of the student’s education less other loans or grants is set as an alternative maximum to specific dollar limits published by the government.

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Stafford Loan Interest Rates:

  • Direct subsidized loans (undergraduates):
  • Direct unsubsidized loans (undergraduates):
  • Direct unsubsidized loans (graduate or professional students):
  • Direct subsidized loans (undergraduates): 5.498%
  • Direct unsubsidized loans (undergraduates): 5.498%
  • Direct unsubsidized loans (graduate or professional students): 7.048%
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Parent Loans for Undergraduate Students (PLUS loans)


Parents may borrow funds for their children’s undergraduate studies. The amount that can be borrowed is unlimited, except the total of all aid received cannot be higher than the total cost of schooling.

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Part-time students are not eligible for:


PLUS funds (but students enrolled in programs that are shorter than an academic year may be eligible for reduced loan amounts).

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PLUS Loans are / are not need-based?


PLUS loans are NOT need-based.

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PLUS loan repayment begins within ? days of disbursement, and although repayment may be delayed until the student is out of school, the interest on the loan continues to build during this time.


60 days

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Direct Consolidation Loans


A type of federal student loan offered by the U.S. Department of Education that allows borrowers to combine multiple federal student loans into a single loan. This consolidation simplifies repayment by reducing the number of loan payments you need to make each month.

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When does a borrower becomes delinquent on a student loan?


The first day after missing a payment. After the borrower is more than 90 days delinquent on a student loan, the loan servicer may report this delinquency to the major credit bureaus, which, in turn, could negatively affect the borrower’s credit score. A loan that continues to be delinquent for 270 days under the Federal Direct Loan Program or the Federal Family Education Loan Program is considered to be in default.

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Perkins Loans


Were a type of federal student loan designed for students with exceptional financial need. These loans were part of the Federal Perkins Loan Program, which ended in 2017. Though new Perkins Loans are no longer issued, many borrowers are still repaying them.

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Pell Grants


A form of federal financial aid provided by the U.S. Department of Education to undergraduate students who demonstrate significant financial need. Unlike loans, Pell Grants do not need to be repaid, making them a highly desirable form of financial assistance.

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Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOGs)
A form of federal financial aid designed to assist undergraduate students with exceptional financial need. These grants are meant to supplement other financial aid, such as Pell Grants, and do not need to be repaid.
How much can a student be awarded with a FSEOG?
Students can receive between $100 and $4,000 per year, depending on: - Financial need. - Availability of funds at the school. - Other financial aid the student receives. Pell Grant recipients are given highest priority in receiving FSEOGs.
Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant Program
Provides grants of up to $4,000 per year to students who agree to serve as a full-time teacher in a high-need field in a public or private elementary or secondary school that serves low-income students.
Who is eligible for Pell Grants?
Undergraduate students, part-time students*, half-time students, and full-time students. *Pell Grants are awarded on a pro rata basis dependent on income and assets.
Who is eligible for FSEOGs?
Undergraduate students, part-time students, half-time students, and full-time students.
Who is eligible for TEACH Grants?
Undergraduate students, graduate students, half-time students, and full-time students.
Who is eligible for PLUS Loans?
Undergraduate students, graduate students, half-time students, and full-time students. PLUS loans are also available to professional students.
Who is eligible for Stafford Loans?
Undergraduate students, graduate students, half-time students, and full-time students.
Federal Work-Study
Eligible students are provided employment, which may be on or off campus, to help cover the cost of their education.
Hank would like his 10-year-old daughter, Allison, to attend college at Apex State University at age 18 for 4 years. Your financial planning firm has determined that the total amount needed to fund Allison’s college costs is $150,000. Calculate the amount of the monthly deposit into a Section 529 plan with an expected annual rate of return of 6%.
„ END mode „ 12, DOWNSHIFT, P/YR „ DOWNSHIFT, C ALL „ 150,000, FV „ 6, I/YR „ 8, DOWNSHIFT, xP/YR (96 should appear on display) „ Solve for PMT = –1,221.2145, or $1,221.21 per month
After meeting with their financial services professional, the Werner family has decided to invest $750 each month into a Section 529 plan for their two-year-old son, Tyler. The Werners expect Tyler to attend State College. The current tuition is $30,000 per year, education inflation is expected to be 6%, and the anticipated rate of return on their investment is 8%. Tyler will attend school beginning at 18 years old for 4 years. Using these facts, determine whether the current investment plan ($750 monthly deposit), will meet the education savings goal.
Step 1: Determine the future cost of college for the first year. „ END mode „ 1, DOWNSHIFT, P/YR „ DOWNSHIFT, C ALL „ 30,000, +/–, PV „ 6, I/YR „ 16, N „ Solve for FV = 76,210.5505, or $76,210.55 Step 2: Determine the account balance necessary to fund college education. „ BEG mode (money is needed at the beginning of college) „ 76,210.5505, +/–, PMT „ [(1.08 ÷ 1.06) – 1] × 100 = 1.8868, I/YR „ 4, N „ Solve for PV = 296,478.4203, or $296,478.42 Step 3: Calculate future value of current payments. „ END mode „ 12, DOWNSHIFT, P/YR „ 750, +/–, PMT „ 8, I/YR „ 16, DOWNSHIFT, xP/YR (192 should appear on display) „ Solve for FV = 290,406.8620, or $290,406.86 Step 4: Subtract future education need from future value of current payments. „ $290,406.86 – $296,478.42 = –$6,071.56 They will be short by $6,071.56. As a result, the couple should consider raising the amount of savings to about $766 to break even. Of course, the greater the amount they save, the higher the probability of attaining the goal, especially if the investment does not generate the expected rate of return.
Uniform Gift to Minors Act (UGMA)
A U.S. law that allows adults to transfer financial assets to minors without the need for a formal trust. It provides a simple way to manage gifts to children while maintaining legal compliance and ensuring the assets are used for the child’s benefit. Real estate and other non-financial assets are not permitted under UGMA (but are allowed under the Uniform Transfers to Minors Act [UTMA]).
Uniform Transfers to Minors Act (UTMA)
A U.S. law that allows adults to transfer a wide variety of assets to minors without the need for a formal trust. It is an extension of the Uniform Gifts to Minors Act (UGMA) but provides greater flexibility in the types of assets that can be transferred.
UGMA and UTMA assets will be included at the child’s rate of ? when calculating the EFC for financial aid.
Savings Bond Education Tax Exclusion
A provision in U.S. tax law that allows taxpayers to exclude from federal income tax the interest earned on eligible savings bonds when the proceeds are used to pay for qualified higher education expenses. This exclusion is designed to encourage savings for education. Eligible Bonds: Only Series EE bonds issued after 1989 and all Series I bonds qualify. The bond owner must be at least 24 years old when the bonds are purchased.
Series EE Bonds
A type of U.S. government savings bond designed to help individuals save money while earning a fixed rate of interest. Issued by the U.S. Department of the Treasury, Series EE bonds are considered a safe and low-risk investment option, making them attractive for conservative investors seeking a reliable way to grow their savings over time.
Coverdell Education Savings Account (CESA)
A tax-advantaged savings account designed to help families save for educational expenses, including K-12 and higher education costs. It allows contributions to grow tax-free, and withdrawals for qualified expenses are also tax-free. Contribution Limits: - Maximum contribution: $2,000 per beneficiary per year. - Contributions are not tax-deductible. - Contributions must be made by the tax-filing deadline (typically April 15) for the previous year.
Key points regarding the CESA include the following:
„ The CESA is established either in a trust or custodial account on behalf of the child. „ Contributions are limited to $2,000 per year per child, regardless of the number of donors to the account. „ Contributions are subject to phaseout. „ All funds within the CESA must be used before the student reaches age 30. Any remaining funds will be disbursed to the CESA beneficiary, and the earnings will be subject to income tax and a 10% penalty. However, in order to prevent this from occurring, the owner of the CESA has the right to change the beneficiary to another family member of the original beneficiary. „ Only one rollover for a CESA is allowed per individual per year.
Section 529 plan, also known as a Qualified Tuition Program (QTP)
A tax-advantaged program that helps families save money for college expenses incurred when pursuing a degree. A QTP offers significant income tax benefits, including the ability to make contributions regardless of the contributor’s AGI, tax-free earnings growth, and tax-free withdrawals to the extent they are used to pay qualified higher education expenses.
There are two types of Section 529 (QTP) plans:
1. Prepaid tuition plan 2. College savings plan
Prepaid Tuition Plans
Permit contributors (usually parents) to prepay future tuition at today’s tuition rates or purchase tuition credits (units) to apply to future tuition costs. Typically, these plans apply to tuition and mandatory fees only. This type of program also usually requires that the designated beneficiary (usually the contributor’s child) go to any public college or university within the state (or the specific private institution) that established the QTP.
College Savings Plans
May be offered only by states, state-sponsored organizations, and eligible educational institutions. The contribution rules are the same as those for prepaid tuition plans. In this type of plan, tuition is not being prepaid, but, rather, a tax-advantaged savings plan is established from which tax-free distributions are made to pay for qualified education expenses.
A significant advantage of the college savings plan over the prepaid tuition plan is:
That it does not restrict where the child beneficiary may attend college.
UGMA 529 accounts or UTMA 529 accounts
Most states that have previously established a Section 529 QTP plan will permit a contributor to roll over UGMA or UTMA proceeds to the Section 529 plan account on behalf of the child.
ABLE Accounts
Provide individuals with disabilities and their families with the ability to fund a tax-preferred savings account to pay for qualified disability-related expenses.
Kiddie Tax
A tax rule in the United States that applies to certain types of unearned income (like interest, dividends, and capital gains) earned by children under age 18, as well as full-time students aged 19-23 who do not provide more than half of their own support. The kiddie tax is designed to prevent parents from shifting investments to their children to take advantage of their typically lower tax brackets.
A Minor’s Trust
A legal arrangement designed to hold and manage assets on behalf of a minor (someone under the age of majority, typically 18 or 21, depending on state laws). The trust ensures that the minor's assets are managed responsibly until they are old enough to handle them independently. If money is put into this kind of trust for a child, the potential taxes may be higher than the child’s or parent’s tax brackets. Additionally, the funds generally must be given to the child when he or she reaches age 21.
Current Income Trust
A trust that requires the distribution of all or part of its net income to its beneficiaries. The trust instrument must specify that all income is to be distributed, and that no amounts are to be set aside or used for charitable purposes. This typically presents problems in avoiding the kiddie tax; however, it has a substantial offsetting advantage to many grantors (the persons putting the money in the trusts). The trust property, or principal, need not be distributed to the child at any specified age. This ensures the segregated funds are used only for the purpose they were intended—that is, the child’s college education.
Crummey Trust
A type of irrevocable trust that allows a grantor to make gifts to beneficiaries without incurring gift tax by giving the beneficiaries a temporary right to withdraw the contributed funds, essentially creating a "present interest" in the gift, which qualifies for the annual gift tax exclusion; the term "Crummey" comes from a legal case where the concept was established, allowing individuals to utilize this strategy to transfer wealth while minimizing taxes.
An individual may make a contribution to a 529 plan up to the annual exclusion amount of ? without any tax implications to the donor or recipient.
$17,000 In addition, donors are eligible to deposit up to five times the annual exclusion amount through an accelerated, or ratable, contribution. For example, in 2023, a contributor is permitted to make one $85,000 contribution (the gift tax annual exclusion of $17,000 multiplied by five) and treat the contribution as if made ratably over the current year and the next four years (a total of five years).
if the 529 contributor splits a gift with a spouse, a one-time contribution (every five years) of ? may be made to any beneficiary, including the account owner, if so desired.
$170,000 ($85,000 + $85,000) ($17,000 x 5 = $85,000)
A Section 529 plan is considered an estate planning tool because:
Contributions made to the plan are removed from the donor's taxable estate, meaning the money is not counted as part of their assets when calculating potential estate taxes, while still allowing the donor to retain control over the funds and designate the beneficiary, providing flexibility in distributing wealth to heirs. However, if the contributor does not outlive the five-year period, the $85,000 contribution exclusion is prorated annually; for example, if the contributor-owner dies after three years, $34,000 (or $17,000 multiplied by two) would be included in her estate.
In the event the college funds for Student A are no longer required, can a 529 be retitled for Student B?
529s, if the parents are owners, can be transferred to another beneficiary (e.g., Student A’s sibling or cousin) if permitted by the plan.
In the event the college funds for Student A are no longer required, can a Coverdell ESAs (CESAs) be retitled for Student B?
Coverdell ESAs (CESAs) can be transferred to another beneficiary.
In the event the college funds for Student A are no longer required, can UGMAs and UTMAs be retitled for Student B?
UGMAs and UTMAs cannot be transferred to another child.
In the event the college funds for Student A are no longer required, can Trusts be retitled for Student B?
Trusts can be established individually or with multiple beneficiaries. In both cases, funds need to be allocated to the stated beneficiary. There are pot trusts that pool money for beneficiaries but do not specifically allocate. Treatment of trust funds is commonly spelled out at inception, not designed to switch beneficiaries.
If the 529 has accumulated an account balance that is no longer needed, who assumes control of the assets at 18, or age of majority?
Account owner’s assets; the funds are not transferred to the student at age 18.
If the Coverdell (CESA) has accumulated an account balance that is no longer needed, who assumes control of the assets at 18, or age of majority?
All funds must be used before child reaches 30.
If the UGMA and UTMA has accumulated an account balance that is no longer needed, who assumes control of the assets at 18, or age of majority?
Custodial accounts in the child’s name; when child reaches age of majority (18 or 21 depending on state), they assume ownership of the account and are not required to use the funds for education.
If the Trusts 2503(b) has accumulated an account balance that is no longer needed, who assumes control of the assets at 18, or age of majority?
Can hold funds beyond beneficiary’s age of majority; 2503(c)—principal or income required to be distributed by age 21; trust with spendthrift provision—disburses funds for college expenses only and remains in the control of the trustee beyond the age of majority.
American Opportunity Tax Credit
A tax credit designed to help offset the costs of higher education for eligible students in their first four years of postsecondary education. It is a part of U.S. tax policy aimed at making college more affordable. Amount of Credit: - Up to $2,500 per eligible student annually. - The credit is calculated as: 100% of the first $2,000 of qualified education expenses, plus 25% of the next $2,000 of qualified expenses. Refundability: - The AOTC is partially refundable. - If the credit reduces your tax liability to zero, up to 40% of the remaining credit (up to $1,000) can be refunded to you. However, none of the credit is refundable if the taxpayer claiming the credit is a child who (1) is under age 18 (or a student who is at least age 18 and under age 24 and whose earned income does not exceed one-half of her own support), (2) has at least one living parent, and (3) does not file a joint tax return.
Lifetime Learning Credit
A tax credit available to students who are enrolled in eligible postsecondary education courses. Unlike the American Opportunity Tax Credit (AOTC), which is available for the first four years of undergraduate education, the LLC can be used for an unlimited number of years, making it available for both undergraduate and graduate courses, and even for courses taken to improve job skills. Amount of Credit: The LLC is worth 20% of the first $10,000 of qualified education expenses per tax year, with a maximum credit of $2,000 per tax return (not per student).
A taxpayer can claim an American Opportunity Tax Credit or Lifetime Learning Credit for the taxable year and can also exclude from gross income amounts distributed from a Section 529 plan or CESA, but only if the Section 529 plan or CESA tax-free distributions are:
not used to pay the same expenses for which either the American Opportunity Tax Credit or Lifetime Learning Credit was claimed.
The American Opportunity Tax Credit and Lifetime Learning Credit may not both be claimed in:
the same year for the same student.
Taxpayers may waive the American Opportunity Tax Credit or Lifetime Learning Credit even when:
they qualify for one of the credits. This may be the case if the tax savings resulting from the credit is less than the savings from the income tax-free treatment of Section 529 plan withdrawals.
The student loan interest deduction may be used in combination with:
any of the other educational tax benefits, including the American Opportunity Tax Credit or the Lifetime Learning Credit.
Section 162 Employee Benefit
An employer may provide an unlimited amount of educational assistance to an employee so long as this assistance is job related. This is known as a Section 162 employee benefit because it is made as part of an employer’s deductible ordinary and necessary business expenses under IRC Section 162.
IRC Section 127
An employer may also provide up to $5,250 of non-job-related educational assistance to an employee during any one year as a tax-free employee benefit under IRC Section 127. This benefit may be granted for either undergraduate or graduate study. However, the benefit is limited to the lesser of the amount of qualifying educational expenses (defined as tuition, fees, books, supplies, or equipment) or $5,250 in any given year.
Ervan has been working full-time for a local arborist while taking night classes on a part-time basis in pursuit of his MBA. His employer offers reimbursements for qualified expenses through the educational assistance programs under IRC Section 162 and IRC Section 127. This year, Ervan has incurred the following educational expenses: „ Enrollment fees: $100 „ Tuition: $4,000 „ Books: $500 „ Computer lab fee: $50 „ School apparel: $150 „ Financial calculator rental fee (calculator must be returned at end of course): $25 Because Ervan’s pursuit of the MBA is unrelated to his horticulture work with the arborist, Section 127 would apply. Based on these expenses, Ervan can receive ? for reimbursement under Section 127.
$4,675 His qualifying expenses equal $4,675 ($100 + $4,000 + $500 + $50 + $25). The financial calculator fee is a qualifying expense because the calculator will be returned at the end of the course.
Barry and Virginia have a six-year-old son, Daniel. They have plans for Daniel to attend a four-year private university at age 18. Currently, tuition at the local private university is $15,000 per year and is expected to increase at 7% per year. Assuming Barry and Virginia can earn an annual compound return of 10% and inflation is 4%, how much does the couple need to start saving at the end of each year (starting this year) to be able to pay for Daniel’s college education? (Assume their last payment is made at the beginning of Daniel’s first year in college.) A. $5,144.86 B. $5,899.93 C. $6,065.35 D. $8,886.18
C. $6,065.35 Explanation: They would need to deposit $6,065.35 per year to meet the education funding goal. Step 1: Determine the future cost of college for the first year. „ END mode „ 15,000, +/–, PV „ 7, I/YR „ 12, N „ Solve for FV = 33,782.8738, or $33,782.87 Step 2: Determine the account balance necessary to fund college education. „ BEG mode (money is needed at the beginning of college) „ 33,782.8738, +/–, PMT „ [(1.10 ÷ 1.07) – 1] × 100 = 2.8037, I/YR „ 4, N „ Solve for PV = 129,703.2143 or $129,703.21 Step 3: Determine the required savings payments. „ END mode „ 129,703.2143, FV „ 12 N (payments continue until Daniel reaches 18) „ 10, I/YR „ Solve for PMT = –6,065.3523, or $6,065.35
Select the parental assets that are excluded from consideration when calculating the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) for federal financial aid. A. Mutual fund ownership B. Annual contributions to a retirement plan C. Rental real estate property D. The excess of value over the amount owed on a personal residence
D. The excess of value over the amount owed on a personal residence Explanation: The equity in a personal residence or home is not included in the calculation of the EFC. The accrued benefit or account balance in a retirement plan is an exempt parental asset.
To be eligible to receive federal student aid, a student must: I. be a U.S. citizen. II. be an eligible noncitizen of the United States. III. maintain satisfactory academic progress. IV. not be in default on a federal student loan. A. II only B. I and III C. I, III, and IV D. I, II, III, and IV
D. I, II, III, and IV
Scott and Barbara have come to you for advice on financing their daughter’s fast-approaching college undergraduate education. They have failed to save enough money to finance their daughter’s education but currently have an annual income in excess of $150,000. Unfortunately, they spend as much as they earn. Select a suitable option for the Johnsons if there is a need to obtain education funds. A. Subsidized Stafford loan B. Pell Grant C. Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students D. Federal Work-Study Program
C. Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students Explanation: Given the couple’s income level, their only real alternative from the choices offered is a PLUS loan. Subsidized Stafford loans, federal Pell Grants, and the Federal Work-Study Program are need-based.
Assume that an adult client is currently in a low marginal income tax bracket and does not anticipate major income increases in the future. He is interested in a low-risk investment purchased in his name that may provide favorable income tax treatment when used for the higher education tuition expenses of his only child. He is also not interested in incurring the expense of establishing a trust when saving for his child’s college education costs. Identify a viable alternative to recommend to the client. A. An UGMA account B. A passbook savings account in the child’s name C. Municipal bonds purchased in the name of the client D. Series EE savings bond
D. Series EE savings bond Explanation: Because the client is currently in a low tax bracket and does not anticipate significant income increases in the future, he does not need to worry about the phaseout amounts associated with a qualified savings bond. In addition, to qualify for the tax exclusion on savings bond interest, such a bond has to be purchased in the name of an individual who is at least age 24, unlike the UGMA account, which is the legal property of the child at the time the account is established.
Erin’s grandmother recently established a CESA on behalf of Erin, age five, and contributed $2,000 to the account. Now, Erin’s father wants to contribute an additional $2,000 to the account in this same year. Is this permitted? A. Yes, because both the grandmother and father are family members of Erin. B. No, only Erin’s father is allowed to establish a CESA. C. Yes, up to $2,000 per donor can be contributed on Erin’s behalf. D. No, $2,000 is the maximum contribution per beneficiary in any single year.
D. No, $2,000 is the maximum contribution per beneficiary in any single year. Explanation: The maximum amount that may be contributed to a Coverdell ESA is $2,000 per beneficiary, regardless of the number of donors or the relation of the donor. The donor does not have to be a family member.
Identify a difference between a Section 529 plan and a Coverdell ESA (CESA). A. The account balance in a Section 529 plan must be distributed to the child upon reaching age 30. B. The CESA may not be used for higher education expenses. C. Contributions made to a Section 529 plan are not subject to income limitations. D. Contributions made to a CESA and not used for qualified education expenses may be reclaimed.
C. Contributions made to a Section 529 plan are not subject to income limitations. Explanation: Unlike the Coverdell ESA, a Section 529 plan is not subject to phaseout limitations. In addition, contributions made to a Section 529 plan not used for qualified education expenses may typically be reclaimed by the contributor; this is not the case with a Coverdell ESA.
George and Betty wish to establish a Section 529 college savings plan for both of their grandchildren. In 2023, what is the maximum amount that they can contribute without making a taxable gift for federal gift tax purposes? A. $85,000 B. $170,000 C. $320,000 D. $340,000
D. $340,000 Explanation: Because George and Betty have two grandchildren, they may contribute a maximum of $340,000 (or $170,000 for each account in 2023). However, they may make this contribution only once within a five-year period and must file a federal gift tax return reporting these transfers (even though there is no taxable gift).
Amanda is a half-time sophomore at ABC University. Tuition payable for 202X was $3,000. Amanda is claimed as a dependent on her parents’ 202X income tax return and her parents have reported a modified AGI of $150,000 for that year. Neither Amanda nor her parents are claiming any other education benefit for 202X. Which of the following statements regarding the possible applicability of the American Opportunity Tax Credit is CORRECT? A. Amanda’s parents will be able to claim $2,000 of the American Opportunity Tax Credit on their 202X income tax return. B. Amanda’s parents will be able to claim $2,250 of the American Opportunity Tax Credit on their 202X income tax return. C. Amanda will be able to claim $3,000 of the American Opportunity Tax Credit on her 202X income tax return. D. Neither Amanda nor her parents are able to take advantage of the American Opportunity Tax Credit for income tax purposes.
B. Amanda’s parents will be able to claim $2,250 of the American Opportunity Tax Credit on their 202X income tax return. Explanation: Amanda’s parents will be able to claim $2,250 of the American Opportunity Tax Credit on their 202X income tax return. This amount is determined as follows: (100% × $2,000) + (25% × $1,000). Because Amanda’s parents claim Amanda as a dependent, they are permitted to take the credit. Also, because they are currently below the applicable beginning phaseout, there is no reduction in the amount of credit.
According to the Internal Revenue Code, which of the following statements regarding education assistance programs is CORRECT? I. An employer may provide an unlimited amount of educational assistance to an employee, assuming the education is job related. II. An employer may provide up to $7,250 of non-job-related educational assistance to an employee during any one year as a tax-free employee benefit. A. I only B. II only C. Both I and II D. Neither I nor II
A. I only Explanation: Under IRC Section 127, an employer may only provide up to $5,250 of non-job-related educational assistance to an employee during any one year as a tax-free employee benefit.
For purposes of the tax-free redemption of Series EE savings bonds, qualified education expenses include expenses for which of the following persons? I. The taxpayer II. The taxpayer's spouse III. Any dependent the taxpayer claims for income tax purposes A) I, II and III B) III only C) I and II D) I and III
A) I, II and III The answer is I, II, and III. Qualified education expenses include expenses for any of these persons.
Which of the following statements concerning education tax credits and savings opportunities is CORRECT? A) The Lifetime Learning Credit is equal to 100% of qualified education expenses up to a certain limit. B) The contribution limit for Coverdell Education Savings Accounts (CESAs) is applied per year per donor. C) The American Opportunity Tax Credit reduces a family's tax dollar-for-dollar in an amount equal to 100% of the first $2,000 of qualified education expense and 25% of the next $2,000. D) The American Opportunity Tax Credit is only available for the first two years of postsecondary education.
C) The American Opportunity Tax Credit reduces a family's tax dollar-for-dollar in an amount equal to 100% of the first $2,000 of qualified education expense and 25% of the next $2,000. The answer is the American Opportunity Tax Credit reduces a family's tax dollar-for-dollar in an amount equal to 100% of the first $2,000 of qualified education expense and 25% of the next $2,000. A parent who claims a child as a dependent is entitled to take the American Opportunity Tax Credit for the education expenses of the child. The Lifetime Learning Credit is equal to 20% of qualified education expenses up to a certain limit. The American Opportunity Tax Credit is available for the first four years of postsecondary education. The contribution limit for CESAs is applied per year per student (not donor).
George and Barbara have three dependent children in college. Cameron is a senior, Lauren is a junior, and Cheryl is a freshman, and each has qualifying education expenses in excess of $10,000 annually. When George and Barbara file their income tax returns for 2023, they want to use the American Opportunity Tax Credit and/or Lifetime Learning Credit to their greatest benefit. They are eligible for both credits. Which of these statements describing their options is CORRECT? A) They can use the American Opportunity Tax Credit individually for Cameron, Lauren, and Cheryl and an additional Lifetime Learning Credit for the same expenses as a family tax credit. B) They can use the American Opportunity Tax Credit for the qualified education expenses of Cameron, Lauren, and Cheryl. C) They can use only one of the credits and should use whichever credit will provide the greatest benefit. D) They can use the American Opportunity Tax Credit for the qualified education expenses of Cheryl only and the Lifetime Learning Credit for Cameron and Lauren.
B) They can use the American Opportunity Tax Credit for the qualified education expenses of Cameron, Lauren, and Cheryl. The answer is they can use the American Opportunity Tax Credit for the qualified education expenses of Cameron, Lauren, and Cheryl. The American Opportunity Tax Credit may be used for qualifying education expenses for the first four years of college for each student. The Lifetime Learning Credit is allowed once per year per family but cannot be claimed for the same student for which an American Opportunity Tax Credit is claimed. The Lifetime Learning Credit would most likely not be claimed because the American Opportunity Tax Credit provides a larger tax credit for the family.
Which of the following statements concerning the characteristics of scholarships is CORRECT? I. Scholarships are given only to academically or athletically gifted students. II. Scholarships are available for either undergraduate or graduate study. III. The receipt of scholarships may be contingent on fulfilling specific requirements. IV. Scholarships are often merit-based. A) II, III, and IV B) I, II, III, and IV C) I and IV D) III only
A) II, III, and IV The answer is II, III, and IV. Only Statement I is incorrect. Scholarships are generally given to academically or athletically gifted students, but they may be given on a needs basis.
Which of the following statements regarding the American Opportunity Tax and Lifetime Learning Credits is CORRECT? I. A family may not take an American Opportunity Credit and Lifetime Learning Credit in the same year. II. A Lifetime Learning Credit may be used in combination with a student loan interest deduction. A) II only B) Both I and II C) I only D) Neither I nor II
A) II only The answer is II only. A family may take an American Opportunity Tax Credit and a Lifetime Learning Credit in the same year as long as they are not for the same student. Both the Lifetime Learning Credit and the American Opportunity Tax Credit may be used in combination with a student loan interest deduction.
All of the following statements regarding the expected family contribution (EFC) as it relates to student financial aid are CORRECT except A) student income includes taxable and nontaxable income from the year preceding the award year. B) student assets include the value of everything the student owns or that has been saved on his behalf. C) parental assets and income are assigned a higher rating in the EFC calculation than student assets and income. D) parental assets include almost everything owned by the parents with notable exceptions.
C) parental assets and income are assigned a higher rating in the EFC calculation than student assets and income. The answer is parental assets and income are assigned a higher rating in the EFC calculation than student assets and income. Parental assets and income are assigned a lower rating in the EFC calculation than student assets and income.
Which of the following is a non-need-based loan for which the borrower-student is responsible for the accrued interest during the life of the loan? A) Unsubsidized Stafford Loan B) Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG) C) Pell Grant D) Subsidized Stafford Loan
A) Unsubsidized Stafford Loan The answer is unsubsidized Stafford Loan. An unsubsidized Stafford Loan is a non-need-based loan for which the borrower-student is responsible for the accrued interest during the life of the loan.
Select the correct description of the relationship between income, assets, and financial aid. A) A higher percentage of assets and income included increases the expected family contribution (EFC) and reduces the available financial aid. B) A higher percentage of assets and income included reduces the expected family contribution (EFC) and increases the available financial aid. C) A higher percentage of assets and income included increases the expected family contribution (EFC) and increases the available financial aid. D) A higher percentage of assets and income included reduces the expected family contribution (EFC) and reduces the available financial aid.
A) A higher percentage of assets and income included increases the expected family contribution (EFC) and reduces the available financial aid. The answer is a higher percentage of assets and income included increases the expected family contribution (EFC) and reduces the available financial aid. A higher percentage of assets and income included increases the expected family contribution (EFC) and reduces the available financial aid. Total cost of attendance ‒ EFC = available financial aid.
Maria, a single parent, would like her 13-year-old son, Seth, to attend college at Cascadia State University at age 18 for four years. Your planning firm has determined that the total amount needed to fund Seth's entire college attendance is $225,000. Calculate the amount of the monthly deposits into a 529 with an expected annual return of 8.5%. A) $3,001 B) $3,335 C) $3,022 D) $3,358
C) $3,022 Maria must make monthly deposits of $3,022 into a 529 with an expected annual return of 8.5% to reach her goal. END Mode 12, DOWNSHIFT, P/YR C ALL 225,000, FV 8.5, I/YR 5, DOWNSHIFT, N (60 periods shows on display) Solve for PMT = ‒3,022.4695, or $3,022 rounded.
Which of the following characteristics apply to Pell Grants? I. Available to undergraduate part-time students II. Available to undergraduate full-time students III. Available to graduate students IV. Available to all undergraduate students A) II and IV B) I, II, and IV C) I, II, III, and IV D) I, II, and III
B) I, II, and IV The answer is I, II and IV. All undergraduate students who meet the financial need requirements are eligible for Pell Grants. Graduate students are not eligible for Pell Grants.
Mark and Macy want to set up a program to fund their daughter's college education. Their daughter has indicated she may want to attend college in another state. As Mark and Macy's financial planner, which of the following funding programs would you advise them to avoid? A) Coverdell Education Savings Account (CESA) B) Series EE savings bonds C) Prepaid tuition plan D) College savings plan
C) Prepaid tuition plan The answer is prepaid tuition plan. In all likelihood, Mark and Macy should avoid a prepaid tuition plan because this type of plan typically requires that the child attend a public college or university within the state that established the plan. The other choices do not involve this type of restriction.
Which of these statements concerning Pell grants are CORRECT? I. Pell Grants are the primary type of grants dispersed directly to students. II. Financial need and availability of federal funds are the criteria for receipt. III. Receipt of other grants is sometimes contingent upon applying for or receiving a Pell grant. IV. The Pell grant is available to both undergraduates and graduate students. A) I, II, III, and IV B) I and IV C) II and III D) I, II, and III
D) I, II, and III The answer is I, II, and III. Only statement IV is incorrect. The Pell Grant is only available to undergraduates.
After meeting with their new financial planner, the Richard family has decided to invest $1,400 each month into a 529 for their four-year-old daughter Kiera. The Richards expect Kiera to attend Florham College. The current tuition is $55,000 per year, education inflation is expected to be 5.75%, and the anticipated rate of return on their 529 is 7.5%. Kiera will attend school beginning at 18 years old for four years. Using these facts, calculate to determine whether the current investment plan ($1,400 monthly deposits) will meet the education savings goal. A) Fall short of the goal by $42,252 B) Exceed the goal by $17,542 C) Fall short of the goal by $55,575 D) Exceed the goal by $1,554
C) Fall short of the goal by $55,575 The Richards will fall short of their goal by $55,575. Step 1: Determine the future cost of college for the first year. END Mode 1, DOWNSHIFT, P/YR C ALL 55,000, +/–, PV 5.75, I/YR 14, DOWNSHIFT, N (14 periods show on display) Solve for FV = 120,306.1847 Step 2: Determine the account balance necessary to fund college education. BEG Mode (money is needed at the beginning of college) 120,306.1847, +/–, PMT [(1.075 ÷ 1.0575) – 1] × 100 = 1.6548, I/YR 4, DOWNSHIFT, N (4 periods show on display) Solve for PV = 469,600.9116, or 469,600.91 rounded (This is the future education need.) Step 3: Calculate Future Value of Current Payments C ALL END Mode 12, DOWNSHIFT, P/YR C ALL 1,400, +/–, PMT 7.5, I/YR 14, DOWNSHIFT, N (168 periods shows on display) Solve for FV = 414,025.6013, or 414,025.60 rounded (This is the future value of the current payments.) Step 4: Subtract future education need from future value of the current payments. $414,025.60 - $469,600.91 = -$55,575.31, or -$55,575 rounded
Eugene and Amelia wish to help fund their grandchild Drew's college education. They have a sizable estate and wish to place the money into an account that has growth potential along with tax benefits. Assuming they choose a Section 529 plan, what is the maximum they could place into the account for Drew and meet these goals: 1) removal of the contribution amount from their estates, and 2) no gift tax implications in 2022? A) $160,000 B) $0 C) $32,000 D) $16,000
A) $160,000 The answer is $160,000. In 2022, a contributor is permitted to make one $80,000 contribution (the gift tax annual exclusion of $16,000 × 5) and spread that contribution over five years. In addition, if the contributor splits that gift with their spouse, a one-time contribution (every five years) of $160,000 may be made to any beneficiary, including the account owner, if so desired. These contributions are also correspondingly removed from the contributor's gross estate. Even though the contributor retains control of the 529 account balance at their death, the balance in the plan is not included in his estate for estate tax purposes (thus constituting a significant estate planning technique alternative).
Identify the value of the protected amount in 2022-2023 for purposes of calculating student income in the expected family contribution (EFC) formula. A) $6,800 B) $5,640 C) $7,040 D) $5,000
C) $7,040 The protected amount for student income is $7,040 (2022-2023); 50% of student income above the protected amount is included in the calculation of EFC.
Kaito's son, Ren, turned five years old today. Kaito has plans for Ren to attend a four-year private university at age 18. Currently, tuition is $15,000 per year and is expected to increase at 7% per year. Kaito can earn an annual compound investment return of 10%. Calculate how much he must start saving at the end of each year (beginning this year) to pay for Ren's college education. (Assume Kaito's last payment is made at the beginning of Ren's first year in college.) A) $5,145 B) $10,045 C) $8,886 D) $5,659
D) $5,659 Kaito must deposit $5,659 per year to meet the education funding goal. Step 1: Determine the future cost of college for the first year. END Mode 1, DOWNSHIFT, P/YR C ALL 15,000 +/– PV 7 I/YR 13, DOWNSHIFT, N (13 years shows on the display) Solve of FV = 36,147.6750, or $36,147.68 Step 2: Determine the account balance necessary to fund college education: BEG Mode (money is needed at the beginning of college) 1, DOWNSHIFT, P/YR C ALL 36,147.68 +/– PMT [(1.10 ÷ 1.07) – 1] × 100 = 2.8037, I/YR 4, DOWNSHIFT, N (4 periods show on display) Solve for PV = 138,782.4586, or $138,782.46 Step 3: Determine the required savings payments. END Mode 1, DOWNSHIFT, P/YR C ALL 138,782.46 FV 13, DOWNSHIFT, N (payments continue until Eugene reaches 18; 13 periods show on display) 10 I/YR Solve for PMT = $5,659.34, or $5,659 rounded
Which of the following education funding techniques provide(s) tax advantages, regardless of the contributor's modified adjusted gross income (MAGI)? I. Section 529 plan II. Series EE or Series I savings bonds III. Coverdell Education Savings Account (CESA) A) I, II, and III B) II and III C) II only D) I only
D) I only The answer is I only. Section 529 plans offer significant tax advantages regardless of the contributor's modified adjusted gross income. The tax advantages of CESAs and education savings bonds are phased out at higher levels of MAGI.
After meeting with their new financial planner, the Beckham family has decided to invest $800 each month into a 529 for their seven-year-old son, Oliver. The Beckhams expect Oliver to attend Southern State University. The current tuition is $25,000 per year, education inflation is expected to be 6.5%, and the anticipated rate of return on their 529 is 8%. Oliver will attend school beginning at 18 years old for four years. Using these facts, calculate to determine whether the current investment plan ($800 monthly deposits), will meet the education savings goal. A) Exceed the goal by $111,554 B) Exceed the goal by $107,286 C) Fall short of the goal by $42,152 D) Fall short of the goal by $27,324
D) Fall short of the goal by $27,324 The current investment plan falls short of the goal by $27,324. Step 1: Determine the future cost of college for the first year. END Mode 1, DOWNSHIFT, P/YR C ALL 25,000, +/– PV 6.5, I/YR 11, DOWNSHIFT, N 11 periods show on display) Solve for FV = 49,978.7850, or $49,978.79 Step 2: Determine the account balance necessary to fund college education. BEG mode (money is needed at the beginning of college) 49,978.7850, +/–, PMT [(1.08 ÷ 1.065) – 1] × 100 = 1.4085, I/YR 4, DOWNSHIFT, N (4 periods show on display) Solve for PV = 195,788.6712, or $195,788.67 rounded (This is the future education need.) Step 3: Calculate future value of current payments. C ALL END Mode 12, DOWNSHIFT, P/YR C ALL 800, +/–, PMT 8, I/YR 11, DOWNSHIFT, N (132 periods show on display) Solve for FV = 168,464.3135, or $168,464.31 rounded (This is the future value of the current payments.) Step 4: Subtract future education need from future value of the current payments. $168,464.31 ‒ $195,788.67 = ‒$27,324.36, or ‒$27,324 rounded
Which of these statements regarding Pell Grants is CORRECT? I. They are the primary type of grant disbursed directly to students. II. They are need-based. III. They are available both to undergraduate and graduate students. IV. These programs provide students attending college with part-time jobs. A) II only B) I, III, and IV C) I, II, and III D) I and II
D) I and II The answer is I and II. Statement III is incorrect; Pell Grants are available to undergraduates only. Statement IV is incorrect; Federal Work-Study (FWS) programs provide students attending college with part-time jobs.
Which of the following statements concerning a PLUS loan is CORRECT? I. PLUS loans are available to parents of students. II. PLUS loans are not needs-based. III. The borrower under a PLUS loan must meet federal standards of creditworthiness. A) I, II, and III B) I and II C) III only D) II and III
A) I, II, and III The answer is I, II, and III. All of these statements are correct. Other characteristics of PLUS loans include interest rates that vary with the rate of 52-week Treasury bills and the availability of reduced loans for students enrolled in programs that are shorter than an academic year.
To be eligible to receive federal student aid, you must I. be a citizen of the United States. II. not owe a refund on a federal student grant. III. not have a conviction for the possession or sale of illegal drugs. IV. have a high school diploma or a General Education Development (GED) certificate. A) II, III, and IV B) I, II, and IV C) I and III D) I, II, III, and IV
A) II, III, and IV The answer is II, III, and IV. Citizens or eligible noncitizens of the United States are eligible to receive federal student aid. Students must meet these requirements: - Have a valid Social Security number. - Be a citizen or eligible noncitizen of the United States. - Have a high school diploma or a General Education Development (GED) certificate, or have completed homeschooling. If you don't, you may still be eligible for federal student aid if you were enrolled in college or career school prior to July 1, 2012. Go to for additional information. - Be enrolled in an eligible program as a regular student seeking a degree or certificate. - Maintain satisfactory academic progress. - Not owe a refund on a federal student grant or be in default on a federal student loan. - Register (or already be registered) with the Selective Service System, if you are a male and not currently on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces. - Not have a conviction for the possession or sale of illegal drugs for an offense that occurred while you were receiving federal student aid (such as grants, work-study, or loans). If you have such a conviction, you must complete the Student Aid Eligibility Worksheet to determine if you are eligible for aid or partially eligible for aid.
Kayla is interested in learning more about education grants. She made the following statements and asked you to confirm their accuracy. Which of her statements regarding education grants is CORRECT? I. Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (SEOGs) are federal grants for which priority is given to students who also receive Pell Grants. II. Pell Grants are disbursed to the educational institution for the benefit of the qualifying student. III. Federal Work-Study programs provide students attending college with part-time jobs. IV. Pell Grants are available to undergraduate and graduate students. A) I and III B) II, III, and IV C) I, III, and IV D) II only
A) I and III The answer is I and III. SEOGs, which are federal grants, give priority to students who also receive Pell Grants. Federal Work-Study programs provide students attending college with part-time jobs. In turn, the institution disburses the earned funds to the students. Pell Grants are dispersed directly to students and are available to undergrads only.
Which of the following is a college savings vehicle that permits tax-free earnings growth and a 100% tax-free distribution in payment of qualified education expenses? A) A minor’s trust B) A state-sponsored Section 529 plan C) An IRA distribution D) A Uniform Gifts to Minors Act (UGMA) custodial account
B) A state-sponsored Section 529 plan The answer is a state-sponsored Section 529 plan. A state-sponsored Section 529 plan permits a tax-free distribution as long as the proceeds are used to pay for qualified education expenses. "Qualified education expenses" include tuition at an elementary or secondary public, private, or religious school, up to a $10,000 limit per tax year.
Calculate the lump sum necessary to fund Ethan's college attendance. Current college cost = $12,500 Expected inflation (CPI) = 2.5% Expected rate of education inflation = 5.5% Ethan's current age = 3 Ethan's age at beginning of college = 18 Anticipated years of attendance = 5 Expected 529 account annual performance = 8.75% A) $127,508 B) $131,436 C) $139,530 D) $67,229
B) $131,436 A lump sum in the amount of $131,436 is needed to fund Ethan's college attendance. Step 1: Determine the future cost of college for the first year. END Mode 1, DOWNSHIFT, P/YR C ALL 12,500, +/–, PV 5.5, I/YR 15, DOWNSHIFT, N Solve for FV = 27,905.9562 Step 2: Determine the account balance necessary to fund college education. BEG mode (money is needed at the beginning of college) 27,905.9562, +/–, PMT [(1.0875 ÷ 1.055) – 1] × 100 = 3.0806, I/YR 5, DOWNSHIFT, N (5 periods show on display) Solve for PV = 131,435.5234, or $131,436, rounded
Which of the following is considered qualified education expenses for purposes of the income tax exclusion for redemptions of Series EE savings bonds? I. Room and board II. Tuition III. Fees IV. Personal auto A) I, II, and IV B) I, II, and III C) II and III D) IV only
C) II and III The answer is II and III. Qualified education expenses for purposes of the Series EE savings bond exclusion include tuition and fees but not room and board or a personal auto.
All of the following are employer guidelines associated with implementing an educational assistance program except A) employers must have a written qualified program that applies exclusively to their employees B) the program cannot favor highly compensated employees. C) employers that provide their employees educational assistance benefits may not deduct these costs as a business expense. D) the program must be offered to all employees.
C) employers that provide their employees educational assistance benefits may not deduct these costs as a business expense. The answer is employers that provide their employees educational assistance benefits may not deduct these costs as a business expense. Employers that provide their employees with educational assistance benefits can deduct these costs as a business expense.
Luciana's daughter, Emilia, turned one year old today. Luciana has plans for Emilia to attend a four-year public university at age 18. Currently, tuition is $18,000 per year and is expected to increase at 5.5% per year. Luciana can earn an annual compound investment return of 8%. Calculate the lump sum that Luciana needs for Emilia's entire college education on her first day of college. A) $168,789 B) $159,990 C) $148,139 D) $172,789
D) $172,789 Luciana needs $172,789 for Emilia's entire college education on her first day of college. Step 1: Determine the future cost of college for the first year. END Mode 1, DOWNSHIFT, P/YR C ALL 18,000 +/– PV 5.5 I/YR 17, DOWNSHIFT, N (17 periods shows on display) Solve for FV = 44,726.4387, or $44,726.44 Step 2: Determine the account balance necessary to fund college education: BEG mode (money is needed at the beginning of college) 1, DOWNSHIFT, P/YR C ALL 44,726.4387, +/– PMT [(1.08 ÷ 1.055) – 1] × 100 = 2.3697, I/YR 4 DOWNSHIFT, N (4 periods show on display) Solve for PV = 172,789.06, or $172,789 rounded
Which of the following statements regarding Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOGs) is CORRECT? I. FSEOGs are grants given to students. II. Priority for FSEOGs is given to students who also receive Pell Grants. A) Neither I nor II B) Both I and II C) II only D) I only
B) Both I and II
Justine completes the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to see if she qualifies for financial aid. The value of which of these assets will be included in the expected family contribution (EFC) calculation? I. Automobiles owned by Justine's parents II. Her father's Section 401(k) plan balance III. The equity in her parents' personal residence IV. Justine's UTMA (Uniform Transfers to Minors Account) account A) I and II B) IV only C) I and IV D) III and IV
B) IV only The answer is IV only. All assets owned by a student's parents are included in the EFC calculation, with the notable exceptions of home equity, cars used for regular transportation, accrued benefit or account balances in any retirement plans (e.g., Section 401[k] plans), and the cash value of life insurance policies. The value of student-owned assets, in this case the UTMA account, is also included in the EFC calculation at 20%.
For purposes of calculating the expected family contribution (EFC), which of the following assets is included in the student's calculation? I. Section 529 plan assets II. Custodial accounts III. Home equity IV. Life insurance cash value A) II only B) II, III, and IV C) I and III D) I, II, III, and IV
A) II only The answer is II only. Custodial accounts (e.g., Uniform Gifts to Minors Act [UGMA] or Uniform Transfers to Minors Act [UTMA] accounts) are considered student assets. If the parents are listed as contributors-owners, Section 529 plan assets are considered parental assets. Home equity and life insurance cash value are exempt.
What mode does the calculator get changed to in Step 2 of calculating funds needed for college tuition?
BEG mode.
The only difference between calculating a lump sum and a level payment for Step 3 is solving for:
PMT rather than PV.
Remember, when solving for a level payment, the FV should be an inflation-adjusted amount. However, when solving for a serial payment, you will be taking inflation into account when you calculate the PMT and adjusting it each year for inflation. When calculating a serial payment, find the desired amount in today’s dollars and enter it as a ?.
The ? is an index number that colleges use to determine the amount of family-paid annual college costs. Ultimately, the ? is subtracted from the total annual cost of attendance to determine the amount of financial aid that students will receive.
Expected Family Contribution (EFC); EFC
Custodial accounts are considered assets of the ?, whereas parent-owned or dependent child-owned Section 529 plan assets are considered assets of the ?.
child; parents
What does subsidizing a loan mean?
Subsidizing a loan means that an entity—usually the government, an employer, or a nonprofit—pays part or all of the loan's interest, reducing the borrower’s financial burden. This allows the borrower to access funding at a lower effective cost or with more favorable terms than would typically be available.
What educational loan can be subsidized?
Stafford Loan. If a student qualifies for a loan based on financial need, the loan generally will be subsidized.
Students who have a conviction for the possession or sale of illegal drugs for an offense that occurred while receiving federal student aid (such as grants, work study, or loans) must complete the ? to determine their eligibility for aid.
Student Aid Eligibility Worksheet
Only ? qualify for subsidized Stafford loans.
What kind of loan is described below? The amount that can be borrowed is unlimited, except the total of all aid received cannot be higher than the total cost of schooling. Also, graduate and professional students can borrow money directly (i.e., for themselves) through the Grad ? program.
PLUS loan
? are not eligible for PLUS funds, but students enrolled in programs that are shorter than an academic year may be eligible for reduced loan amounts.
Part-time students
? were low interest rate loans funded by the federal government but administered by individual schools.
Perkins loans
Pell grants are eligible to ?
- undergraduates - part-time students - half-time students - full-time students
SUBSIDIZED Stafford loans are eligible to ?; UNSUBSIDIZED Stafford loans are eligible to ?
Subsidized: - undergraduates - half-time students - full-time students Unsubsidized: - graduate and professional students - half-time students - full-time students
? are funded by the federal government but are administered by individual schools.
Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOGs)
What are the Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOGs) limits?
Current amounts range from $100 to $4,000.
Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant Program, which provides grants of up to ? per year to students who agree to serve as a full-time teacher in a high-need field in a public or private elementary or secondary school that serves low-income students.
PLUS loans are eligible to ?
- undergraduates - graduate and professional students - half-time students - full-time students
TEACH grants are eligible to ?
- undergraduates - graduate students - half-time students - full-time students
FSEO grants are eligible to ?
- undergraduates - part-time students - half-time students - full-time students
Any investment strategies employed by the family should rely heavily on the amount of time until the child will be enrolled in school. In other words, the ? is probably the most important factor (besides risk tolerance) to consider when deciding what securities to invest in, how much to invest, and when to invest.
time horizon
? are a type of U.S. government savings bond designed to help individuals save money while earning a fixed rate of interest.
Series EE Bonds
The ? permits qualified taxpayers to exclude from their gross income all or a portion of the interest earned on the redemption of eligible Series EE and I bonds issued after 1989.
savings bond education tax exclusion
Although contributions to a ? are not deductible, the earnings on the account accumulate income tax free.
The CESA is established either in a ? or ? account on behalf of the child.
trust; custodial account
A ? offers significant income tax benefits, including the ability to make contributions regardless of the contributor’s AGI, tax-free earnings growth, and tax-free withdrawals to the extent they are used to pay qualified higher education expenses.
Qualified Tuition Program (QTP)
? provide individuals with disabilities and their families with the ability to fund a tax-preferred savings account to pay for qualified disability-related expenses.
ABLE accounts
The ? is a tax rule in the United States that applies to certain types of unearned income (like interest, dividends, and capital gains) earned by children under age 18, as well as full-time students aged 19-23 who do not provide more than half of their own support. This is designed to prevent parents from shifting investments to their children to take advantage of their typically lower tax brackets.
kiddie tax
An individual may make a contribution to a 529 plan up to the annual exclusion amount of ? without any tax implications to the donor or recipient. In addition, donors are eligible to deposit up to five times the annual exclusion amount through an accelerated, or ratable, contribution.
$17,000 For example, in 2023, a contributor is permitted to make one $85,000 contribution (the gift tax annual exclusion of $17,000 multiplied by five) and treat the contribution as if made ratably over the current year and the next four years (a total of five years). In addition, if the contributor splits that gift with a spouse, a one-time contribution (every five years) of $170,000 may be made to any beneficiary, including the account owner, if so desired.
An employer may provide an unlimited amount of educational assistance to an employee so long as this assistance is job related. This is known as a ? employee benefit because it is made as part of an employer’s deductible ordinary and necessary business expenses under IRC ?.
Section 162
An employer may also provide up to ? of non-job-related educational assistance to an employee during any one year as a tax-free employee benefit under IRC Section 127. This benefit may be granted for either undergraduate or graduate study. However, the benefit is limited to the lesser of the amount of qualifying educational expenses (defined as tuition, fees, books, supplies, or equipment) or ? in any given year.