Module 6 - Carbonyls Flashcards
What is the test and results for aldehydes
Tollens reagent
Silver mirror/ precipitate produced
What is the test and result for ketones
Yellow/orange/red precipitate
What is the test and observations for carboxylic acids
Sodium carbonate
Fizzing/effervescence/ bubbling
Suggest the chemical test to distinguish a ketone from two esters
Reagent = tollens reagent
Observation = silver mirror
Suggest the test to identify esters
H+/CrOO7^2- (acidified potassium dichromate
Orange to green (with CH3OH)
What is the carbonyl group
What type of intermolecular forces do molecules with the carbonyl group have?
Permanent dipole-dipole due to the polar C=O bind
(O is delta -ive)
How soluble are carbonyls in water?
What influences solubility?
Soluble - form hydrogen bonds between water molecules and oxygen of C=O bind
As chain length increases, solubility decreases
What is the name of the product when HCN is added to a carbonyl group
What is Fehling’s solution?
What colour is it?
Copper complex ions
What happens when an aldehyde is added to Fehling’s solution
Reduced to Cu+ ions —> colour change to red brick ppt
What happens when a ketone is added to Fehling’s solution
No visible change —> stays blue
How do you test for a carbonyl compound
Use Brady’s reagent - 2,4-DNP
If a carbonyl is present - an orange ppt is formed
What is tollen’s reagent
Silver complex in colourless solution
What happens when an aldehyde is added to tollens reagent
Silver mirror forms as Ag+ reduced to Ag (s)