Module 5: Bones-Appendicular-Hindlimb Flashcards
Os coxa
Long and narrow for muscle attachment
3 bones-ilium, ischium, pubis
Acetabulum/acetabular fossa
Hip socket
Iliac crest
Protruding hip of an animal
Thicker from ventral to dorsal
Gluteal surface
Lateral/external surface of the ilium
Attachment of gluteal muscles
Slightly concave on cranial half, can be buttressed
Sacropelvic surface
Medial/internal surface of os coxa
Auricular surface
Found on the sacropelvic surface, articulation for the sacrum, little mobility, fused often
Arcuate line
Extends centrally from apex of auricular surface
Extends to iliopubic eminence (cranial to junction of ilium) and iliopubic ramus
Greater ischiatic notch
Caudal dorsal iliac spine demarcates the cranial aspect
Ischatic spine marks the caudal aspect
Thickened and roughened
Ischial tuberosity
Thickest aspect on the caudo-dorsal aspect
Buttressing often found
Hooks laterally
Ischiopubic ramus
How ischium connects to pubis
Broad flat
Pubic symphysis
Where the os coxae meet
Limited mobility
Often fuses
Iliopubic ramus
Connects pubis and ilium thicker, more circular
Obturator foramen
Typically covered by a membrane to hold pelvic organs in
Nerves and blood vessels pass through
Siding the os coxa
Looking at acetabulum with ilium up, pubic symphysis on side it belongs, as well as acetabular notch opens to the side
Looking at auricular surface with iliac crest up, auricular surface sort of rounded and comes to a “point” towards opposite side
Looking at ischial tuberosity with ilium up, tuberosity leans towards the side
Femoral head articulates with acetabulum, much rounder/ball-shaped than humeral head, more rotation allowed
Oriented medially
Middle of head-fovea capitis-small depression for ligament from acetabular notch of os coxae
Lateral to head-greater trochanter, distal to head-lesser trochanter
Trochanteric fossa-large depression between the greater trochanter and femoral head
Between greater and lesser trochanters is the intertrochanteric crest
Femur pt 2
Anterior aspect of shaft is smooth, while posterior shaft rough
Cross-section of proximal aspect of shaft more rounded or ovoid in cranial-caudal direction, while distal aspect becomes boxy or medio-laterally ovoid
Gluteal line descends from greater trochanter and spiral line descends from lesser trochanter, join to form lines aspera (lateral and medial lip)
Linea aspera-ridge along the center of posterior aspect of shaft
Nutrient foramen opens inferiorly
Linea aspera divides distally into medial and lateral supracondylar lines/ridges, have variable appearance
On medial side, can have slight elevation called adductor tubercle, on lateral side, ridge terminates at a pit, fossa plantaris can also have eminence
Femur continued
Distal aspect has medial and lateral condyles (sides: epicondyles)
Some species have 2 fabellae (Sesamoid bones) cranial to condyles
On lateral aspect of lateral condyle, 2 depressions. More posterior is popliteal groove. More anterior is extensor fossa (larger)
Posterior surface between ridges is popliteal surface and distal to this is intercondylar fossa/notch
Distal anterior surface dominated by patellar surface/trochlea
Siding the femur
Looking at posterior aspect, head on opposite side of where bone belongs, fossa plantaris on side it belongs and intercondylar fossa leans toward side
Looking at anterior aspect, medial patellar ridge more elevated/on opposite side from where it belongs
Looking at distal end with condyles up and level with each other, and patellar articular surface down intercondylar fossa leans/opens more towards side and medial patellar ridge projecting inferiorly on opposite side
Looking at lateral condyle w 2 depressions down, larger depression towards side
Large sesamoid bone, increase level arm of quads
Non-articular point is apex
Anterior aspect roughened, posterior aspect has 2 articular facets-medial and lateral
Siding the patella
Medial articular surface larger/deeper
Looking at surface with apex down, larger facet on opposite side
On flat surface with facets down, apex towards you, falls towards side
Tibeal plateau is proximal surface of tibia that articulates with femoral condyles
Medial condyle is more ovoid, lateral more circular; articular surface of lateral “rolls off” posterior aspect
Intercondylar eminence-projection between condyles
Caudo-lateral to lateral condyle is superior fibular articular facet
Tibia cont.
Posterior surface is soleal (popliteal) line
Nutrient foramen opens superiorly
Anterior surface-tibial tuberosity
Ventrolateral surface-extensor groove
Superior aspect of shaft more triangular cross-section, lateral surface concave, medial convex
Interosseus crest on lateral surface
Tibia pt 3
Medial melleolus on distal aspect
Lat surface small distal fibular articular facet or lateral malleolus
Distal articular surface-cochlea w 2 articular grooves
Tibia articulates with talus/astragalus distally
Siding the tibia
Looking at condyles with tibial tuberosity up, lat condyle is rounded and protects towards side, tibial tuberosity curves towards side
At anterior aspect, tuberosity curves away, proximal end flatter on side, medial malleolus on side
Looking at distal articular surface w anterior surface up, deeper groove on the side and posterior aspect larger projection on side
Can be fused to tibia
Head has articulation for tibia on medial surface
Distal aspect-lateral malleolus
Distal aspect of malleolus-peroneal groove
Siding the fibula
Head and lat malleolus can be sided
Looking at articular facet on head, facet on opposite
Looking at non-articular surface of lat malleolus, one side pointed to side, peroneal groove on opposite side
Up to 7
Navicular and cuboid fuse sometimes
Talus/artagalus and calcaneous easily ID’ed
Articulates with tib/fib via trochlea
Anterior/cranial to trochlea-head
Inferior surface-convex facet for articulation with calcaneous-subtalar articulation
Siding the talus
At superior surface w head pointed away, head leans away from side, trochlea leans towards
Largest tarsal
Elongated w posterior/dorsally projecting calcaneal tuber
Medial aspect-sustentaculum tali (supports head of talus)
Siding calcaneus
Superior surface with tuber towards you, flatter side is side, sustentaculum tali away
3rd largest
Large concave facet
Convex side 3 facets
Siding central
At convex side w process up, process on the side
At concave side, like a snail, “head” opposite
Distal tarsals
I. Crescent moon
III. Pie wedge w styloid process
IV. Rectangular with processes, facets and valleys, one side flat
Siding distal
I. At back of moon, crescent away, ridge towards side
III. St face with styloid, leans away
IV. At flat side w concave facet up, ridge/larger bulge on side
5, rounder, longer
Head has raised ridge and bases vary
Cow and deer-ant/post groove, ant. Deeper
Bases thinner
MT1 and 5 easier to ID-no medial/lateral articulation
MT1 reduced, 5 bulbous tuberosity on lat
Siding metatarsals
Looking at base, pinched/plantar surface down, dorsal surface up
MT2 D-shaped shaft, medial flat to side, from dorsal opens towards side
MT3 base slightly convex, more pronounced crescent in side it belongs
MT IV more convex base, smoother side it belongs, processes or styloid-like nubins on lat side that bone belongs, looking at base leans to opp side
2nd metatarsal forms moon towards side, 3rd tapers to point towards side, 4th bottom away and 5th tapered side away or side with prominence
Siding metatarsals 2
At base w flat side down, pinched/point on opp side
At base w flat side down, notch in articular surface towards side
Proximal, intermediate, distal-14
Smaller as they progress
Head-2 lobes
Base-2 lobed indent
Distal becomes claw/hoof