Module 5 Flashcards
What is adaptability?
- the adaptability of biological tissues and system including the cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system and nervous system
- occur over range of time intervals
- tissues adpat due to
1. Stressors:stimulus that causes stress to organism
2. Response: stress triggers response from cellular level- allows protection, improve efficiency, survivability and performance
Note: adaptability is reversible if you become inactive or sedentary
Active Stressor
Physical activity: body movement produced by muscle action that increases energy expenditure
- planned, strutted and systematic
“All exercise is pa but not all pa is exercise”
What are the energy use measures?
- Basal metabolic rate: minimal rate of energy expenditure of a person at rest and awake, energy used to maintain body function
- calculated after the digestive system is inactive for 12 hours
- Resting metabolic rate: raet to maintain life and vital functions during normal day activities ie eating and working
- 5% higher than basal metabolic rate - Total daily expenditure: total energy used in a day (BMR, RMR and thermal effect of feeding
- NEAT-non-exercise activity thermogenesis, NEPA-non-exercise physical activity
What is metabolic equivalent?
The ratio of the current metabolic rate to resting metabolic rate, estimates amount of energy used
- 1 MET = 1 kcal/kg/hour
- Sedentary <1.5 MET
- Light active 1.5-2.9 MET
- Moderate 3.0-5.9 MET
- Vigorous >=6.0
Measured by taking current VO2 and dividing by resting VO2
How do you measure BMR and TDEE
Direct calorimetry=gold standard
- foodstuffs + o2 ——> heat + co2 + h2o + ATP
-doubly labelled water=gold standard
Calculated by BMR times activity factor
Wearable sensors
- measures calories burned
-fairly affordable - used for research during daily lifestyle
Smart watches, phones, smart rings/jewelry, smart clothing etc
What is plasticity?
The ability for cells, tissues etc to change or adapt
-dependent on genetics, type of tissue, amount of training of that individual
Hypertrophy vs hyperplasia
Hypertrophy is an increase in muscles cell size
-in skeletal muscles results in an increase of cross-sectional areas, change in myofibril
Hyperplasia increase in the number of cells
What are satellite cells?
Cells responsible fro muscle repair regeneration and growth
- if you want cell growth the number of nuclei must increase
Hypertrophy occurs when satellite cells activate they become nuclei in skeletal muscles cells
What is mitochondria biogenesis?
The creation of mitochondria
- primary adaption in response to aerobic training
- increase in mitochondria content/volume
What are the different adaptions to types of muscles?
- Skeletal muscle: resistance or aerobic, depending on the type of exercise
- Cardiac muscle: adaption to exercise
-aerobic= eccentric Hypertrophy = increase in ventricular walls
-resistance=concentric Hypertrophy = thickening of mostly LV walls
How does the vascular system adapt to aerobic exercise?
- Blood: increases the total volume of blood, plasma and RBC
- Angiogenesis: formation of new blood vessels (capillary growth)
what re the adaptions of the nervous system?
1.neuroplasticity: ability of nervous system to change connections/synapses and behaviour/function
2. Neurogenic is: process associated with the growth of new neurons
3. Synaptogenesis: processs y which new synapses are created
4. Gliogenesis: process by which new glial cells are created
Bone adaptability
- Osteogenesis: formation of bone
- Remoulding:balance between osteoblasts and osteoclast activity
- Wolves law: relative amount of bone growth in response to the forces applied to the bone
What are the principle of training?
- Specificity:observation that the adaption of tissue is specific to the type o training performed
- Overload: training at an intensity above loads that normally experience, applied by manipulating combinations of training frequency, intensity and time
- Progression: as adaption to overload occurs the overload adapts, must be gradual
- Reversibility: if you stop the progression you will lose the adaptions
- Individuality: the rate and difficulty willl differ depending on individual