Module 2 Flashcards
What are the types of movement assessment ?
1-Skill development->coaching, training and injury risk reduction
2-clinical->retraining, recovery and rehabilitation
3-Occupational->task training, injury risk reduction
What is HFE?
Application theoretical principles, data and methods to aspects of work place design in order to optimize human well being
-human centred design
-strengthen and improve well being
-enhance human performance(iPhone, blackberry)
What are the main domains of HFE? Provide example.
-quality management
-how work flows/happens
-Covid-19 cases impact nurses workloads
2- Physical
-injury prevention
-paramedics training, how demanding is it, how much weight is lifted, how far are they driving
3- cognitive
- decision making
- mental workload
- questionnaires, surveys etc
What are the types of movement assessment?
Static (images)
- static postures/position
- isolate joint angle in plane
-joint angle estimate based on segments adjacent to joint
- asses changes in angle over time
- video
Need knowledge of anatomy of movement for assessment
Describing joint angles
- measure joint angle relative from anatomical positions
- measure the joint to the segments adjacent to the joint being measured
What is the Gait Cycle?
2 parts:
1-Stance Phase: initiated during heel strike and ends right before toe off
2-Swing Phase: initiated at toe off and ends after deceleration
- one gait cycle is time interval occurring between two consecutive initial contacts of the same foot
-one gait cycle is one stride, half a gait cycle is one step
-heel strike
-foot flat
-heel off
-toe off
- deceleration