Module 3 Flashcards
What are the main parts of the Nervous system?
1-Central nervous system:
- brain
-spinal cord
->protected by boney structures (skull, spine)
2- peripheral nervous system:
- nerves outside the CNS
-somatic component->sensory and motor nerve
-> reacts to senses and movement respectively
3- Autonomic nervous system:
- control system of body functions (breathing, cardiovascular function, digestion etc)
- sympathetic (responding to danger) and parasympathetic (relax after stressful period)
What are the parts of the brain?
Cerebrum- hippocampus, cerebral cortex, amygdala
Diencephalon- thalamus, hypothalamus
Brain stem- midbrain, pons, medulla
2-Spinal cord
Note: the rigid/grooves in the brain increase surface area
Rigid : gyri
Groove : sulci
White vs Grey Matter
White (lighter pink) : Axons, Pathways between grey
Grey(darker pink) : cell bodies, dendrites, axon terminals, areas of synaptic connections
Peripheral Nerves
-nerves pointing out at every vertebrae form the peripheral nervous system
- nerves in limbs
- a nerve is a collection of many neurons (cells)
2 types:
1- motor nerves:
-efferent neurons: control effectors such as skeletal muscles
2- Sensory nerves:
-afferent neurons: detect stimuli and relay information to the CNS
- basic information processing units->recieves input, processes info and provides output
- send action potential or stops sending action potential
Membrane potential:
- negative at rest (-70mmol)
-depolarization=membrane potential becomes positive
-repolarization/hyperpolarization=membrane potential becomes negaitive
How do Neurons work? What are the steps?
- Dendrites recieves signal from other neurons
- Axon transmit the signal over a certain distance
- Axon terminal transmits single to their neuron dendrites or tissues
- Myelin sheaths speeds up the transmission of the signal
- When the signal reaches another neuron a synapse occurs
- axon hillock determines if action potential is fired
The soma is the cell boddy
What are Glial cells?
- cells that provide support to neuron function (helps with structure, metabolism and repair)
-“helper cells”
What is a synapse?
- structure permitting communication between two neurons
What is action potential?
-change in electrical potential that can travel along a cell membrane
What are neurotransmitters?
-chemical messenger that transmits a message between cells
What are the basic steps of cell communication?
- Action potential travels down an axon
- Neurotransmitter crosses the synapse
- Neurotransmitter binds to neuroreceptors
- Trigger signal in post-synaptic neuron
Methods of measuring the nervous system
- Structure: structural imaging
- Function(behaving):
- neuronal activity- functional imaging
- EEG (electroencephalographs)
- electrophysiology
- Behaviour
-timed (reaction time)
-non-timed (errors, response)
What is bio potential?
- electric potential that is measured between two points in living cells, tissues, and organs
- electrodes, amplifiers and electrical activity
What is EEG?
- measures electrical activity (bio potentials) arising rom the central nervous system
- neuronal activity is being measured
Depolarization/repolarization 9action potentials) is being measured
What are the different types of muscle structure?
Muscle: tissue made up of many muscle cells and associated connective tissue. There are 3 main muscle types( skeletal, cardiac and smooth)
Skeletal: (muscle fibre or myocyte) individual cell that when activated produces force that can lead to motion
Sacromere: fundamental unit of skeletal and cardiac muscle. Many , many sacromeres are arranged in sequence within a single myofibril and many myofibrils make up a muscle cell
Myofilaments: sarcomeres are composed of highly organized arrangement of myofibrils that interact with each other to generate force
Overall structure of a muscle fibre
- muscle is made up of fascicle
-fascicle are made up of muscle fibres - Muscle fibres are full of structures needed to generate force/strength
->myofibrils, sarcolemma, satellite cell, sarcoplasma - myofibrils are filled with sacromeres which are composed of thin and thick filaments or actin and myosin respectively
- z lines determine the end of the sacromere