Module 4.1: "Science and Technology and The Human Conditions" Flashcards
_________ is the highest good of human endeavors and that toward which all actions aim.
According to Ceslas Spicq, the focus of ancient philosophers was defining the _______.
well-lived life
They called this life Eudaimonia, which we can translate as “________” or happiness.
flourishing – happiness
______ explains the Stoic’s core teachings.
The Stoic Happiness Triangle
The Stoic Happiness Triangle is part of the book ”_________.”
The Little Book of Stoicism
The only way to achieve true flourishing was to live a life separate from the _______.
influence of fickle emotions
Stoic Happiness Triangle
Live with Areté:
Focus on What You Control:
Take Responsibility:
Stoic Happiness Triangle
This is about being your best version in the here and now.
Live with Areté:
Stoic Happiness Triangle
The Stoics realized that there are things we control, and things we don’t control.
Focus on What You Control:
Stoic Happiness Triangle
Even if we don’t control everything that happens, we must take
responsibility for our own lives. Because every event offers an area we control, namely how we judge the event and how we choose to respond.
Take Responsibility:
_____ vision of ethics was that they should not be about the individual’s flourishing and happiness, but about principles of duty, ultimately the duties that are universal to all people.
Immanuel Kant
According to ______
The highest good for human beings is attaining both virtue and happiness at the same time.
Immanuel Kant
According to ______
“We should all cultivate good will with the rest of the world, and that is not a measure of happiness but real well-being.”
Immanuel Kant
His ethics can be viewed as a form of egoistic hedonism (or hedonistic egoism).
According to ______
“We all desire happiness as an end in itself, and all other things are desired as a means for producing happiness.”
Virtues are rational behaviors that lead to ________.
According to ______
Actions should be measured in terms of happiness or pleasure that they produce.
According to ______
Happiness = pleasure and the absence of pain
According to ______
We should pursue pleasure and happiness not just for ourselves, but for as many sentient beings as possible.
who believed that happiness not pleasure should be the standard of utility.
John Stuart Mill
For __________, pleasure and pain govern not only how human beings act but also how human beings ought to act.
“I ought do that act which will bring about the greatest happiness (pleasure) for the greatest number of persons (the community).”
Jeremy Bentham
Coined the word Eudaimonia.
He was an empiricist.
You should become virtuous because if you are, then you can attain the pinnacle of humanity (Eudaimonia).
According to ______
“All humans seek to flourish. It’s the proper and desired end of all of our actions.”
There are ____ aspects of human nature, and he is often quoted saying “Man is a rational creature who lives in poleis (societies).”
The four aspects of human nature according to Aristotle are (4):
physical being
emotional being
social being
rational being
An actuated mechanism programmable in two or more axes with a degree of autonomy, moving within its environment, to perform intended tasks
_________ is the ability to perform intended tasks based on current state and sensing without human intervention
A _____ may be classified according to its intended application as industrial robot or service robot
________ is the branch of philosophy which studies human conduct, moral assessments, the concepts of good and evil, right and wrong, justice and injustice
________ –also called machine ethics
– deals with the code of conduct that robotic designer engineers must implement in the Artificial Intelligence of a robot
American inventor known for developing UNIMATE, the first material handling robot employed in industrial production work
George Devol
Role played by robotics (4)
Ease the workload
and mankind
Make life more
efficient and less
entertainment in
parks or exhibits
In the ______s, American writer Isaac Asimov developed the Three Laws of Robotics arguing that intelligent robots should be programmed in a way that when facing conflict they should remit and obey the following three laws
3 Laws of Robotics
A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm
A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law
A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law
Ethical dilemmas
Answers the question “Who should be held accountable if someone’s safety is compromised by a robot?”
Answers the question:
“Who should be blamed, the robot, agent using the robot, or the maker/inventor of the robot?”
Answers the question:
“What if robots become sentients?”
Emotional Component
Answers the question:
“Should they be granted
robot rights?”
Emotional Component
_________ is an AI and robotics company dedicated to creating socially intelligent machines that enrich the quality of our lives
Hanson Robotics
Founded by David Hanson Sophia is a social humanoid robot developed by _______ -based company Hanson Robotics.
Hong Kong