Module 4, Chapter 13 - Management Accounting Flashcards
What is ‘management accounting’?
Management accounting is the sourcing and analysis of financial and non-financial information for a business’s
management to help them run the business effectively and efficiently.
What should you consider when choosing a management accounting system?
When choosing a management accounting system, it is most effective to select one that integrates with the
business’s financial accounting system to increase the timeliness of management reports and eliminate redundant
work or duplication.
How should management accounts be presented?
Like financial accounts, management accounts need to be presented in a format that is accurate; understandable;
allows comparisons; and is either timely or up-to-date.
True or false? Unlike financial accounts, management accounts are not constrained by legislation on how to prepare or present them.
Who primarily uses management accounts, and how does this differ from financial statements?
Management accounts are primarily used by internal stakeholders and ‘look forwards’ to inform future strategy, as opposed to financial statements which ‘look backwards’ at an accounting period that has passed.
What does cost accounting analyse?
Cost accounting looks at a business’s expenses to determine the fixed and variable costs associated with making
a product or providing a service sold by the business.
List the 3 methods of cost accounting.
The various methods of this are:
- Standard costing, which estimates the planned unit cost of the product, component or service for the period in question.
- Normal costing, which is like standard costing except actual values are used for direct costs of a unit but not the indirect costs.
- Actual costing, which goes one step further than normal costing and uses actual values to calculate both the direct and average indirect costs of a unit.
What is activity-based costing?
Activity-based costing (ABC) is like actual costing but attempts to allocate indirect costs to products in a more
proportional way.
What is meant by ‘life cycle costing’?
Life cycle costing looks at costs accumulated over the entire life of a product which may cover several accounting
Define ‘target costing’.
Target costing is where the company plans its targets for price points, product cost and margins in advance, but
cancels the project if these cannot be attained.
What does ‘KPIs’ stand for?
Key performance indicators (KPIs)
Define ‘key performance indicators (KPIs)’.
Key performance indicators (KPIs) are values that can be used to evaluate how successful something has been
in meeting performance or business objectives.
How are key performance indicators measured?
KPIs are often measured by comparing against one of four types of benchmark:
- Internal benchmarks compare against another operating unit or function within the business.
- Functional benchmarks compare and internal function against the best external practitioners of that function.
- Generic benchmarking compares a process to a conceptually similar process or metric in another (often unrelated) business
or industry. - Competitive benchmarks compare against direct competitors.
What do balanced scorecards analyse?
Balanced scorecards analyse financial, customer, learning and growth (or innovation), and internal business
perspectives to help develop and monitor KPIs.
Define ‘cost allocation’.
Cost allocation is where a business identifies and assigns indirect costs to a cost object (something the business
wants to separately measure costs for).
Define ‘cost tracing’.
Cost tracing is when direct costs are allocated to cost objects.
What is financial modelling?
Financial modelling involves creating a mathematical representation of a business’s financial relations to examine
how different economic situations or events would affect the business.
Financial models can include a calculation of the weighted average cost of capital (WACC). What is meant by the ‘weighted average cost of capital’?
The weighted average cost of capital (WACC) is the minimum return to satisfy its creditors, owners and other providers of capital, with cost of equity defined as the rate of return the company pays to its equity investors.
Define ‘cost of debt’.
Cost of debt is the interest rate on debt or the coupon rate on the company’s bonds.
Financial models can also be based on scenario planning. What is scenario planning?
Scenario planning is where management considers a range of possibilities for what may happen in the future so they can be prepared should one of those possibilities occur.
Financial models can also include business valuation of projects or investments to determine how attractive an
investment is by looking at present values, found by working backwards from an investment project’s future amount
to see how much that would equate to today. How are these typically assessed?
Typically, these are assessed using discounted cashflows and net present values.
What does variance analysis compare?
Variance analysis compares the differences (called variances) between what was budgeted for and what the actual
value turned out to be.
Provide 5 examples of variances found in variance analysis.
Examples of variances include:
- Sales volume variance
- Sales price variance
- Direct material price variance
- Direct material usage variance
- Fixed/variable overhead variances
Why is forecasting key?
Forecasting is key as it allows a business to plan and make decisions to ensure future profitability and cashflow.