Module 2, Chapter 7 - Law and Business Flashcards
What is the advantage of contracts?
The advantage of contracts is that they allow the parties to effectively create their own law via the agreed
terms in the contract.
What is the purpose of contract law?
Contract law ensures contracts can be regulated.
Contract law puts rules in place that help clarify certain issues. Provide examples.
- Whether a contract has been created and when the contract comes into existence. Contract law provides for several ingredients that must be present for a contract to exist and, once those ingredients are present, a valid contract comes into existence.
- Powerful parties may seek to impose unfair or onerous terms on weaker parties. Contract law therefore provides protection to certain parties by regulating the use of certain terms (e.g. the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 and the Consumer Rights Act 2015 stringently regulates the use of exclusion and limitation clauses).
- Contract law provides that certain events may terminate a contract (or allow a party to terminate if they so choose)
and also sets out the consequences of termination. - Contract law provides remedies (e.g. damages, injunctions, specific performance) to parties who have suffered loss
due to the other party not performing their contractual obligations, or performing them in an unsatisfactory manner.
What does the word ‘tort’ mean?
The word ‘tort’ derives from the Latin ‘tortus’, meaning ‘twisted’ or ‘wrong’ and therefore a tort is a particular form of
civil wrong.
The law of torts consists of a series of these torts, with many of them being applicable to businesses. Provide 6 examples.
- The principal tort is the tort of negligence, under which liability can be imposed on persons who engage in certain
negligent acts or omissions. - Persons who unlawfully interfere with other people’s goods may have committed the tort of wrongful interference with goods.
- The tort of occupiers’ liability provides that liability can be imposed on occupiers of premises who fail to take
adequate care of persons upon those premises (e.g. a business which fails to adequately protect the safety of
customers in its stores). - The tort of nuisance can result in liability being imposed on those whose land or property (including the use of land
or property) causes loss to others (e.g. fumes or waste from a factory that causes damage to nearby property). - The tort of defamation imposes liability on persons who make untrue and harmful statements about others (e.g. a
shareholder falsely states that a director is stealing from the company). - A group of torts (often known as the ‘economic torts’) aim to protect businesses against unlawful interference with
contract, trade or business.
What is the doctrine of vicarious liability?
This provides that certain persons can be liable for the tortious acts of others (e.g. an employer can be vicariously liable for the negligent acts of his employees whilst in the course of their employment).
True or false? The law of torts, like contract law, is largely judge-made, but with statutory inroads in relation to certain torts.
What does employment law focus on?
Employment law not only focuses on the rights and obligations of employees, but also on persons who
are workers.
What is the distinction between workers and employees?
Certain rights (e.g. the right to sue for unfair dismissal) only apply to employees, whereas other rights (e.g. the right to the national minimum wage) also apply to workers.
What is included within employment law?
- What employment rights are provided to employees and workers
- Health and safety in the workplace
- The prevention of discrimination in the workplace
- Providing a remedy to those who are unfairly or wrongfully dismissed
- Rights provided to employees following a business transfer
- Rights relating to collective action (e.g. strikes)
True or false? Employment law is a mixture of statute and case law.
Where are employment cases heard?
Most are heard in tribunals.
Arguably, what is the most important employment law statute?
Employment Rights Act 1996.
What is the purpose of commercial law?
Commercial law seeks to regulate and facilitate the commercial dealings of businesses.
What are the three most notable topics covered under commercial law?
- Domestic sale of goods
- International sale of goods
- The law of agency
What types of rules does commercial law establish for the domestic sale of goods?
Many businesses sell goods and commercial law establishes detailed rules regarding what ‘goods’ are, what types of sale contracts exist, when the goods are transferred to the buyer, rules regarding payment and delivery of goods, implied terms and remedies afforded to the buyer or seller if the other party fails to uphold their obligations.
Define ‘international sale of goods’?
The sale of goods from a business based in one country to a business or person based in another country.
What does the law of agency involve?
The law of agency establishes rules regarding when an agency relationship is created, what acts the agent is authorised to undertake, the relationship between the parties in an agency relationship and how a relationship of agency can be terminated.
True or false? Commercial law is a mixture of statute and case law.
What is the purpose of consumer law?
The principal aim of consumer law is to protect consumers.
How does consumer law protect consumers?
- Establishing standards that providers of goods and services must meet.
- Providing consumers with a remedy (e.g. damages, right to repair/replacement/rejection of goods) if goods and
services fail to meet the required standards or are in breach of contract. - Prohibiting anti-consumer trade practice.
- Establishing a system of licensing or authorisation, so that only licensed/authorised persons can provide certain
services. - Requiring providers of goods and services to provide specified information regarding those goods and services.
- Providing consumers with cancellation rights in certain cases.
The framework of consumer law is set out in?
The framework of many areas of consumer law is set out in legislation with case law applying and interpreting the relevant statutory rules.
What is the purpose of environmental law?
The dominant purpose of environmental law is the protection of the environment.
List prominent environmental law topics.
- Regulating activities that can affect air and water quality
- Measures designed to combat climate change
- Requiring businesses that engage in certain activities to obtain an environmental permit
- Rules regarding the disposal of waste
- The decontamination of contaminated land
- Conservation of plants, wildlife and habitats