Module 3 - Rheumatoid Arthritis Flashcards
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Chronic systemic autoimmune disorder characterized by;
Abnormal overactive functioning of immune system
Inflammation of connective tissues primarily in joints
Chronic pain
RA Clinical Manifestations
Symmetric Inflammation of peripheral joints
Marked pain, swelling and discomfort
Significant disabling morning stiffness
Fatigue and malaise
Begins in small joints of hands, wrist and feet
Bilateral and symmetrical
Extraarticular Features (outside of joint)
Fever, fatigue, anemia, lymph node enlargement, skeletal muscle atrophy, rheumatoid nodules, raynauds phenomenon, skin and mucosal manifestations, any organ system may be involved
Rheumatoid Nodules
Vary in size,not painful unless joint inflammed
Diagnostic Criteria for RA
Diagnostic Criteria for RA
Must have at least 4
Morning stiffness lasting 1 hour for 6 weeks
Arthritis with swelling or effusion of 3 or more joints for at least 6 wks
Arthritis of the wrist, MCP, PIP joints for 6 wks
Symmetric Arthritis
Rheumatoid Nodules
Positive serum rheumatoid factor
Characteristic radiologic changes of RA
Goals for RA treatment
Patient function - top priority Reduce pain Suppression of inflammatory processes Preserve function, prevent deformities Balance of rest and exercise
RA Medications
Salicylates NSAIDS COX-2 Inhibitors Corticosteriods Imunnosuppresive Agents
Inhibits synthesis of prostaglandin
Peak 5-30 min
Absorbed in stomach, metabolized by liver, excreted in urine
Take w/food, 30 min before planned activity
Contraindication: Impaired renal function, bleeding abnormalities
S/E: GI; ringing in ears
Inhibits prostaglandin synthesis
Take w/food
Drug to Drug Interactions
Antiplatlet/Anticoagulation - Increased risk of bleeding
Diuretics/Antihypertensives - Nephrotoxic and poor BP
S/E: GI Irritation, dyspepsia, bleeding
DMARDs (Disease modifying Anti-Rheumatic Drugs)
Alters the course of inflammation (stops inflammation)