Module 2 - Suicide Flashcards
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
1 (800) 273-8255 (TALK)
Intentional act of killing onself
Suicidal Ideation
Thinking about killing onself
What are the various Reasons/Risk Factors for attempting/committing suicide
Delusions Hallucinations No hope for the future Depressed feelings related to illness Faulty thinking process Believing there is no other option Relief of pain Financial Stress Experiencing multiple losses or crises Ultimate expression of anger towards significant other Access to lethal means
Predictors of Suicide
Previous Attempts
Sense of hopelessness or desperation
Pathophsiology and Etiology of Suicide
- May be a genetic factor
- May be inability to control impulsive behavior
- May be related to past traumatic brain injury
- Neurobiolgy: Possible serotonin dysfunction (significant decrease in 5-HT)
Suicide Verbal Clues
It wont matter much longer
Will you miss me when I am gone
I can’t take this much longer
The patient will be over soon
Suicide Behavior Clues
Obtaining a weapon
Withdrawing from relationships, social isolation
Change in school, work performance
Increased tendency towards accidents
Sudden interest in life insurance policies
Choosing a method of lethatlity
Giving away items of value
Suicide Behavior Clues: Children
Change in school performance, sleep or appetite
Loss of interest in formerly favorite school or other activities
Feelings of hopelessness or depressions
Statements about thoughts of suicide
Suicide Intervention
Authoritative Role Safe environment, suicide precautions No suicide/self-harm contract Support system list Discuss with client, family Encourage family to read about suicide Assist client in developing a crisis care card National suicide prevention lifeline 1-800-273-8255
Suicide Outcome Goal
Safety, free from self harm
What can the nurse do to help families of victims of suicide?
- Nurse must quickly intervene to support family
- Help family members anticipate future
- Offer referral to survivors of suicide group
Nurse Self Awareness
Importance of dealing with own feelings about suicide
Frustration possible when working with depressed or manic patients
Exhaustion possible when working with manic patients
Journaling to help deal with feelings; talking with colleagues often helpful