Module 3: Residential Properties pt. 2 Flashcards
Who administers the planning act
Ministry of municipal affairs and housing
Upper tier responsibilities (region, county or district)
Prep, adoption & revision of the official plan & process of dividing and developing land
Lower tier (Municipality) responsibilities
Prep, adoption & revision of the official plan & adoption of zoning bylaws
Single tier responsibilities (region, county or district, township, city Municipality)
All municipal responsibilities
Intensification Alternative to land severance
Involves expanding the use of existing land rather than increasing housing through urban sprawl
Intensification occus through adding
additional dwelling units in existing homes
The official plan is based on
growth projections for the community extending 10-15 yrs
Official plan is reviewed every
5 years
Upper tiers are the approval authority for
lower tier official plans/amendments
Zoning bylaws divide
a municiplaities into 6+ zoning classifications (general uses)
Each zoning classification is
further divided into subclasses - provide specific guidelines for land use
Amending zoning bylaws
major changes to a zoning bylaw that effects surrounding properties
Who to contact for a minor variance
comitte of adjustment or land divisions comittee for uper tiers
Zone classes describe
various property uses & each class may have a sub-category identified by symbols
Before applying for a minor variance consulation with local
muinicipal staff in the building and planning dept is reccommended
Ontario heritage act
bylaws can be passed to formally place a heritage designation on properities
If there is an objection to a heritiage designation the council will referit to
the conservation review board
When a property is deemed a heritage site
a bylaw is passed and registered on the title of the property
When a property is deemed a heritage site it is listed on the municipal register
as a property that is of cultural heritage value or interest
Ontario Heritage act requires each municipality to maintain their
own register of heritage properties
Financial support for heritage properties
heritage property tax relief program
heritage easement
defines owners responsibilities to maintain their property in exchange for financial support
For heritage properties notice of change of ownership must be given within
30 days
Financial support for heritage properties must be
applied for
A notice of intention is
the municiplaity intends to designate the property
listed heritage property
not yet designated but the municipal register may want to in the future, or want to protect it from demolition