Module 10+11 Flashcards
Hazard of aluminum wiring
Expands and contracts at a high rate - leads to loose connections and a fire hazard
Hazard of knob and tube wiring
fire risk bc it is not grounded, cannot carry heavy electrical load
Signs of poor insulation
high energy bills, drafts, mould growth in the summer
Problems w/ galvanized pipings
rust from the inside out
galvanized piping results in
reduced water pressure, flood damag
galvanized piping has a
chalky look and feel
Phase 1 site assessment
visual inspection + reviewing of documents
Phase 2 site assessment
soil testing
Phase 3 site assessment
made to clean up the contamination
Minstry of env. conservation and parks
administers the env. protection act
Minstry of natural resources and forestry
natural and scientific interest on public and private lands (seeks owners co=operation
Canadian Residential appraiser
dwellings containing not more than four family house units
Accredited Appraiser Canadian Institute
Every type of property
regulates RE appraisers in canada
3 designations offered by CNREA
Designated Appraiser Residential and commercial & certified appraisal reviewer
Form report
short form used for financial institutions, relocation companies and gov. agencies.
Used to estimate market values for buildings and agricultural land
narrative report
CMA should only mention comparable listings from the
past 12 months
Geowarehouse provides information on
ownership details, assessment, sales history, lot size, prop tax
Municipality provides info on
lot size, dimensions, floor plans
Comparables should be __ months old
Different kinds of comparable that should be included
for sale now, sold in the past 12 months, and expired in the last 12 months
Highest and best use is when not just the present use is considered but also
the potential value associated with alternative uses
The cost approach cannot be applied to
Cost approach
focuses on the objective value (cost to create)
Cost approach is guided by the
principal of substitution
Income approach is based on the theory that the value of an investment property
is the present worth of the revenue (future benefits) that it is capable of producing
Direct comparison approach
subject property is compared to other recently sold proprieties
Adjusted sale price
all adjustments are totalled -/+ a time-adjusted sale price
Adjustments arent made for properties that were sold
1 month ago