Module 3: Pharmacokinetic changes in elderly Flashcards
What are the pharmacokinetic alterations in older adults related to absorption?
Decreased splanchnic blood flow (blood supply to abdominal organs)
Increased gastric pH
Drug-drug interactions
How does altered body composition affect distribution?
Altered body composition:
- decreased lean body mass
- increased body fat
- water soluble drugs = decreased volume of distribution, increased serum concentration and risk for adverse effects
- fat soluble drugs = increased volume of distribution, decreased initiation response/concentration, prolonged response due to accumulation in fat
How does decreased serum proteins affect distribution?
Decreased serum albumin = less to bind with drug = increased unbound drug = increased risk for adverse effects and toxicity
Exacerbated by:
- liver disease
- malnutrition
- drug-drug interactions
How is metabolism altered in the older adult?
Decrease size of liver
Decreased hepatic blood flow
Decreased hepatic enzyme activity (CYP450) = decreased metabolism of drugs and increase for drug toxicity
How is excretion altered in the older adult?
Renal function declines
Loss of lean muscle mass
Cockroft-Gault formula (prediction of creatinine clearance) limitations in older adult