Module 3 Exam Flashcards
Muscle actions causing rotation of the scapula during upper extremity movement are an example of:
a force couple
Which of the following is in the distal row of carpal bones?
Which of the following would most likely cause subluxation of the glenohumeral joint?
Paralysis of deltoid and coracobrachialis
If you follow the fibers of the infraspinatus laterally, they insert deep to which muscle?
The elbow joint:
Is a Diarthrodial hinge joint
Quadriplegia is classified by the lowest level of preserved function and sensation. Persons with C4 tetraplegia (quadriplegia) have paralysis of the elbow ________because these muscles receive nerve root innervation at ____________ which is the spinal nerve level/s found in the radial nerve.
Extensors, C5-T1
The shoulder complex consists of the joints between clavicle, scapula, humerus, sternum, and_________.
The flexor carpi radialis, flexor carpi ulnaris, and palmaris longus
have proximal attachments on the medial epicondyle
Thickening and tightening of the palmar aponeurosis may cause which of the following?
Dupuytren’s Contracture
The Glenohumeral joint:
has maximum mobility at the expense of stability
A force which produces cubitus valgus is most likely to injure the_________.
medial collateral ligament of the elbow
The radioulnar joint
provides pronation/supination of the forearm
The ________________ actively negate(s) the strong upward translatory force on the humeral head during contraction of the deltoid muscle in shoulder elevation.
Rotator cuff muscles
Passive extension of the elbow in mid range would _______________the brachialis?
The interosseous membrane of the forearm:
is located between the radius and ulna
What muscle connects the pisiform to the medial epicondyle?
Flexor carpi ulnaris
A female with a carrying angle of 23 degrees has___________.
Excessive cubitus valgus
For complete (180 degrees) of shoulder abduction, ________________ must occur to move the greater tubercle away from the acromion process.
External rotation
The ball-shaped _____ articulates with the head of the radius to form the humeroradial joint.
Serratus anterior is a direct antagonist to _____________________.