Module 3 Exam Flashcards
Muscle actions causing rotation of the scapula during upper extremity movement are an example of:
a force couple
Which of the following is in the distal row of carpal bones?
Which of the following would most likely cause subluxation of the glenohumeral joint?
Paralysis of deltoid and coracobrachialis
If you follow the fibers of the infraspinatus laterally, they insert deep to which muscle?
The elbow joint:
Is a Diarthrodial hinge joint
Quadriplegia is classified by the lowest level of preserved function and sensation. Persons with C4 tetraplegia (quadriplegia) have paralysis of the elbow ________because these muscles receive nerve root innervation at ____________ which is the spinal nerve level/s found in the radial nerve.
Extensors, C5-T1
The shoulder complex consists of the joints between clavicle, scapula, humerus, sternum, and_________.
The flexor carpi radialis, flexor carpi ulnaris, and palmaris longus
have proximal attachments on the medial epicondyle
Thickening and tightening of the palmar aponeurosis may cause which of the following?
Dupuytren’s Contracture
The Glenohumeral joint:
has maximum mobility at the expense of stability
A force which produces cubitus valgus is most likely to injure the_________.
medial collateral ligament of the elbow
The radioulnar joint
provides pronation/supination of the forearm
The ________________ actively negate(s) the strong upward translatory force on the humeral head during contraction of the deltoid muscle in shoulder elevation.
Rotator cuff muscles
Passive extension of the elbow in mid range would _______________the brachialis?
The interosseous membrane of the forearm:
is located between the radius and ulna
What muscle connects the pisiform to the medial epicondyle?
Flexor carpi ulnaris
A female with a carrying angle of 23 degrees has___________.
Excessive cubitus valgus
For complete (180 degrees) of shoulder abduction, ________________ must occur to move the greater tubercle away from the acromion process.
External rotation
The ball-shaped _____ articulates with the head of the radius to form the humeroradial joint.
Serratus anterior is a direct antagonist to _____________________.
Without an inferior slide, the upward roll of the humerus will result in the humeral head pressing into the acromion which can damage the rotator cuff muscles, a process known as:
A PTA treats a patient with a painful and inflamed elbow. The PTA notes that the patient holds the elbow in about 70 degrees flexion before and after therapy. Which of the following best describes why the patient is holding the elbow in this position and what action the PTA should take?
It is the open packed position for the elbow and is thus more comfortable for the patient; the PTA should explain to the patient the increased risk of an elbow flexion contracture if this posture is maintained.
A patient with a wrist extension contracture of 45 degrees:
Will have weakened finger extension
Which of the following muscles is active in scapular downward rotation?
Levator scapulae
The ________________ ligament forms an arch over the humeral head and prevents dislocation of the humeral head superiorly.
Catching falls on an outstretched hand with the forearm pronated can result in a Colle’s fracture which is a fracture of the___.
Distal radius
This muscle performs shoulder internal rotation, originates from the underside of the scapula, inserts anteriorly on the humerus, and is a component of the rotator cuff muscles:
This muscle is an antagonist for shoulder adduction?
Middle deltoid
Passive insufficiency of the biceps occurs with:
Shoulder extension/elbow extension
You are seeing a patient with loss of movement in the shoulder. When you review the PT evaluation you see the patient has _______________.
inflammation of the suprapatellar bursa or disruption of movement in the AC and SC joint
Which is true of scapulohumeral rhythm?
2 degrees of humeral motion for every 1 degree of scapular rotation
A patient who exhibits a severely “winged” scapula has weakness of the_____________ muscle(s).
Serratus anterior
Scapular muscle actions include which of the following:
elevation: levator scapulae, upper trapezius
Muscle actions for glenohumeral movements include which of the following:
abduction: middle deltoid, supraspinatus
Muscle actions at the elbow complex include all of the following
flexion: biceps brachii, brachialis, brachioradialis
In a force couple of flexor carpi radialis with extensor carpi radialis longus, which of the following movements occurs?
Wrist radial deviation
Two large upper body muscles that work in synergy to pull you through the water in free style (crawl stroke) swimming are the ____________.
pec major and latissimus dorsi
Of the two clavicular joints,________________________________
the sternoclavicular is the stronger and the acromioclavicular is the weaker.
A patient asks a PTA to explain carpal tunnel syndrome. The PTA _____________________________________.
explains that the patient’s median nerve is compressed as it passes through the carpal tunnel due to inflammation and/or swelling.
The patient is a 90 yo male who had a FOOSH injury on the left last week. You are asked to practice balance and gait with him. What is his likely precaution?
Nonweightbearing on the distal left upper extremity due to a Colle’s fracture.
________ is any urine loss resulting from physical exertion such as jumping, running and coughing.
Stress urinary incontinence (SUI)
Cure rates and subjective improvements range from 56-70%, with exercise and behavioral management for ___________.
Urge and stress incontinence
What is the purpose of the bursa of the glenohumeral joint? What are two things that you see when they are inflamed? (short answer please)
purpose: to create less friction when the GH joint is doing any of its motions (flex/ext, abd/add, IR/ER or H. abd/add)
Two things that you see in an inflamed bursa is visibly you can see the swelling in the area, the area around the joint gets larger and is more tender to the touch. During this you can also see less ROM in the GH joint due to less space to do actions and pain of the patient.
The pelvic floor muscle issue that is more likely to be painful is:
overactivity of pelvic muscles
A good pelvic floor conditioning program includes_____________.
transverse abdominus, adductors, gluteals, hip internal rotators/hip external rotators
You review your next patient’s chart and read they have right sided weakness of their body. When you go to work with them you see they are wearing a sling on their right shoulder to hold the head of the humerus into the glenoid fossa, due to subluxation. You know subluxation is commonly seen in patients who are status post __________.
stroke (cerebrovascular accident)
The primary muscle for punching or push-ups is the _________?
Serratus anterior
The insertion of the palmaris longus is________?
The palmar fascia
What is the only muscle of the shoulder complex not innervated by the brachial plexus?
These are all considered first-line treatments or effective conservative treatment modalities for overactive bladder. (choose all that apply)
Physical therapy, behavioral therapy, bladder training