Module 2 Exam Flashcards
The temporomandibular joint (TMJ):
Is the most used joint in the body
Stability of the temporomandibular joint is provided by:
A thick, strong joint capsule
There are _______ vertebrae and ________ pairs of spinal nerves in the human body.
Ligaments of the TMJ include which of the following:
lateral temporomandibular ligament
Normal ROM for mouth opening is:
3 finger (PIP) width
Symptoms of TMJ disorders include which of the following:
headaches, tinnitus, clicking of joint, crepitation, locking of jaw, decreased ROM
These muscles perform rock, tilt, rotation, and lateral flexion of the head.
The costovertebral and costotransverse articulations_______
are located in the posterior ribcage/vertebral region
The bucket handle movement of the ribcage during inspiration increases the diameter of the thoracic cavity_______
In width
During inspiration:
the diaphragm contracts and descends into the abdominal cavity
Two laminae unite to form a___________
Spinous process
Quiet expiration occurs as a result of___________
relaxation of the diaphragm and elastic recoil
Torticollis is typically caused by
tightness of the sternocleidomastoid
Severe scoliosis (abnormal lateral curvature and rotation of the spine) results in the following effect (s) on the respiratory structures:
decrease in ribcage mobility and decreased thoracic cavity space on the concave side
The _____ is a thick, powerful muscle, easily palpable during a biting motion just above the angle of the mandible.
Direction of motion of any vertebral joint depends on__________
Orientation of facets
Pivot joint in the spine
The major weight bearing structure of the vertebral column is the:
Vertebral body
Which of the following is an accessory muscle of inspiration?
Regarding the intervertebral disc:
no independent blood supply: exchange of nutrients and waste through cartilaginous vertebral end plates