Module 2 - Unit 1 - Using Data Types and Units Flashcards
What is the notational system in computing?
Notational system is one used to represent different quantities or characters. Notational systems used to represent values and quantities include decimal, binary and hexadecimal.
What is the decimal notation?
Decimal is based on the principle of expressing ten different numbers using a single digit in the range of 0 to 9. It is our day-to-day numbering system.
How would you explain place value?
Place value is the value of what a digit holds in an array of digit (numbers) based on the position that it is in. The rightmost value of the digit is the smallest and increases in value as it goes left. In decimal, the same digit on the left is ten times more to its right.
What is the binary notation?
Binary is a numbering system where each single digit can express only two values, in the range 0 to 1. The place value of each digit is two times more as it goes left.
What is the hexadecimal notation?
The hex notation system enables you to express 16 different numbers using a single digit in the range of 0-9 and A-F. A is 10, B is 11, C is 12, D is 13, E is 14, F is 15. Every 16 digit, the count in the array of digit increases by 1.
How to convert binary to decimal?
Each digit in an array of 1s and 0s has a value 2 times more than the right starting from the rightmost digit ‘1’. To get 1, the base 2 is powered by a 0 such that 2**0 = 1.
For example, in a array of 5 digits,
24, 23, 22, 21, 2**0 = 16, 8, 4, 2, 1
If all is 1 such that 11111, then the value in decimal is 31 by adding all the numbers; otherwise if it is all 0, then the value would be 0. If it is 11000, then the value will be 24.
How to convert hexadecimal to decimal?
Each digit in an array of 1s and 0s has a value 16 times more than the right starting from the rightmost digit ‘1’. To get 1, the base 16 is powered by a 0 such that 16**0 = 1.
For example, in a array of 5 digits,
164, 163, 162, 161, 16**0 = 65536, 4096, 256, 16, 1
If all is 1 such that , then the value in decimal is 69905 by adding all the numbers; otherwise if it is all 0, then the value would be 0. If it is 11000, then the value will be 69632.
How to convert a decimal to a binary?
1) Divide the number by 2
2) Get the integer quotient for the next iteration
3) Convert the remainder digit to a binary digit
4) Repeat until the number becomes zero
To convert 31 to binary:
42/2: quotient=21, remainder=0, bit=0 21/2: quotient=10, remainder=1, bit=1 10/2: quotient=5, remainder=0, bit=0 5/2: quotient=2, remainder=1, bit=1 2/2: quotient=1, remainder=0, bit=0 1/2: quotient=0, remainder=1, bit=1
Hence the binary number (from the bottom up) is:
How to convert a decimal to a hexadecimal?
1) Divide the number by 16
2) Get the integer quotient for the next iteration
3) Convert the remainder digit to a hex digit
4) Repeat until the quotient becomes zero
To convert 1234 to hexadecimal:
1234/16: quotient=77, remainder=2, hex=2
77/16: quotient=4, remainder=13, hex=D
4/16: quotient=0, remainder=4, hex=4
Hence the hexadecimal number (from the bottom up) is: (4D2)16
What measuring unit do you use to measure computer data in its smallest form?
Bit, a.k.a binary.
How large is a byte?
8 bits.
What is the size of Kilo, Mega, Giga, Tera and Peta?
Kilo = 1000 or 10^3 Mega = 1,000,000 or 10^6 Giga = 1,000,000,000 or 10^9 Tera = 1,000,000,000,000 or 10^12 Peta = 1,000,000,000,000,000 or 10^15
What is the more accurate notation to describe bytes in binary terms?
Kibi = 1024 or 2^10 Mebi = 1,048,576 or 2^20 Gibi = 1,073,741,824 or 2^30 Tebi = 1,009,511,627,776 or 2^40 Pebi = 1,125,899,906,842,624 or 2^50
What is a throughput rate?
It measures in bits the rate at which data transfers between computers or in the computer. It is always base 10 and can be expressed in bytes.
How is computer speed measured?
It is measured in hertz, describing the number of instruction cycles the processor can perform in a second
What are the common data types?
i) Integer,
ii) floating number,
iii) boolean values,
iv) characters,
v) strings
How do computers represent letters, symbols or numbers?
Computer uses an organization method called a character set, where each letter or symbol is represented by bits. These bits are usually referred to in decimals for it to be readable.
ASCII character set
Design in 1963, it stands for “American Standard Code for Information Interchange”, each character is represented by a seven bit binary number.
Unicode character set
Design in the late 80s, it purpose is to create a universal character set. It comprises of:
i) a set of code charts that handle visual reference
ii) a data encoding method
iii) a set of standard character encodings
iv) a set of reference data files
v) character properties
vi) rules to handle normalization, rendering, display order
Information security control
A mechanism designed to protect an information asset or processing system. It ensures that data is contained within the information processing system and is only accessible with authorization
What are the number of ways security control can be implemented?
i) Backup
ii) Access Control - Permissions, usage restrictions, data encryption, firewall
iii) High availability: Having access during failures, fault tolerant
Intellectual Property
A valuable information asset that an organization owns
An automatic legal protection granted to certain types of work indicating that the copyright holder owns the right to control the use of the work, including rights of publication, distribution, or sale.
As copyright is not given tot he selection of a name, if a company wants to promote its goods it will normally trademark its name and/or logo. A trademark must be distinctive within the industry in which the company is selling goods and services.
A legal protection for some kind of invention. Unlike copyright, a patent can apply to an idea so long as the idea is original (or novel), useful, and distinctive or non-trivial.
It can be a complex matter as different countries have different standards for accepting patents, and they are registered for a limited time only.
What is Data?
Data is the raw values collected by the system. The system must have some way of tagging or normalizing these values, similar to the way that data is defined with different types, so that they can be used for comparisons.
What is information?
Information is some level of summarization of the individual data points
What are insights?
Insights are things that inform meaningful business decisions
How to obtain data?
Via data capture and collection
How to obtain information from data?
Via data correlation, a method where connections and links between data points is found
How to produce insights from information?
Via meaningful reporting, information is presented in a way where humans can analyze and interpret
Which notation system supports presenting the largest numbers using the fewest digits: Binary, Decimal and hexadecimal?
Hexadecimal. Each hex digit can store 16 bits of information. A single decimal digit stores 4 bits while binary obviously stores 1 bit.
`What is the decimal number 75 in binary and hexadecimal?
0100 1011 in binary and 4B in hex. Hex notation is often indicated using 0x to precede the hex digits, so you may see this written like 0x4b. to work out the answer without a calculator, write out the place values for each notation system. Fo binary you’d have columns for 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2 and 1 and put a 1 in each column you need to add up to 75 and a 0 in the others. For hex you only need 16 and 1 (75 divided by 16 is 4 remainder 11, which is represented as “B” in hex).
Which data type provides for whole numbers only?
What is the difference between the char and string data types?
Char stores a single textual character in a fixed length field (typically 1 byte). A string is a variable length field for storing a sequence of characters.
What type of legal protection could be obtained for a novel software algorithm?
Patent provides the best protection as it can enforce ownership even if someone tries to write the algorithm in a slightly different way. Software code is often protected both by patent and by copyright however.
What data protection technology could you implement in order to restrict the type of activity that users could employ on digital products that they have purchase or rented?
Digital Rights Management (DRM).
What part of the process of data analytics is most closely supported by meaningful reporting?
Insights are the “end product” of the analytic process. Humans need a suitable reporting format to make best use of insights.