Module 2: Budget And Cost Analysis: Competency Area 1: Defense Budget Process Flashcards
- What law identifies the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff as the senior ranking member of the Armed Forces?
The Goldwater-Nichols DoD Reorganization Act of 1986 (page 13)
- The military operational chain of command runs from the President to whom?
The Secretary of Defense to the Combatant Commanders (page 15)
- The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is the principal military advisor to which officials and/or organizations?
The President, the National Security Council, and the Secretary of Defense (page 13)
- Who serves as the Chairman of the National Security Council?
The President (page 16)
- Name the three major phases of the PPBE process that result in the DoD portion of the President’s Budget that is submitted to Congress.
Planning, Programming, Budgeting (page 20)
- What is the title of the senior OSD official responsible for the planning phase of the PPBE process?
Undersecretary of Defense (Policy) (page 24)
- What is the title of the senior OSD official responsible for issuing programming guidance?
Director, Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation (D, CAPE) (page 27)
- What is the title of the senior OSD official who is the principal advisor and and assistant to the SECDEF for budget and fiscal matters?
Undersecretary of Defense (Comptroller) / Chief Financial Officer (page 23)
- The Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition & Sustainment) serves as the Chairman of what Board?
Defense Acquisition Board (DAB) (page 46)
- Assume today’s date is 1 March 2020 and your organization knows about a new project or requirement that will require its initial funding in FY 2027. What is the first PPBE-related document in which you could identify resources for that requirement?
POM 2023 - 2027 (page 52)
- What is the title of the final document of the planning phase?
Defense Planning Guidance (DPG) (page 31)
- What is the name of the automated database that summarizes all forces, resources, and equipment associated with programs approved by the Secretary of Defense?
Future Years Defense Program (FYDP) (page 37)
- What is the phase of the PPBE process in which programmatic decisions are translated into requested resources in an appropriations format?
Budgeting (Budget Development) (page 42)
- What is the name of the document prepared by the Joint Staff after its review of POMs submitted by the Military Departments that focuses on the balance and capabilities contained in those POMs? (This document provides the SECDEF with the JCS evaluations of the Military Departments’ POM submissions.)
Chairman’s Program Assessment (CPA) [Chairman, JCS] (page 41)
- Following a review of a Component’s budget submission and a potential budget hearing in the fall timeframe, the reviewing USD(C) budget analyst prepares a draft document that is submitted to the DEFSECDEF or SECDEF for a decision. Once signed by one of those senior officials, what is that document called?
Program Budget Decision (page 44)
- Advance Procurement is an exception of what funding policy?
Full Funding (page 58)
- Within what type of document does Congress specify the number of fiscal years that an appropriation account remains current and available for new obligation?
Appropriation bill (becomes a law when signed by the President) (page 62)
- Assume an agency has issued an Economy Act order to another Federal agency for specific services, the cited appropriation has gone into an expired status, and the servicing agency has neither provided the ordered services nor has entered into an authorized contract with another entity to provide the ordered services. What must now be done with those obligated funds?
De-obligate (page 64)
- What is the term used for shifting funds between appropriations?
Transfer action (page 69)
- What is the long-term financial goal of a working capital fund?
To break even (page 72)
- A working capital fund has an officer (O-4) properly assigned to the organization and that officer is doing the work that would normally be performed by a GS-13. For managerial cost accounting purposes, is the “cost” of that officer’s pay and benefits “charged” at the military O-4 rate or the civilian GS-13 rate?
Civilian GS-13 rate (and the proper MILPER account is reimbursed for that account) (page 73)
- Assume your organization overpaid a contractor on a contract awarded with an appropriation that is now in the cancelled status, and the contractor has sent in a check for that overpayment. What can your organization legally do with that refund from the contractor?
Credit the refund to miscellaneous receipts of the U.S. Treasury (page 77)
- Monies not appropriated by Congress that are generated primarily from the sale of goods and services are known as what?
Non-appropriated funds (page 79)
Identify the position title of the individual in the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) who has overall responsibility for the indicated PPBE phase:
Planning: USD (Policy)
Programming: D, Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation (D,CAPE)
Budgeting: USD Comptroller
Assuming today is 2 April 2018, which fiscal year of O&M is being executed?
Assuming today is 2 April 2018, which fiscal year of the Presidents Budget is being reviewed by Congress for the purposes of enacting appropriations bills?
Unless otherwise approved by Congress, when did the President submit that fiscal year budget to Congress for the FY2019 Budget?
Not later than the First Monday in February 2018
Assuming today is 2 April 2018, which fiscal year(s) Program Objective Memorandum (POM) is the Service Headquarters starting to prepare?
POM FY 2020-2024
BES FY 2020 (preparing submission for the following year since FY 2019 was submitted in Feb 2018 and most likely in review process by April 2018)
When the Department submits that POM to OSD, which OSD organization will have the lead to review/analyze the submission?
Assuming today is 2 April 2018, which fiscal year(s) Budget Estimate Submission (BES) is the Service Headquarters starting to prepare?
BES FY 2020
When the Department submit that BES to OSD, which OSD organization will have the lead to review/analyze that submission?
USD, Comptroller
Will another high level organization be involved with that review/analysis process? If yes, name the organization.
What is the title of the documentation from OSD that will inform the results of the review/analysis of the POM and BES submitted by all Military Departments?
PDM (Program Decision Memorandum) and Program Budget Decision (PBD)
This high level meeting has two common names. What is one of the two names by which this high level meeting is known?
OSD/OMB Budget Hearing or Fall Review
For program AAA, the OSD budget analysis asked about the program’s request for O&M funds. What funding policy was used to prepare that budget request?
Annual Funding Policy
For program BBB, the OSD budget analyst asked about the program’s request for RDT&E funds. What funding policy was used to prepare that budget request?
Incremental funding policy
For program CCC, the OSD budget analyst asked about the program’s request for procurement funds. The analyst noted the first year for which a production contract is planned is FY 2020 but some procurement funds are requested for FY 2019. What is the basis for that FY 2019 budget request when the first production contract will not be awarded until FY 2020?
Apparently the program office has asked for “Advance Procurement” funds for long lead items (e.g., engines) needed for the program being procured. This is an exception to the Full Funding Policy that normally applies to a procurement appropriation.
At the conclusion of the meeting, the OSD budget analyst thanked you for answering her questions. She stated she would prepare a document with her recommendations about your budget request and would provide the documentation through USD (Comptroller) to the SECDEF for a final decision. When signed, what is the name of that document?
Program Budget Decision (PBD)