Module 2 Flashcards
-Modern society is made up of interdependent parts that carry out specific functions and contribute to social order and stability
~Society is seen as a living organism
~Emphasizes the importance of consensus and social solidarity
~Conflict is seen as rare and abnormal
Manifest function
Latent functions
Critique of functionalism
-Has trouble explaining inequality and unequal power relations. Everyone does not have equal functions
Underlying assumption
-If it exist and persists, it must serve a function
Conflict Theory
-Conflict is a normal feature of society, stemming from competition over scarce resources
Underlying assumptions
-Unequal power relations and scarce resources exist between different actors and groups
-The ability of a person/group to get their interest met even in the face of resistance
-Shard ideas of beliefs that serve to justify the interests of dominant groups
Critique of Conflict theory
-It has trouble explaining stability and consensus
Symbolic Interactionism
-Exchanges of information through symbols during social interactions
~People acquire a sense of who they are through interactions with others
~Symbols are the basis of social life
*Interactions with others teach individuals how to act, what to say, and what to think
-Focus on minor level obscures larger structural dynamics
-Symbolic interactionism is microsociology because of its study of face-to-face interactions
~Unit of analysis: individuals and social setting
-Functionalism and Conflict theory are macrosociology
~Unit of analysis: societies, countries, social institutions, and the like
Social construction of reality
-Is not saying that things in our social world are not real. They are! However, the idea highlights how they are constructs that we often take for granted
The Social Construction of Reality
-Theory assumes that understanding, significance, and meaning are created not within the individual, but in coordination with other human beings
~Human beings rationalize their experiences by creating a model of the social world and how it works
~Language is an essential system to help us establish that reality
~What we believe is real is shaped by our social interactions and our life experiences with other people
Social institution
-An organizational system that functions to satisfy basic social needs
~Each institution addresses specific needs of a society by imposing specific roles for actors operating within them
~Are critical mechanism that produce ‘social cohesion’
Social status
-A socially defined position a person occupies a group or society
~Ascribed status
~Achieved status
~Master status
Ascribed Status
-This is something that one is born into or naturally happens
Achieved status
-You voluntary seeks, sought out, or prosued something
Master status
-A status that dominates all others and reflects a person’s overall position in society
~The most important status taking precedence over all others
~It is of great importance to one’s social identity
-Are a set expectations (rights, obligations, behaviors and duties) that people occupying a certain status or social position are expected to preform
~A person occupies a status but plays a role
Role conflict
-An incompatibility of role corresponding to two or more statuses
Role Strain
-an incompatibility of roles corresponding to a single status