Module 2 Flashcards
Mark Pope, Cherokee Nation and Past-President of the American Counseling Association, noted all EXCEPT which of the following?
Counselors are now being trained fully to meet multicultural competencies.
We are all committed to the dignity and value of each individual.
Each of us is a multicultural being.
We need to address our own issues of prejudice.
Counselors are now being trained fully to meet multicultural competencies.
Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding the power relationship between client and counselor?
Human services professionals are aware that in their relationship with clients, power and status are equal.
Power aspects of dual or multiple relationships may impair professional judgment.
The very act of helping has power implications.
Awareness of and openness to talking about power issues is an appropriate way to improve client relations.
Human services professionals are aware that in their relationship with clients, power and status are equal.
In cross-cultural counseling, try another helping lead with the client when:
the first lead proves ineffective in producing the expected client response.
the client is slow to respond.
the client presents multiple topics of concern.
the original client issue has been resolved
the first lead proves ineffective in producing the expected client response.
Awareness, knowledge, skills, and action are:
essential to master counseling skills.
key components of Ivey, Ivey, and Zalaquett’s teaching model.
critical to work effectively with clients different from you.
all of the above
all of the above
Which of the following is an ethical imperative to accomplish when you are a trainee meeting with a new client for the first time?
Prepare for the session carefully and go over your plan with the supervisor.
Review ethical standards and agency policy.
Inform your client that you are in training and give the client the supervisor’s name.
Work with the policy of your agency on this issue and only inform the client if that is their policy.
Inform your client that you are in training and give the client the supervisor’s name.
Informed consent means:
informing your clients about your training and background and possible dual relationships.
going over the purposes, goals, limitations, and possible benefits of counseling.
obtaining permission to audiotape an interview.
all of the above
all of the above
The wellness model refers to self-in-relationship, the person-in-community, and individual-in-social context. Which of the following is also true of the wellness model?
Self is divisible; clients may work on issues independent of other issues.
Individuals have no impact on their surrounding context.
Any change in any part of self affects the total individual, but not others.
Any change in any part of self affects the total individual and others as well.
Any change in any part of self affects the total individual and others as well.
Which of the following comes to mind in the case of Kendra? Confidentiality Counselor’s competence Diversity All of the above
all of the above
Which one of the following wellness dimensions or elements are you trying to assess when you ask, “Can you understand and support another’s emotional experience and become attuned to the way this person experiences the world?”
The creative self
The physical self
The essential self
The coping self
the creative self
Which of the following statement is FALSE?
Fear enables us to swerve to avoid an accident.
Fear enables us to duck when a baseball heads toward our head.
Fear enables us to jump when we score a point.
Fear enables us to run when we see danger.
Fear enables us to jump when we score a point.
Which of the following wellness dimensions or elements are you trying to assess when you ask, "What strengths do you draw from as a female or male?" The coping self The social self The essential self The creative self
the essential self
Which of the following is NOT a dimension of the wellness assessment? Spirituality Gender identity Social class identity Cultural identity
social class identity
“If I should move, I can be pretty sure that I can rent or purchase housing in an area that I can afford and in which I want to live.” This is an example of:
White privilege.
heterosexual privilege.
male privilege.
Christian privilege.
white privilege
Which of the following are legitimate ethical codes?
American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT) Code of Ethics
American Psychological Association (APA) Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct
American Counseling Association (ACA) Code of Ethics
All of the above
all of the above
Which one of the following statements is NOT true of multicultural competence?
Every skill, strategy, and helping theory is examined for its cultural appropriateness.
Interviewers learn their own limitations in cultural expertise and seek supervision as necessary.
Helping professionals specialize and become proficient in single culture counseling and therapy.
Helping professionals make a lifelong commitment to learning the multicultural base of practice.
Helping professionals specialize and become proficient in single culture counseling and therapy.
What are the dimensions of the Essential Self?
spirituality, gender identity, cultural identity, self-care
What are the dimensions of the Social Self?
Friendship; love
What are the dimensions of The Coping Self?
Leisure; stress management; self-worth; realistic beliefs
What are the dimensions of the Creative Self?
Thinking; emotions; control; work; positive humor
What are the dimensions of The Physical Self?
Nutrition; exercise
In the intentional wellness plan, what is the purpose of step 1, Summarizing wellness strengths?
To assist the client to move effectively in areas where change and further work will be useful
In the intentional wellness plan, what is the purpose of step 2, an honest appraisal of area for improvement?
Select one or two items from the wellness assessment and negotiate a contract for action
Which will you NOT practice?
a. within the bounds of your competence
b. seek supervision when necessary & refer appropriately
c. support the client with a solid relationship as much as you can
d. Limit gaining ethical knowledge and competence throughout your career
Limit gaining ethical knowledge and competence throughout your career - You will CONTINUE TO GAIN ethical knowledge…
You don’t need to gain consent when role-playing. True or False
False. You should gain consent for both role-playing situations and real clients
You should tell clients all of the following, EXCEPT:
a. the goals of counseling
b. procedures of counseling
c. benefits and risks of counseling
d. your power in counseling
Your power in counseling. It should be an equal playing field
Client confidence should always be between you and the client. True or false.
False. There are some instances (child abuse, drugs, etc.) that coaches are legally supposed to report according to state and federal laws.
A counselor should actively seek to enhance and protect the rights of their client. True or false?
What are the three main groups who have more privileges and entitlements than others?
white, male, and middle class
Understanding the brain and its relationship to the helping process is essential to your current and future work. True or False?
True. neuroscience brings counseling and therapy together with neurology and medicine in a new approach to mental and physical health. counseling can change the brain in both positive and negative ways.
What two factors provide an effective framework for strength-based counseling?
Positive psychology and a wellness approach
What is the TAP axis of the brain?
The thalamus, anterior cingulate cortex, and prefrontal cortex are known as the brain’s CEO. It controls our decision making.
What does the Limbic system’s HPA axis contain and do for the body?
the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and adrenal glands; controls our reactions to stress and many body processes such as mood, sexuality, immune system, and energy storage.
Which area of the brain is more important to strengthen during counseling sessions and why, TAP axis or HPA axis?
The TAP axis; through therapeutic an wellness strategies, you can help explore client feelings and emotions, using positives to overcome the negative effects of stressors; it helps put their thinking in charge over their emotions
Who created the wellness model (i.e. the indivisible self)?
Sweeney and Myers
How many dimensions of wellness are in the wellness assessment by Sweeney and Myers?
What is the ACA’s definition of confidentiality?
Recognizing that trust in the cornerstone of the counseling relationship; counselors must aspire to earn trust of clients by creating an ongoing partnership, establishing and upholding appropriate boundaries, and maintaining confidentiality; must communicate the parameters of confidentiality in a culturally competent manner
What does HIPAA stand for?
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996
What does HIPAA provide?
It requires the protection and confidential handling of protect health info
What does HIPAA include?
a. who is covered by the privacy rule
b. protected health information
c. de-identified health information
d. all of the above
all of the above
What is informed consent?
Informing clients of the purposes, goals, techniques, procedures, limitations, potential risks, and benefits of services performed, and other such pertinent info; Also includes fees and payment arrangements, implications of diagnosis, record keeping, and limits of confidentiality
What is worldview?
the way you and your client interpret humanity and the world
What are micro aggressions?
large and small insults and slights resulting in many physical and mental health problems (high blood pressure and African Americans)