_____ is the study of the role of society in shaping behavior.
It focuses on how different aspects of society contribute to an individual’s relationship with his world.
It tends to look outward (social institutions, cultural norms, interactions with others) to understand human behavior.
The _________ holds that the self is a relatively stable set of perceptions of who we are or our identity in relation to ourselves, others, and the social world.
classical sociological perspective of the self
According to Sociology, self is a _______ since we are shaped thru our interaction with other people.
social construct
___________ is the process of learning one’s culture and how to live within it. It is the process whereby an individual learns to adjust to a group and behave in a way that is approved by the group.
Examples of Agents of Socioalization
Peers and Friends
Work colleagues
Social institutions
Socialization is believed to be a ______, and it begins in our families.
life-long process
This is the source of your primary socialization.
(It is your first experiences with language, beliefs and values, behaviors, and norms of your society.)
These is the source of your secondary socialization.
Happens as you grow older
(School and Peer group)
a place where children starts to socialize outside their home
one of the most influential agents on the development of the self during school-age.
Peer group
the thing that we engage with are a part of our socialization.
The Media
Other agents of socialization
clubs and teams, religious groups, workplaces, political groups, and ethnic or cultural backgrounds
He asserted that people’s self-understanding is constructed, in part, by their perception of how others view them—a process termed “the looking glass self.”
Charles Horton Cooley
(Cooley) You figure out what you look like by looking in a _______. However, you figure out who you are through social interactions.
The theory process Charles Horton Cooley created.
The Looking-Glass Self Theory
The ______ is your mirror.
people you interact with
The Looking-Glass Theory Process
- We imagine how we appear to others
- We imagine the judgments of that appearance
- We develop ourselves identity through the judgments of others
It is based on the perspective that the self emerges from social interactions, such as observing and interacting with others, responding about others’ opinions about oneself, and internalizing them together with one’s feelings about oneself.
The Theory of the Social Self
Who created the Theory of the Social Self
George Herbert Mead
For Mead, our self is not there at ______, but it is developed over time from social experiences and activities.
Mead believed that as we grow up, our beliefs about how other people perceive us start to become more important. And Mead thought that this happens through three different stages:
The Preparatory Stage
The Play Stage
The Game Stage
The stage where the children interact with others through imitation.
The Preparatory Stage
The stage where the children start to become more aware of the importance of social relationships.
The Play Stage
The stage where the children’s understanding of social interactions become even more developed.
The Game Stage
Mead refers this as the generalized other.
the society as a whole
For Mead, the “me” is our?
social self
(how we believe the generalized other sees us and what we learn through interactions with others.)
For Mead, the “I” is our?
response to the “me”
(our personal responses to what society thinks.)
These are the ways children interpret situations.
“taking on the role of he other”
imitation (gestures, words)
play (specific roles)
games (multiple roles)
generalized other (role of the group)
According to Erving Goffman, people routinely behave like ______
actors on a stage
(Goffman) Everyday social life become _____
Focuses on how individuals take on roles and act them out to present a favorable impression to their “audience”
He said that we display a series of masks to others in acting roles.
Erving Goffman
The Self is a Social Construction Dependent of the Situation
Erving Goffman