module 14 Flashcards
Coevolutionary arms race
a struggle between competing sets of co-evolving genes, traits, or species, that develop adaptations and counter-adaptations against each other, resembling an arms race. These are often described as examples of positive feedback.
antagonistic pleiotropy hypothesis
when one gene controls for more than one trait, where at least one of these traits is beneficial to the organism’s fitness and at least one is detrimental to the organism’s fitness. The theme of G.C.
mutation accumulation hypothesis
theory is based on Medawar’s Hypothesis, which suggests that the evolutionary effect of adverse events declines following the age at which an organism is initially capable of reproduction
disposable soma hypothesis
The theory states that this compromise causes the body to reallocate energy to the repair function that causes the body to gradually deteriorate with age. A caveat to this theory suggests that this reallocation of energy is based on time instead of limiting resources.
extrinsic mortality
is assumed to be a result of environmental hazards and be constant over age.
death by aging
Death by aging can remove individuals from the population that have acquired lots of heritable mutations and liberate precious resources for younger
more fecund individuals with relatively few heritable mutations
Mutations that confer benefits early in life but problematic later in life are masked from negative selection
Natural selection lacks foresight; Unpleasant defenses like inflammation are in many cases beneficial adaptations;
Technological and cultural advancements can outpace the physiological and behavioral adaptations