Module 10: Infection and Immunity Flashcards
- Small living forms
- Include bacteria, fungi, protozoa and viruses
Nonpathogenic Microorganisms
- Usually do not cause disease unless conditions change
- Part of normal flora
- Often beneficial
Pathogenic Microorganisims
-Disease-causing microbes
Characteristics of Bacteria
- Unicellular (single cell)
- Do not require living tissue to survive
- Divide by binary fission
- No nuclear membrane
- Vary in shape and size
Major Groups of Bacteria (3)
- Bacilli (rod-shaped)
- Spirochetes (Spiral forms)
- Cocci (Spherical forms)
A very small obligate intracellular parasite that requires a living host cell for replication
- Tend to mutate during replication
- Can be difficult to control due to their unique characteristics
Active Viral Infection
- Attaches to host cell
- Viral genetic material enters the cell
- Viral DNA or RNA takes control of cell
- Uses host’s cell to synthesize viral proteins and nucleic acids
- New viruses are assembled in cytoplasm
Latent Viral Infection
- Virus enters cell
- Viral proteins are produced and intserted into membrane of host cell
- May reproduce actively if immune system is depressed
Areas of body with resident flora
- Skin
- Nasal cavity
- Mouth
- Colon
- Rectum
- Vagina
- Distal urethra and perineum
Nonsocomial Infections
Infections that occur in healthcare facilities (Ex. UTI, MRSA)
Local signs of infection
- Swelling
- Erythema (redness)
- Pain and tenderness
- Lymphadenopathy (abnormal size of lymph notes)
- Purulent exudate
Systemic signs of infection
- Fever
- Leukocytosis (High WBC count)
- Elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate
- Fatigue
- Weakness
- Anorexia
- Headache
- Arthralgia (joint pain)
Diagnostic Tests for Infection
- Culture and Sensitivity
- Blood tests (WBC, C-Reactive protein, ESR)
- Immunological testing of body fluids
Treatment for Infection
- Antimicrobial drug therapy (Anti-fungal, Anti-viral, Anti-bacterial, Anti-protozoa)
- Antibiotics
What is the immune system?
Body’s defense system against disease
What is non-specific defence?
- Body’s automatic defense
- Inflammation
- Phagocytosis
What is specific defense?
Antibodies are produced to fight an infection
Anatomy of the Immune System
- Lymph nodes
- Thymus
- Lymph fluid
- Tonsils
- Spleen
- Immune cells: lymphocyte (Cells which fight infection), macrophages (monocytes, engulf foreign material)
- Histamine