Module 1 Water Temp nd Heat Flashcards
What does acidic and alkaline water do to pipes?
Acidic is soft water and damages pipes and alkaline is hard water and can clog pipes
What are the properties of water?
Odourless/ tasteless/ transparent/ freezes at 0’c/ boils at 100’c/ universal solvent/ necessary for all life/ ph of 7/ only 3% of worlds water is fresh/ occurs in 3 states at ordinary temp gas liquid and solid
Talk about the ph scale
It goes from 0-14 / 7 is neutral less is acidic and more is alkaline/
Composition of water explain?
Water is made of 2part hydrogen to 1 part oxygen
Water has weight explain?
At 4’c eAch litre of water weighs 1kg and it expands above or below that temp
What is the classification of water?and explain
Hard and soft,,, hard when in contact with calcium and magnesium salts usually rocks SOFT is caused when falling through the air ith impurities picked up such as sulphur
What is desalinisation?
It is the removal of salt from seawater
Water is incompressible but fresh water does contain microscopic air bubbles which can allow for very minimal compression in certain conditions
Heating fresh water or reducing its pressure allows these microscopic air bubbles to expand and join together to form larger bubbles of air
At 1lt water will take up different volumes at different temperatures name them?
ICE has 10% immediate expansion WATER has 4% expansion from 4’c - 100’c STEAM(gas) has some 1600lt times
Specific gravity and relative density define it for water?
Pure water is the standard substance to which the weight & volume of all substances are compared
What are the chemical symbol for - water / lead/ copper / cast iron?
Water h2o - lead pb- copper cu - cast iron fe
What is the melting point of copper and steel ?
Copper 1080’c. Steel 1926’c
Specific gravity it can also be defined as??
The weight of a given volume of any substance in comparison to the same volume of water at 4 degrees Celsius
Lead 11.3 is 4 times heavier than aluminium 2.7 and cork 0.15 is 10 times heavier than polystyrene @ 0.015
Define temperature ?
Temperature is measure of heat energy and dictates the rate of heat “flow “ to a cooler object
What are the scales temperature are measured on?
The Celsius the Fahrenheit and the kelvin
How do u convert to the Kelvin scale?
C’ to k’ add 273 K’ to c’ add - 273
Heat transfer CONDUCTION explain?
Is the transfer of heat through or along a solid without the particles actually moving ( gold silver copper aluminium brass and bronze) are good conductors of heat
Convection explain???
Is the transfer of heat through the air or a liquid cause when the molecule rise upwards after heating because they become lighter ( radiators)
Radiation explain??
Is the transfer of heat to a solid objects in straight lines without heating the air ( the sun or hot fire)