Module 1 - Social Psych Flashcards
Internal attribution
the behavior is due to something about the person
External attribution
the behavior is due to factors outside of the person’s control
How are attributions formed? (3)
consensus - would others act this way
consistency - does this person always do it
distinctiveness - does the person behave like this in other situations
What are the sources of attributional bias? (2)
fundamental attribution error
actor-observer effect
Fundamental attribution error
tendency to make internal attributions for other people’s behavior
Actor-observer effect
kinder to ourselves than others
When does attitude predict behavior? (4)
strong attitude strength
direct experience origin
attitude specificity
situational norms
What is cognitive dissonance?
thoughts that are inconsistent, motivates people to reduce dissonance by rationalizing or justifying behavior
Self-perception theory
don’t necessarily always experience CD
presume behavior reflects attitude (especially minor things and people who are not self-aware)
What are we more likely to be persuaded by? (5)
high credibility trustworthiness similarity likeability fear
What are 3 methods of persuasion?
foot in the door
door in the face
mental frameworks that allow us to organize large amount of information
schema about what a person is like based on their membership of a group
negative attitude towards people based on their membership of a particular group
In-group and out-group
do belong
don’t belong
Implicit beliefs/stereotypes
not knowing you feel that way
Prosocial behavior
contributes positively to people or society
Bystander effect
not responding to emergencies due to a diffusion of responsibility, audience inhibition and social influence
Who are we more likely to respond to? (3)
sexual attraction
Why do friendships form? (4)
repeated exposure
reciprocity principle (like those who like us)
Primacy effect
tendency to attach more importance to initial information about person
Self-fulfilling prophecy
people’s expectations lead them to act towards others in a certain way to bring about expected behavior, confirming original impression
Theory of planned behavior
intention to engage in a behavior is strongest when we have a positive attitude, subjective norms support it and we believe it is under our control
Counterattitudinal behavior
behavior inconsistent with attitude, produces cognitive dissonance
Self-perception behavior
we make perceptions of our own behavior by observation
Central route to persuasion
occurs when people think carefully about the information
Peripheral route to persuasion
occurs when people are more influenced by other factors relating to the message
Informational social influence
following behaviors of others because we believe they have accurate knowledge
Normative social influence
conforming to obtain rewards associated with being accepted by others
Two factors that influence conformity
group size
presence of a dissenter
4 factors affecting obedience
remoteness of victim
closeness and legitimacy of authority figure
diffusion of responsibility
personal characteristics
Norm of reciprocity
expectation that others treat us well when we treat them well
Social compensation
working harder in a group to compensate for other members’ lower inputs
Group polarisation
when a group of like-minded people discuss an issue, the ‘average’ opinion of group becomes more extreme
tendency of group to suspend critical thinking because striving for agreement
What heightens groupthink? (4)
high stress
insulated from outside input
directive leader
high cohesiveness
loss of individuality = disinhibited behavior
process of releasing and providing relief from strong or repressed emotions
What is the ‘ultimate’ form of love?
consummate love