Module 1 Screenings Flashcards
All newborns should receive initial hearing screening before being discharged from hospital
Newborn: bilirubin
All newborns should be screened for hyperbilirubinemia before nursery discharge or at the first newborn visit if the baby is born at home or at a birth facility
Newborn: blood
Conduct screening as required by state-specific newborn screening requirements
-know the conditions that are screened for in your state
Newborn: critical congenital heart disease
All newborns should be screened for critical congenital heart disease using pulse oximetry before nursery discharge or at the first newborn visit if the baby is born at home or at a birth facility
Selective screening
Blood pressure
Selective screening: blood pressure
Children with specific risk conditions
-if risk assessment is positive, measure BP
Selective screening: vision
+ on risk screening questions; ophthalmology referral
Universal screening: depression (maternal)
maternal depression screen
Universal screening: hearing
if not yet done, hearing screen test should be completed
Universal screening: newborn - blood
Verify documentation of newborn blood screening results, and that any positive results have been acted upon with appropriate rescreening, needed follow-up, and referral
Selective screening: tuberculosis
+ on risk screening questions
-Action: TB skin test