Module 1: Physical Development Flashcards
What can teachers learn when they understand students physical, cognitive, social-emotional, and linguistic development?
Which teaching practices are most likely to engage students
What are Maslow’s Expanded Hierarch of Needs from Growth to Deficiency Needs?
Transcendence, Self Actualization, Aesthetic, Cognitive, Esteem, Love and Belonging, Safety, Physiological
Maslow’s Expanded Hierarchy of Needs: Transcendence
involve meeting spiritual needs or helping others achieve self actualization (Growth Need)
Maslow’s Expanded Hierarchy of Needs: Self Actualization
involve personal growth and fulfillment and the realization of one’s personal potential as a human being or, as Maslow put it, a desire “to become everything one is capable of becoming” (Growth Need)
Maslow’s Expanded Hierarchy of Needs: Aesthetic
focus on the search for the expression of beauty and balance, which can be found in nature or artistic pursuits such as painting, architecture, and music (Growth Need)
Maslow’s Expanded Hierarchy of Needs: Cognitive
involve curiosity, knowledge and intellectual exploration (Growth Need)
Maslow’s Expanded Hierarchy of Needs: Esteem
include self-respect, respect from others, achievement, independence, status, and prestige (Deficiency Need)
Maslow’s Expanded Hierarchy of Needs: Love and Belonging
involve interpersonal relationships, friendships, intimacy, trust, romance and love, and being part of a group (Deficiency Need)
Maslow’s Expanded Hierarchy of Needs: Safety
include protection from the elements, financial and physical security, law and order, and freedom from fear (Deficiency Need)
Maslow’s Expanded Hierarchy of Needs: Physiological
biological requirements for survival, such as food, water, shelter, and clothing (Deficiency Need)
True or False
Physiological needs are the first needs that must be met in Maslow’s hierarchy.
Lucas is a fourth-grade student who has read almost every book in the classroom library. He asks his teacher if she will bring him some “bigger kid” books to read because he is bored with the material in the classroom. Which need is Lucas trying to satisfy?
True or False
Anika has served on student council for the past two years. Now that she is a senior, she believes that she is more than qualified to serve as student council president, so she decides to run for office.
Anika is attempting to meet a safety need.
The school calls an assembly each quarter to distribute academic achievement awards to students who have maintained a B average or higher for the quarter. Which of Maslow’s Needs are being met?
A teacher provides students with multiple opportunities for cooperative group activities. Which of Maslow’s Needs are being met?
Love and Belonging
A school institutes a rigorous antibullying program. Whick of Maslow’s Needs are being met?
The school cafeteria opens early to provide free and reduced price breakfasts to eligible students. Which of Maslow’s Needs are being met?
Physical Stage of Development: Infancy
Birth-2 yrs. mostly working on gross motor skills
Add dozens of motor skills:
-Babies: holding up their head, rolling over, reach of things, walk.
-2yrs: manipulate small toys, feed themselves, small tower of cubes, jump, throw a ball
Physical Stage of Development: Early Childhood
significant improvement in both gross and fine motor skills
Gross: run, hop, tumble, climb, and swing. start to ‘dribble’ a ball
Fine: sting beads, jigsaw puzzles, scribble and later print and draw rudimentary figures, write their names, dress/undress, eat with utensils
primary school is could be considered in this age range because it involves K-1st grade
Physical Stage of Development: Middle Childhood
gain weight and height slowly but steadily
permanent teeth begin to come in
refinement of motor skills to sew, build models, or do other crafts
by 10, improved writing skills and participate in organized sports as speed and coordination skills advance
Physical Stage of Development: Adolescence
weight and height increase rapidly. puberty begins. increase in hormones may impact behavior
begin to think of themselves as adults and reject adult authority
girls typically begin puberty before boys
by late adolescence:
-boys are typically taller and more muscular than girls of the same age
-girls physical growth slows
-boys may grow into early adulthood
True or False
Arnold Gesell theorized that children develop according to distinct developmental stages.
Arnold Gesell’s maturational–developmental theory of child development postulated that children develop according to distinct developmental stages.
Which two activities should an 18-month-old be able to perform?
A) Jumping from one foot to the other
B) Stacking blocks
C) Using fingers to eat crackers
D) Eating soup with a spoon
B & C
Between 12 and 18 months of age, children typically learn how to feed themselves with their fingers and build a tower of cubes or blocks.
True or False
In middle school classrooms, teachers can use the same activities for all children.
True or False
Ren is three years old. His preschool teacher is worried about him because he cannot print his name yet.
The teacher’s concern is justified.
In a kindergarten classroom, the teacher makes sure to provide the students with snack time midway through the school day.
Which need would this action fulfill according to Maslow?
Match the child with the physical development typical for a child of that age.
Recently developed the ability to roll a ball back and forth with an adult
-18 month old in daycare
-5yr old kindergartner
-9yr old 4th grader
-13yr old 8th grader
18 moth old in daycare
Match the child with the physical development typical for a child of that age.
Recently developed the ability to draw a stick figure family representing himself, his parents, and his sister
-18 month old in daycare
-5yr old kindergartner
-9yr old 4th grader
-13yr old 8th grader
5yr old kindergartner
Match the child with the physical development typical for a child of that age.
Recently developed the ability to shoot baskets consistently on the school playground
-18 month old in daycare
-5yr old kindergartner
-9yr old 4th grader
-13yr old 8th grader
9yr old 4th grader
Match the child with the physical development typical for a child of that age.
Recently began growing facial hair along the upper lip
-18 month old in daycare
-5yr old kindergartner
-9yr old 4th grader
-13yr old 8th grader
13yr old 8th grader
In a 10th-grade science class, the students participated in a round-robin discussion that focused on whether astronauts will successfully land on Mars. During the discussion, the teacher made sure that each student had a chance to participate in the conversation and share their opinion with the group.
Which need would this action fulfill according to Maslow?
Love and Belonging
Which physical activity suggests children are at the early childhood stage of physical development?
A) Children in an art class are drawing self-portraits.
B) Children are playing a game of basketball at recess.
C) Children are walking unsteadily and feeding themselves with finger foods.
D) Children are running and hopping like bunnies at an outdoor egg hunt.
D) Children are running and hopping like bunnies at an outdoor egg hunt
Which developmental group tends to grow an average of 4 inches per year?
A) Early childhood
B) Infancy
C) Middle childhood
D) Adolescence
D) Adolescence
During a teacher meeting, a teacher was discussing the gains students had made this year in their handwriting.
Which stage of physical development are the students in?
Middle Childhood
In a class, a teacher makes sure to provide students with a diverse set of play stations. These stations include puzzles, blocks, hula-hoops, and crafts, which all help build students’ fine motor skills.
Which stage of physical development are the students at?
Early Childhood
Which stage of physical development involves boys being typically taller and more muscular than girls of the same age?
Late Adolescence
Fifth-grade language arts students created posters for a book they had read in class. After the posters were finished, the teacher hung the posters on the wall for all the class to see.
Which need would hanging the posters on the wall fulfill?
Which stage of physical development is a fourth-grade student who loves to play soccer?
Middle Childhood
A student was happy to see a big letter “A” on the latest math test but admits to being a little bored with this easy math stuff.
Which need would Maslow say the student is likely deficient in?
Which object would help a child work on their fine motor skills?
A) Jump rope
B) Swing set
C) Soccer ball
D) Scissors
D) Scissors
Which stage of physical development would a child be at if they are learning to sew and are becoming quite good?
Middle Childhood
A teacher makes sure to say something positive to each student after they give their speech in class.
Which need is the teacher trying to meet?
Which stage of physical development is a child in who has just learned to print their name?
Early Childhood