Module 1 -part 3: cultural competence in communications Flashcards
Five essential elements of cultural competence that health care providers need (Srivastava, 2007)
- Valuing cultural diversity
- having the capacity for cultural self-assessment
- being conscious of the “dynamics” inherent when cultures interact
- having institutionalized cultural knowledge
- developing adaptions in service delivery that reflect the understanding of cultural diversity
Cultural competence
does not mean knowing everything about every culture or needing to abandon our own cultural identity; rather it means a respect for differences and a willingness to accept the idea that there are many ways of viewing the world
-“Regardless of the specific definition, underpinning the concept of cultural competence is the assumption that competence transforms knowledge and understanding into effective healthcare responses and interventions” p. 16
Srivastavas ABC & (DE) model of cultural competence
- Affective Domain
- Behavioral domain
- Cognitive Domain
- Dynamics of Difference
- Equity & Environment
Sirvastavas model of cultural competence Affective Domain
involves Cultural awareness & Cultural sensitivity
-affective domain reflects intentional respect for differences and an openness to learning and understanding difference
-requires commitment to learn about and from those who are different in their cultural awareness and sensitivity include:
Critical self-reflection
Cultural Awareness
- self- examination
- reflection and exploration of one owns cultural and professional background and belief systems
- recognizing ones own biases. prejudices, and assumptions about those who are different
- if not aware of our beliefs and assumptions easier to impose own beliefs, values expectations on individuals of other cultures (MINE IS BETTER)
Cultural Sensitivity
-awareness, understanding, attitudes, respect & appreciation for cultural behaviors and based on understanding the other persons experience or perspective
Sirvastavas model of cultural competence behavioral domain
-cultural skill that assist the care provider to learn about client preferences and beliefs, values and health practices to identity how best to develop interventions and goals in line with the clients own beliefs EX
Sirvastavas model of cultural competence Cognitive Domain
need for care based on health providers knowledge srivastavas notes:
3 Components:
-individual and specific knowledge unique to the client( ie. specific needs and beliefs of the client related to health or illness)
- knowledge about the greater culture (ie. general beliefs about health care or wellness eg: maternity Chinese women do not wish to shower during labor for comfort -hot and cold beliefs)
- Knowledge with respect to cultural processes (awareness that non-health care workers may not understand the ‘culture” of the hospital)
Sirvastavas model of cultural competence Dynamics of Difference
- human beings generally respond to the unusual or unfamiliar with anxiety and suspicion, we react automatically and our reaction is based on our cultural assumptions
- thus fear and lack of familiarity are common barriers to culturally sensitive care provision
- health provider acknowledged and understand the impact of systematic oppression, discrimination and racism
- recognize the impact of both marginalization and privlige
Sirvastavas model of cultural competence Equity and Environment
- equity: recognizes those with greater need require different approach to services and level of service provision to obtain the same outcomes as those who are privileged
- this recognizes barriers to real access to services and encourages health provider to focus on context of client’s life not juts the interaction
- Environment: recognized the limitations and facilitators to providing culturally competent care to clients
perspective that beliefs and values of one individuals culture better or “right” compared to those of other cultures (MY CULTURE IS BETTER AND RIGHT AND YOURS IS NOT)
assuming all members of another culture or ethnic group are the same in their preferences and beleifs
unequal access by some groups to resources, status, power due to polices and practices of agencies or organization
Institutional discrimination
strongly held preconceived judgements or opinion about a group of individuals or issue
view of race as a basic determinant of human qualities and abilities and that ethnic differences produce an inherent superiority of one race over another
appreciation and respect for worldview of other culture
an action or a decision that treats a person or a group negatively on the basis of race, age, gender, ethnicity, disability or other group memenbership
Race vs ethnicity vs Culture
Race: biological differnces or similarites
Ethnicity: heritage (past)
Culture: any group of people with common values (now)
______ continues to be a great barrier to improved health that social class, socio-economic status and lifestyle choices
Culture is a term
that applies to any group of people where there are common values and ways of thinking and acting that differ from those of another group
Colonization lead to negative consequences such as
cultural discontinuity
Five essentials of cultural competence
- valuing cultural diversity
- having the capacity for cultural self-assessment
- being conscious of the “dynamics” inherent when cultures interact
- having institutionalized cultural knowledge
- developing adaptations in service delivery that reflect an understanding of cultural diversity
barriers to culturally competent care:
- Racism
- minority
- ethnicity (ethnocentrism)
- Biculutraism
cultural competence continuum from srivastavas
- cultural competence has been described as a continuum that rages from cultural destructiveness to cultural proficiency
- cultural destructiveness, cultural incapacity, cultural blindness, cultural pre-competence, cultural competence, cultural proficiency
cultural competence continuum
- cultural destructiveness: extreme negative, attitudes. practices and organizational polices that focous on superiority of one culture to another ex. residential schools
- cultural incapacity: refers to inability of health care providers and institutions to help clients from different culutres ex. lack of languaage interpertation services may be one example of cultural incapacity
- cultural blindness: exixtence of cultural differnces is deinied in a dire to be unbiased and treat all clients identically ex. giving clients cold water for meds (lots of culltures avoid cold foods when ill)
- cultural precompetence: refers to the recognition of needs based on culture and some movement toward meeting thoose needs ex. engagement with individual and communities to ask what can we do?
- cultural proficiency: practicioners and orginizations in this stage value diversity and seek out the positive role that culture can play in health and health care. look for oppurtunites to create new knowledge and inovative practices to enusre high quality health care for all.