Module 1 Flashcards
“state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing rather than the mere absence of disease or infirmity”
Health acc. to WHO
The science and art of preventing diseases, prolonging life, and promoting health through the organized effort of the society
Public Health
Primary professionals promoting health (2)
Public health specialists or consultants
health status of a defined group of people and governmental actions and conditions to promote, protect and preserve the people’s health (e.g. geriatric, maternity, adolescence, etc. + large demographics)
Public health
T or F
Public health is not unique and has changed over the years due to differing health status and determining situations of health
T or F
Public health aims to destroy the right conditions in order to provide this state of health for the benefit of society
Public health aims to create the right conditions in order to provide this state of health for the benefit of society
T or F
Public health is an organized community effort aimed at the prevention of disease and promotion of health. It links many disciplines and rests upon the scientific core of epidemiology (The Future of Public Health)
monitoring of disease progression
According to whom? and art of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health through organized community efforts for the sanitation of the environment, control of community infections, the education of the individual in principles of personal hygiene, the organization of medical and nursing services for the early diagnosis and preventive treatment of disease, and the development of social machinery which will ensure to every individual in the community a standard of living adequate for the maintenance of health
Definition of Public Health acc. to Charles-Edward Amory Winslow (1920)
According to whom?
…science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health through organized efforts of society
Definition of Public Health acc. to Sir Donald Acheson’s report (1988)
According to whom?
It pays attention to the social context of disease and health, and focuses on improving health through society-wide measures.
Definition of Public Health acc. to Sir Donald Acheson’s report (1988)
Core Areas of Public Health
(3 items)
Core Areas of Public Health
- control of infectious diseases, managing environmental hazards, etc.
Core Areas of Public Health
- promoting health, improving social determinants of health
Core Areas of Public Health
- vaccination and screening
According to whom?
To reduce the amount of disease, premature death, and disease produced discomfort and disability in the population
Main Goals of Public Health acc. to John Last
*The health status of a defined group of people and the actions ivaand conditions, both private and public, to promote, protect, and preserve their health
Community Health
What is the main goal of Public Health?
To reduce the amount of disease, premature death, and disease produced discomfort and disability in the population
group of people who have common characteristics (geographically, socio-economically, etc.)
Activities aimed at protecting or improving the health of the
population or community.
Community Health
Individual actions and decision making that affect the health of an individual or their
immediate family.
Personal Health
Factors affecting community health
(4 items)
Physical factors:
. Community organization:
Social/cultural factors:
Individual behaviors:
The health status of people who are not organized and have no identity as a group or locality and the actions and conditions to promote, protect and preserve their health (e.g. The whole Filipino nation)
Population Health
(Acc. to John Last) (6 items)
Develop Policies and Plans
Health Promotion
Disease Prevention
Develop Effective Programs and Facilities
Evaluation of Policies, Strategies, & Facilities
- Develop strategies and interventions to solve the problem and identify health and social actors or agents that can be carried out
Develop Policies and Plans
- Tries to promote the health of the population, educating in health from the different health, education and mass media facilities (e.g. awareness campaign, implementation of preventive measures for smoking)
Health Promotion
- High Risk Approach
- Low Risk
Approach/Population Approach
Attempts to control the factors of the
population as a whole without focusing on a specific collective
- Low Risk
Approach/Population Approach
Aimed at individuals particularly
predisposed to an
illness and an
individual prevention manner is offered to them
- High Risk Approach
T or F
1. Primary prevention - intervention before the disease appears
2. Secondary - already ill, the aim is to mitigate effects
3. Tertiary prevention - prevention intervention in pre-symptomatic phases
1. Primary prevention - intervention before the disease appears
2. Secondary prevention - intervention in pre-symptomatic phases
3. Tertiary prevention - already ill, the aim is to mitigate effects
Mission of Public Health
- The fulfillment of society’s interest in assuring the conditions in which people can be healthy
- Prevent epidemics and injuries, & protect against environmental hazards
- Promote and encourage healthy behaviors and even good mental health
- Respond to disasters and assist communities in recovery.
Vision of Public Health
- Healthy people in healthy communities
Why should you care about public health?
- Duty and obligation to report certain conditions and cooperate with authorities
- Help get individual patient services they need
- Help improve the legal, financial, and social
environment that you work in
- Encompasses both activities undertaken within the formal structure of government and the associated efforts of private and voluntary organizations and individuals (The Future of Public Health).
The Organizational Framework of Public Health
Any loss or abnormality of psychology, physiological, or anatomical structure or function
Any restriction of lack of ability to perform an
activity in the manner or within the range
considered normal as a result of an
Disability (Activity limitation):
Nature and extent of a person’s involvement
in life situations in relation to impairment,
activities, health conditions, and contextual
factors (e.g. participation in community
activities, obtaining a driver’s license, getting
a job). Impact of activity limitations
Handicap (Participation restriction):
located for convenience; may be “walk-in”; may provide variety of
services such as urgent/emergency care; outpatient surgery; general healthcare
Ambulatory Care Centers
Help with diagnosis and treatment; provided for those too ill to be
cared for at home; focused on the acute-care needs of clients
Crisis Intervention Centers
physicals, minor illnesses, minor surgeries, OB/Gyn care, well-child care,
counseling and referrals
Physician Offices
Special services available to terminally ill patients; may include inpatient/home care;
committed to maintaining quality of life and dignity of dying
a person with strong antisocial impulses leads a crusade against vice.
Reaction Formation
- a salesman is angered by his superior but suppresses his anger; later, on return to his
home, he punishes one of his children for misbehavior that would usually be tolerated or ignored.
Displacement -
- a purchaser, having finally decided between two items, expounds upon the advantages
of the one chosen.
two close friends have a violent argument; when they next meet, each act as if the
disagreement had never occurred
- a man, unable to accept that he has competitive or hostile feelings about an
acquaintance, says, “He doesn’t like me”
Fees are flat rate per month; Primary health
providers are often employed and receive a set salary; may/may not have choice of providers;
incentive for preventive medicine, emphasizes client wellness
HMO’s or Health Management Organization
Insurance companies that have negotiated a contract with a group of
healthcare providers to provide services at a lower fee in return for prompt payment and guaranteed
volume of clients
PPO’s or Preferred Providers
Healthcare providers outside the group, client would
agree to pay additional out-of-pocket expenses; arrangement made with a single provider instead of a
PPA’s or Preferred Provider Arrangement
Federally funded program for persons of LES (elderly women and children)
Majority of these are private, profit-making; manage to provide a profit as
well as services to policyholders; based on shared risk; limits on coverage; have influence and power
by limiting healthcare decisions between provider and client; involved in standards of care
Insurance Companies
Insurance program for persons over 65, healthcare costs have been larger than
anticipated, hx abuse and fraud
this type of stress refers to the ability to convert a particular stressor to energize or motivate
This behavior involves retreating to earlier more immature patterns of functioning
This patient behavior is noted as being oblivious to his/her surroundings
“An act providing for a local government code of 1991”
RA. 7160 Devolution
The Universally Accessible Cheaper & Quality Medicines Act of 2008 “Cheaper Medicines Act”
RA 9502
Rural Health Act
RA 1082
The combination of MHC, satellite barrio
health (BHS) which is the basis for the implementation of the system
Restructured Health Care Delivery System (RHCDS)
The Generics Act of 1988
RA 6675
National Health Insurance Act (Phil Health)
RA 7875
Any loss or abnormality of psychological, physiological, or anatomical structure or
function (NAGI MODEL)
This is the initial stage of emotional reaction to trauma and disability that leads to
physiologic prioritization of needs
Used as a defense mechanism to alleviate the anxiety and pain associated with a disability or illness
Used as a defense mechanism to alleviate the anxiety and pain associated with a disability or illness
ICF component leading to 1st degree impact of injury that leads to
deviation to norm of function
weight control
Primary Prevention
This type of health care helps with rehabilitation and health restoration and
palliative care; also helps with the process of restoring to optimum level of wellness or to highest
level of health that one is capable of
Tertiary Prevention
This type of health care helps with health promotion and illness prevention; it
can be directed at an individual or a community
Primary Prevention
Primary Prevention -
This type of health care helps with diagnosis and treatment; it is
traditionally the largest segment service in the healthcare system
Secondary Prevention